We never grew out of this feeling that we won’t give up

Jan 26, 2005 23:03

Must. Keep. Squees. Under. Control.

Nope. Not working. Time to take the fangirly ravings into the cut:



Sorry. I just had to get that out. I’ll be coherent from now on. I promise. Kinda…sorta…okay, not really…

First of all, thank the good Lord for whoever suggested moving this episode up because I’ve been waiting months for it thanks to spoilers. I was more excited about this episode than I was for the season premiere. I’m just that much of a sucker for Domestic!S/V. Secondly, that was such a S/V-heavy episode that I don’t know what to do with myself. Gotta move on to the bullet points once again.

• Drew Goddard: I didn’t really watch Buffy, but now I kinda wish I did because if this episode is any indication, Drew Goddard rivals J.J. Abrams and Ken Olin in pure awesomeness. I think I owe Drew my first born child or something because not only did he give us my fanfic dream come true of Syd and Vaughn going undercover as a married couple, but he also gave us Shower!Spy!Sex and the best present of all, CONTINUITY (more about that later).
• Kevin Hooks: No, I don’t know who that is, either, but according to TV Tome, he was tonight’s director. I don’t know who he is, but apparently he’s directed Lost, too, so that automatically makes him good in my book.
• Weiss and Nadia: I heart them so. They were only used as plot points in this episode to make Syd and Vaughn realize that they’ve become an old married couple, but I hope to see more of them in the upcoming episodes.
• Liberty Village: Is it me, or does “Diane” look like Patricia Heaton? And the guy who they got to play Tom was very good. He had both the Ward Cleaver and Russian assassin parts down, and he could fight, too (or at least I think it was him doing the fighting; it was hard to tell with our crappy reception). As evil as those Liberty Village people were, kudos to them for showing Sydney and Vaughn the way to the PDA. “What do they expect us to do? Just drop everything and go at it on the floor?” Well, Syd, it wouldn’t have been a bad idea… ;)
• Random Vaughn stuff that doesn’t really belong under any of the other bullets: I know guns are bad and all, but MV assembling a gun? Guh. And when he was fighting in the bedroom at the end and went through the mirror, I literally said out loud, “Oh, crap. We’re going two years in the future now, aren’t we?” And woot to the writers for making Vaughn fight more. And to think that MV didn’t know if they would use his character at all when they were filming the Pilot. Main point: Vaughn? Is hot. That is all.
• The Santa Barbra Speech: Oh, my God. I honestly shed a tear and did that odd semi-hyperventilating thing I do when there’s an overly ‘shippy scene on. Those thirty seconds made all of S3 worth it. Seriously. Especially about kneeling in sawdust in front of the giraffe with the crooked neck. Just…*dies* And Drew Goddard, the new writer for goodness sake, put more continuity in that one bit of dialogue than the veteran writers did all last season. So much awwness! And damn it, they did that thing where Sydney’s about to say something but is interrupted by someone who comes in the room again. Drew was obviously a S2 fan, and that only adds to my newfound love for him.
• Shower!Spy!Sex: Obviously, I was disappointed at the length of it. (And no trips to the gutter, kids. You all know I didn’t use “length” in that way. =P) When they cut from the shower to L.A., I literally threw the SpongeBob I was holding and cursed, “Damnit!” But triple aww for how they were sleeping in bed, so that made up for it.
• Sydney and Vaughn: With all that spy crap, who’d a thunk Syd and Vaughn would be the boring couple? Irony, thy name is the SVR. But how much did my ‘shipper heart skip every time their wedding rings were visible? For the first time, I loved seeing Vaughn’s wedding ring, fakeness be damned. And good Lord, Michael Vartan and Jennifer Garner make a truly beautiful couple. I can’t get over how perfect they looked together. Their chemistry seems to be back in full force after the awkwardness of the first couple of episodes, too, and there are no words to describe the adorableness of their bantering especially when they were being all insecure about being “boring” in Syd’s kitchen and in the bathroom. And the plane scene? “Would you like to have dinner with me in Paris?” “Absolutely.” Then the kissing and the focus on the wedding rings? *sigh, squeak, squibble* Was I the only one who noticed the slight wistfulness on Syd’s face and in her tone of voice when she took off the ring? I could go on and on about this, but I’ll stop before this ends up longer than my humcore paper.
• Jack and Sloane’s “Timetable”: This is the part I was referring to in the beginning when I said I didn’t know what was going on. I guess this is supposed to be our clue that those two are up to something, which I suspected for some time now, but I was hoping for a clearer clue about what exactly they’re talking about. They’re talking about bringing Vaughn in for sure (um, I think), but boo for Marshall calling Sloane and interrupting Jack from saying more!
• Promo/Slight hiatus: Telling us that there’s no Alias next week after showing that promo? Are they trying to kill me?! I know I should be used to having three-week gaps between episodes, and I should be happy we’re getting new episodes at all after that eight-month hiatus, but four weeks straight of episodes has spoiled me. I don’t for a second believe that Sydney will kill Vaughn, but that promo was so confusing in terms of “WTF is going on?!” that these two weeks are going to be looooong.

Overall, if it wasn’t for the S/V-ness, it would be a pretty meh episode to me. The first half hour seemed to drag without much of a purpose other than establishing what Liberty Village is and the weapon Syd and Vaughn needed to steal. The action sequences were okay if not a little gratuitous in the “Ooh, isn’t shooting people and blowing stuff up fun?!” department, but they were entertaining for a while. I’m not saying that the episode didn’t live up to the hype I let build up in my mind because there was more S/V than I ever thought would happen, but the mission itself seemed like an excuse to pull a slight Desperate Housewives (although I’m not sure if it was anything like DH because I refuse to watch that show).

Also, I’m still having a little trouble accepting the purpose for APO other than “We needed everyone to work together in a S1-type environment with Sloane in charge, and this is what we came up with.” The missions they’re doing now seem no different secrecy-wise than the ones they were performing for the “regular” CIA.

That said, I really enjoyed that episode. It was literally my fanfic dream come true right down to Vaughn revealing something ‘shippy to Sydney through their aliases and Sydney being so touched about it that she’s rendered speechless. And yeah, I’m still in shock over how ‘shippy that episode was. I’m going to avoid any and every episode board because I know for a fact that there will be non-S/V people complaining left and right about how no one cares about the SVR. Whatever.

I think my post-episodec entries are getting longer and longer as the season progresses. Whoops. Anyway, I have paper editing and more electronic chem homework to do. Then there’s that chem midterm on Monday that I should study for and the humcore midterm two weeks from tomorrow that I should start to review for. *sigh* I’ll guess I’ll have to save the flist and fanfic catching up for the weekend. I caught a glimpse of my SD-1 PM box and saw that oldromantic updated Precious, but alas, that will have to wait till this weekend, too. *cries* And now I’m off to do more work before heading to bed early ‘cause I am exhausted. Night night, everyone!

P.S. All that babble up there is dedicated to sleepingawake47. No reason, really. Just ‘cause. That and because I owe her a small fortune for all that she does for me. I heart you, Claire! *hug*

P.P.S. Didn’t think I would have to break the countdown out again, but two weeks is a long time, so here we go: Alias Countdown Update: 14 more days

ETA: I know I said I’d try to keep my nose out of MV and JG’s private lives, that I’ve proclaimed more than once that I hate everything US Weekly stands for, and that IMDB news isn’t a reliable source of information by any means, so I won’t link or anything, but I have to admit that the small bit of news about MV, JG, and Elektra made me the slightest bit more at ease about the on-set Alias relations. [/gossip mongering]

alias (post-episodic), alias

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