What will it take to show you that it’s not the life it seems?

Jan 25, 2005 14:12

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITEST SISTER EVAR! Then again, she’s my only sister, but that’s beside the point. The point is that my little girl’s almost all grown up. How in the world did she get to 12-years-old without me noticing? Oh, man. I feel so old now.

How is it only Tuesday?! It’s felt like the longest week ever, and we’re only two days in. *face palm* For the record, this is my obligatory “I know I’ve never not updated for more than six days (and let’s pretend that I didn’t just use a double negative), so this is me letting you all know that, yes, I’m still alive but annoyingly busy” post. I feel so distanced from my flist because I haven’t had time to read my friends page for the past couple of days. Hopefully, I’ll have time to catch up with it this weekend.

For the sake of my sanity-and to give my poor, overworked brain a break from actual thinking [/drama queen]-I shall resort to bullet points to summarize the past week or so:

• Herbert came to visit on Wednesday night. I didn’t mention it in my post-episode entry, but he and Peter IM’ed and talked to me on the phone during the show to try get me to walk across campus alone after 10:00 at night to Middle Earth to see Herbert. Insane, I know. I eventually talked them into coming here instead, and Judy ended up driving them over here. It was good to see Herbert again, though. I’ve missed our tri-weekly conversations. And maybe if he stops being so effing insane over She Whose Name Shall Not Be Mentioned, he’ll find a worthy girl to obsess over. (You hear me, Herbert?! Put away those e-mails and IM logs and calm. The hell. Down.) I think I should make it a point to call him at least once a week to make sure he hasn’t gone and done something insane doesn’t continue to be insane.

• Thao, Claudia, Susan, Allison, and I kidnapped Bagel for her birthday on Thursday. Thao, Claudia, and Susan blindfolded her and took her to my dorm, where we had cake, and just when Bagel thought that a trip to UCI was her birthday surprise, we blindfolded her once again and took her to Boomers! for some go-karting, laser tagging, arcade game playing, and Bumper Boat riding. ‘Twas a lot of fun. What was also fun was learning that Bumper Boats wasn’t just Bumper Cars On Water but rather Bumper Cars With Water Guns On Water. What was even more fun was that we were the only ones in line because Boomers! was pretty empty that day, so the guys who worked there let us on the Bumper Boats for as long as we wanted until we decided we were sufficiently soaked.

• Finally installed iTunes on my computer and discovered that it is quite possibly the best software invention known to music. Seriously.

• Installed Earthlink DSL on my desktop at home, effectively putting my poor dial-up out of its misery. Unfortunately, the DSL doesn’t seem to work, like, ever. Just my luck. If it doesn’t fix itself by the end of this week, I’m going to have to place a very angry phone call to Customer Service about how their servers suck.

• Visited my Ate Cecille at St. Jude’s hospital on Saturday because she gave birth to the new baby in the family: Rebecca. Admittedly, I usually lie to parents and say that their newborn is the cutest thing to ever grace the planet because, really, day-old babies look a little, well…raw. I’m sorry, but it’s true. Admit it. You all think the same thing. =P Anyway, I didn’t have to lie this time because Rebecca is quite a cutie even for a day old. I guess it’s her half-Polish/half-Filipino genes. That girl is going to be drop-dead adorable in a couple months. Mark my words.

• Found out from The Safe House that MV was at the Warner Bros./InStyle party after the Golden Globes last, last Sunday. I was so stuck in gridlocked traffic in front of there earlier that day. I even have the picture to prove it! *sigh* So close to a sighting yet so far. (BTW, that E! Party Girl article I linked to is cute and all, but MV’s “baby blues”? Um, no. Also, I really hope he doesn’t go for Lake Bell. He can do better. Not to sound overly-caring-to-the-point-of-sounding-like-a-stalker, but I’d like to see him settle down with a nice, quiet, non-Hollywood woman. Okay, I’ll stop now.)

• Had first bio midterm of the quarter yesterday. It wasn’t too difficult, but it wasn’t necessarily a cake walk, either. I’m hoping against hope that I get a decent grade.

• Remind me to give Grant a really big birthday present because the percolator and bag of Starbucks coffee he “donated” to the room helped greatly in keeping me lucid enough to write a paper arguing against Lincoln. On that subject, isn’t arguing against Lincoln considered blasphemy or something? The nickname “Honest Abe” gives him a significant amount of credibility as it is. *shrugs* Whatever. The rough draft’s done.

• I miss having Hot Humcore Discussion Professor Man as discussion leader this quarter instead of Fourth Year International Graduate Student From China With The Really Heavy Accent, but the latter’s starting to grow on me especially because he gave us an extension for the final draft of our Lincoln papers. I now have the entire weekend to procrastinate instead of just Wednesday night. Score!

And that’s all from me for now because I have chem discussion in a couple of hours, and I’d like to catch a quick nap before going. Hope you guys are doing all right. See you all tomorrow for what I’m hoping is the Bestest. Episode. EVAR. I mean, with Undercover!Domestic!S/V, you can’t go wrong. ;)

ETA: I just realized I didn’t post the answers to the Music Meme yet, so they’re up now. Kudos to krazeeness for getting most of them (although I knew that if anyone got those songs, it would be you), and shame on all of you for not getting the Coldplay and Sarah McLachlan ones. ;)

friends, family, michael vartan, birthday, dorm, school

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