YT 2016 Tag Set Open

Sep 24, 2016 18:40

Here is the Yuletide 2016 tag set, in all of its glory.

For those who are curious:
Number of fandoms: 3077 and 12609 characters.
This compares to 3182 fandoms last year and 13329 characters last year.

Fandoms with 10+ nominations:
  • Galavant (11)
  • Imperial Radch Series - Ann Leckie (11)
  • The Goblin Emperor - Katherine Addison (12)
  • Penny Dreadful (TV) ( ( Read more... )

nom review, tag set review

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Comments 332

すべてがFになる | Subete ga F ni Naru | The Perfect Insider psychomachia September 24 2016, 18:05:22 UTC
すべてがFになる | Subete ga F ni Naru | The Perfect Insider
Magata Shiki Nishinosono Moe Saikawa Souhei

would like to change it to すべてがFになる | Subete ga F ni Naru | The Perfect Insider (TV)

I know this isn't a very helpful request, so I'm sorry if this seems overly worried. I requested すべてがFになる | Subete ga F ni Naru | The Perfect Insider (asking for the Japanese drama version) and it got approved. Cool! However, I'm concerned that because it's under both anime and TV with no media tag to separate the versions, if I request it, my author might only know the anime and not know the TV show, which has different events than the anime with the three characters I nominated. I disambiguated it on my sign-up and wrote an evidence post because of this, but I noticed when it was confirmed it went back to the ambiguous tag.


Re: すべてがFになる | Subete ga F ni Naru | The Perfect Insider jenn_calaelen September 24 2016, 18:09:46 UTC
Correction noted. Sorry about it going through wrong.


skitz_phenom September 24 2016, 18:15:38 UTC
Couple of wandering character tags.

Fandom tag: Black Sails (TV Shows)
Correct character tag: John Silver (Black Sails) is already listed
Misplaced character: John Silver (Treasure Planet) - wandered in from the wrong fandom.

Fandom tag: Blood Ties (TV)
Misplaced Character Tag: Tony Foster
The Character Tony Foster never appeared in the Blood Ties TV Series. He is correctly nommed/tagged in the Blood-Smoke Series - Tanya Huff (Books & Literature)


jenn_calaelen September 24 2016, 18:21:30 UTC
Added to the list. Thanks!


kinetikatrue September 24 2016, 18:30:17 UTC
Couple from RPF land!

Montreal Canadiens RPF

Carey Price (Montreal Canadiens RPF), P. K. Subban (Montreal Canadiens RPF)


Carey Price (Montreal Canadiens), P. K. Subban (Montreal Canadiens)

I'd suggest dropping the second set, if you feel like getting rid of a dupe, since Team Name RPF is how all the other hockey teams are getting disambiguated!

And then a question about Baseball RPF...

Most of it is nominated under Baseball RPF, but there are two characters hanging out under Kansas City Royals RPF, and there was a mod suggestion in an earlier post that nominating under the various teams might be preferred. I don't particularly have a horse in this race, but it seems like it might be best to have it as all one category or all discrete teams, not a combination of the two!



sophia_helix September 24 2016, 18:57:54 UTC
I struggled with how to nominate baseball -- unlike hockey, which had to be broken up into individual team fandoms to eliminate the pairings with too many stories, it's not a very big fandom. However, people do tend to stay within their own teams and there isn't much crossover. I'd say since Basketball RPF is also a single fandom, and it's been Baseball RPF in all previous Yuletide years, plus it allows for cross-team pairings if people want to request those, to just group them all together. It's tricky because hockey fandom is more generally pan-team, but isn't listed that way in Yuletide for numbers reason, while baseball is more insular but isn't a big enough fandom to justify breaking it up.


kinetikatrue September 25 2016, 16:01:48 UTC
Yeah, I remember you going back and forth about how to nominate your team, back in one of the noms questions posts, so I get that whatever you chose to do, you didn't decide on that course of action lightly. But I'd disagree about hockey being much more pan-team than baseball - I mean, maybe a little, but not by much; your average hockey writer still has one or maybe two teams they'll write for (and I am totally something of an anomaly with the whole having written for about a half-dozen). But, anyway, from what I can see of the Baseball tag-set, it wouldn't hurt any offerers to add the KC guys in.

Which brings me to the big question, are you the person who nominated them? Or do you know who did? Because - as you can see below - the mod team would like an official statement from whoever nominated them before they'll consider following your recommended course of action...


sophia_helix September 25 2016, 16:11:27 UTC
I don't know anyone in baseball who writes more than one team, and every person I know in hockey writes multiple teams! Which is a lot of people.

I did not nominate the Royals, and yeah, whoever did should probably make the final call. I just agreed with you it seemed weird to have the one outlier, especially because it comes alphabetically after Baseball RPF, so any potential sign-ups might check that category for their guys, not see them, and not go looking under KC separately.


gloria_scott September 24 2016, 18:36:23 UTC
Found a duplicate:

Under Movies, Blancanieves (2012) and Blancanieves | Snow White (2012).


morbane September 24 2016, 20:39:40 UTC
Thank you!


ext_103104 September 24 2016, 18:37:58 UTC
Lands of Dream (games)

This got put in Other Media instead of Video Games. I'm not fussed either way, to be honest, but the creators have included extra content on other platforms which I won't be insisting upon. [The book seems to be only available in Greek.] Otherwise AFAIK they're, mechanically, standard point-and-click games with objectives and riddles.

If it helps, it may not matter because the characters should limit stories to the games only. Up to you!


morbane September 24 2016, 20:43:07 UTC
We'll see if its categorisation can be re-wrangled. Thanks!


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