Trick or Treat~?

Oct 23, 2012 01:30

1. Create a graphic (200 x 200 max size) to represent your personal "candy". It should have your username on it, but otherwise can feature whatever you want. Make it something special since it's self-representative.
2. Make a post with the subject "trick or treat?". Put your "candy" somewhere in it, and be sure to repost these instructions.
3. Then, go around other people's LJs and reply to them with either "trick" or "treat." If you reply with "trick," they will give you an LJ/DW/Twitter/tumblr dare that you have to perform before taking their candy. If you're too wimpy for that, simply say "treat" and take their candy.
4. List all your collected candies in your original "trick or treat?" post to show off your collection.

Because effi_g convinced me to

My Candy:

My Treats:

My Tricks

effi_g Until halloween, change your icon to a pic of Ohkura's butt with the word "juicy" written somewhere and use ONLY this icon for that time.
          here's the icon I'm currently using:

mrs_koki Write me a KoKame Halloween fic and smut and fluff is a must. It has to be at least 8 chapters.
        first chapter here

bellemelody write Koyashige drabble where they are animals. 300 words
        can be found here

jo_lasalle Pick your favourite pairing/your OTP. Write 300-500 words of a conversation YOU would have with ONE of the guys ABOUT the other. (Maybe the guy you're talking to is angry that the other guy left the milk out of the fridge. Maybe he's in love and needs a pep talk. Give it to him. *g*)
        can be found here

miniliel write an lj post about you being invited to be the guest in janiben or cartoon kat-tun (your choice). what would you talk about?
        can be found here

floppy_snoopi Write a fluffy ryoda drabble
        can be found here


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