I wonder, wonder why the wonder falls…

Feb 01, 2005 18:26

Yeah, there are more pressing things for me to write about and better things I could do with my time, but it’s been a long week-even though it’s only Tuesday, but I blame the chem midterm and humcore paper for making the week drag so much-and, damnit, I want a break, so I’ll keep this short and say this: WONDERFALLS ON DVD! SQUEEE! I picked up my copy today when Roomie and I made a Target run. I’m going to ignore the 200 or so pages of Burmese Days I have to read and get started on my Special Feature and episode watching.

Speaking of Roomie, I just had to share this spontaneous one she took with my camera phone last week. Even I thought it was cute, which is saying a lot considering that I usually abhor pictures of myself. (And if you’re wondering which one’s me, the pretty one on the right is Roomie.)

And one more thing stolen from Roomie’s AIM profile:
ju: *stops chewing, opens mouth for roda to see*
ro: “eww. when you get bored, you go down a few years mentally.”

*skips off to enjoy the DVD of one of the bestest shows on TV* =D

ETA: Shh, you didn't hear this from me, but I kinda sorta maybe came up with an idea for an Alias/Wonderfalls crossover fic (that requires no previous familiarity with Wonderfalls, BTW) while I was dying of boredom in humcore lecture today. Not sure if it'll go any further than a rare burst of imagination, but I'll keep you all posted if I end up sitting down and writing it. ;) And I'm whispering this 'cause the RL kids don't know I write fic. *shifty eyes*

roommates, wonderfalls

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