We never grew out of this feeling that we won’t give up

Jan 26, 2005 23:03

Must. Keep. Squees. Under. Control.

Nope. Not working. Time to take the fangirly ravings into the cut:

4x05- ‘Welcome to Liberty Village’ )

alias (post-episodic), alias

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Comments 5

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yumytaffy January 27 2005, 10:57:59 UTC
It's interesting you said that... my suitemates thought it was more Stepford Wives... and I was just surprised at how... un-X-files like it was.
Haven't seen Stepford Wives or the X-Files episode everyone keeps refering to, but I was kind of grasping at straws for any wannabe "domestic" TV show or movie. ;)

The second half... I loved it and all... but without the Syd/Vaughn angle... it would have been pretty boring... but then again... I love Op Tech/Marshall stuff.
To be honest (and I hope this doesn't get my Alias Obsesser card revoked), the whole thing would've been pretty boring without the S/V stuff. =X

I hate the tabloids and avoid the supermarket at all costs because of it... but you're making me wonder what you read =P
Ugh. I know what you mean. Now at the supermarket, I either do self-checkout or keep my head down in the check-out lane because I absolutely despise tabloids, but just in case the curiosity gets the best of you, I'll say that the thing I was refering to was at IMDB and leave it at that. *walks away whistling*


actionvaughn January 26 2005, 23:24:32 UTC
I was disappointed at the length of it. (And no trips to the gutter, kids. You all know I didn’t use “length” in that way. =P)

Hee! And diiiirty! You wouldn't believe how much I laughed at this!

I literally threw the SpongeBob I was holding and cursed, “Damnit!” But triple aww for how they were sleeping in bed, so that made up for it.

I was satisfied with the scene in the first place and luffed the sleeping in bed too.. =$ I just quoted this cause it made me remember that we both have Alias cuddle buddies! =P

And yeah, they're are non-SVREs that didn't like episode, but you cant please everyone- it's one of the things that makes me mad when I see someone complaining about S4.. Pswh..

And the article made you more at ease? How is that?


yumytaffy January 27 2005, 11:05:17 UTC
I just quoted this cause it made me remember that we both have Alias cuddle buddies! =P
Yay! I'm not alone in needing to hug something during Alias! =D

And the article made you more at ease? How is that?
It's amazing what a few direct (or at least I hope they're direct) quotes from a certain green-eyed frenchman we all know and love can do to set the record straight. ;)


oldromantic January 27 2005, 10:19:22 UTC
And when he was fighting in the bedroom at the end and went through the mirror, I literally said out loud, “Oh, crap. We’re going two years in the future now, aren’t we?”

Dude! I forgot to mention that in my commentary of the ep!! I totally thought the same thing when I saw that, adding a "Noooooo!!!!" to the beginning of it. :P

And I too noticed the Syd-getting-interrupted-from-saying-something-really-shippy-important!!!
... )


yumytaffy January 27 2005, 11:09:53 UTC
And I too noticed the Syd-getting-interrupted-from-saying-something-really-shippy-important!!!
I honestly thought Sydney was going to say those three special words right there and then, so maybe it's better she was interrupted so that the first time she said "I love you" wouldn't be in a fake American used car dealership. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself to feel better. =/

PS: You may want to wait until I have the next couple of chapters done and posted before you read the update of Precious anyway, because it was really sad. Reading Chs. 6-8 at once will be much easier.
Thanks for the warning. =O But I'll probably crack and read the new chapter anyway 'cause I heart that story even when it's angsty. ;)


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