“We’re all Fate’s bitch. You might as well go ahead and bend over for Destiny now.”

Feb 06, 2005 17:48

(From magi_47)
If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, you must post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened. Then post this to your journal to see what people remember about you.

Come on. You know you love nostalgia as much as I do. ;)

Anyway, being sick sucks. I thought I’d missed the sick bandwagon, but no, my body was just reacting late. Spent Friday evening and most of Saturday trying to sleep it off, and I’m feeling eons better now than I did on Friday when I could barely walk to class, so I guess it worked. Good part about being sick? It gave me an excuse to bum around and re-watch my favorite Wonderfalls episodes. Speaking of which:

Curse the FOX Exec Monkeys for canceling Wonderfalls! There are not enough words to describe how great this show was. It was quirky, amazingly snarky, original, and so well-written. I guess I can see why it was taken off the air because some of humor may be acquired, and not everyone loves a cynical, snarky main character.

And now we’re moving on the bullet points once again:

• Second best ensemble cast EVAR (next to Alias, of course…but possibly third best if you count Lost, too). It was really fun to watch all of the actors play off each other, and I haven’t seen that much on-screen chemistry since Michael Vartan and Jennifer Garner.
• What a coincidence that the one Russian character’s name is Katya. Must be a common Russian name.
• I want me a Lovesick Ass! It’s so adorable!
• Sadly, it took me until Episode 12 to realize that besides Jaye, the entire Tyler family has rhyming names: Darrin, Karen, Sharon, and Aaron. Shows how observant I am.
• Jaye and Eric will never come close to Syd and Vaughn in terms of “OMFG cuteness,” but they still score pretty high on the Awww Meter especially with all the smiling and glancing and general cuteness.
• When Wonderfalls first aired, S3 Alias was going on. Watching the DVD, I can’t help but remember how I kept mentally comparing the “Lead Male Who The Lead Female Is So Obviously Supposed To Be With Is Married To Some Psychopathic Blonde Bitch” storylines.
• Since Wonderfalls started, I’d been trying to figure out who Tyron Leitso, the actor who plays Eric, reminded me of. My sister finally figured it out for me: Matthew Fox. And no, I don’t know why I’m seeing so many Alias and Lost references in Wonderfalls.
• The best part of the show: the closure at the end. It would’ve killed me if the last moment of the show was a cliffhanger designed to pull the viewer into the next season that will never happen. And for the record, yes, I nearly cried several times during the last episode. It’s not because I was sad the show was ending-although I am sad that’s all the Wonderfalls we’ll ever get-but I won’t say why I almost cried as to not spoil anyone who hasn’t seen it yet. In all, I was happy with the ending. It was open-ended enough to give the viewer hope that somewhere out there in TV land, the characters were still going on with their lives and that they would be okay but final enough to be happy with where they left it.

In retrospect, I really wish I hadn’t read those scripts beforehand so that I would be surprised about what was going to happen. I found myself wanting to rush through the episodes because I really wanted to see the finale, which was the one script I didn’t read. In any case, it was well worth the wait. It’s a shame that this show won’t continue.

So to anyone who hasn’t seen the show yet, appreciates excellent and quirky writing, and feels like sparing a few hours, I highly suggest either renting or buying the DVD set. [/show pimping]

And even though I care so little about sports in general that I don’t know who’s playing, hope everyone enjoys the Super Bowl! I won’t ‘cause humcore and chem are being mean to me.

P.S. I have to admit that xchatnoirx and chshalogrl are slowly breaking down my resolve to never post fic. I’m now pretty sure that I’ll fully embarrass myself by posting a one-parter in my LJ by next weekend or maybe earlier depending on how fast I can find someone to give it a quick once-over. Damn this peer pressure! =P

meme, wonderfalls

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