
Feb 02, 2005 20:20

This is me taking a break from marathon Wonderfalls viewing (more squeeing/reaction about that in my next entry), Burmese Days, and feeling crappy from this cold virus I caught from someone to write the first entry of mine that requires less babbling from me and more participation from you-yeah, you! =D

This first one is gacked from littlehands because I am such a music freeloader:
Flist Mix CD Meme
1) Pick a song that you love that you want me to forever associate with you.
2) Comment and tell me what song that is.
3) If I respond and don't have the song, send it to me (via IM, email, ysi, whatever) so I can sample some of your favorite artists!
4) Post this in your journal so you can make a mix that reminds you of the people that you love/like the most in the entire world.

And this one is from chshalogrl:
* Comment here with 5 questions, which I will answer either in comments or in my journal.
* Let me know if you want me to ask you 5 questions, and I'll comment back to you with them.

Wow. Two semi-short entries from me in a row. That must be a sign of the upcoming apocalypse or something. *shrugs* Whatever. Anyway, I’m off to distract myself from the lack of Alias with more Wonderfalls. Five more episodes to go! Good night, everyone!


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