If you could just sign up for an account there using this referral link, it would be very very sweet ^_^ Hehehehe I'm trying to get enough referrals for the prices ;) puleazze? Pretty please with sugar on top?
LOL my dumbass coworker was on TV!!! O_O (france 2) They were talking about security in airports, and dumbass was shown at the security card counter!!! XD
Ok, you're a star ugly, maybe you'll pick up a chick now :P
I am angry, sad and horribly depressed hehe ^_^ trying to get over it, but it's really hard when all problems seem to jump on you and choke you with some immaterial hands (does it sound scary? hehe
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I've had horrible nightmares all night long, and woke up crying :( Mom says it's because we had hectic sleep those past few days but I'm not sure she really knows about these things.... Has anyone seen my geography book? I gotta study for a very important exam and I'm scared! (Dream #2 lol, I won't even talk about the other 3)