What will it take to show you that it’s not the life it seems?

Jan 25, 2005 14:12

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITEST SISTER EVAR! Then again, she’s my only sister, but that’s beside the point. The point is that my little girl’s almost all grown up. How in the world did she get to 12-years-old without me noticing? Oh, man. I feel so old now.

***How is it only Tuesday?! It’s felt like the longest week ever, and we’re only two days ( Read more... )

friends, family, michael vartan, birthday, dorm, school

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Comments 2

theuser04 January 25 2005, 17:34:14 UTC
Seriously, 10:00 is not late for a girl to be walking. There is no "late." Time does not change one's ability to walk around the campus. Weirdo, come visit more.


actionvaughn January 25 2005, 17:43:48 UTC
but I’d like to see him settle down with a nice, quiet, non-Hollywood woman.

Such as yourself? =P And ITA.. day-old babies look pruney! Good luck with that and the DSL.. =D


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