Some Tricks

Oct 24, 2012 02:12

Written for the Tricks I have received for this event.


For bellemelody

Koyama lifted his head as he heard rustling next to him, but everywhere he looked, he couldn’t see a thing. Slowly he turned his attention back towards the object that caught his attention, calling him towards it. He stared harder and it moved again, the excitement burning inside him, ready to jump forth.

Again he heard the rustling. He glanced down at the waste paper bin, ‘could something be moving in there?’ he wondered. But when nothing moved he decided that maybe it was his imagination. The object he was staring at moved again out the corner of his eye. He had to stop it, had to catch it. And with a dignified leap, he jumped forward.

He attempted to grab a hold of the paper, but somehow he lost his footing and soon him, the paper and every paper underneath it went flying to the floor. He landed on his feet, blinking for a few shocked moments before being tackled to the side.

Instinct kicked in and he pounced back, rolling around with the papers and ginger fur. He could hear shouting, but right at this moment, pinning Shige down was the goal. Even if the paper held his interest, Shige would always be his number one point of interest.

So you were the one making all that rustling, you really suck at stealth.

Hey, I jumped you didn’t I?

Yeah, after I fell off the table and landed in a flurry of paper.

Well look who has you pinned…

Who do you think you are pinning me to the floor?

Shige, the only one allowed to pin you down.

“For crying out loud!!  Koyama, Shige! Get off my work!! I have to hand that assignment in later today!” The two cats jumped apart, staring up at the annoyed human, before cheekily running off.


For jo_lasalle

Ueda was staring daggers into his coffee when I sat down. I stared at him carefully before waving at the waiter for my usual mocha.

“Everything alright?” I asked, better to set it all off now than accidently later. I sometimes feared for his sparing mates at the gym.

“Yeah, great, fantastic, I’m over the fucking moon” I raised an eyebrow at him before turning and thanking the waiter who brought over my mocha.

“Ok, enough, spill” I rolled my eyes as Ueda leaned forwards over his coffee.

“It’s never me” I stared at him, was this really what he was making a fuss about.

“I’m sorry?”

“I gave you tickets to the concerts, you saw! He never does it with me!”

“Tatsu, I’m not sure I’m following here” I stared at him, what on earth was he on about now?

“fanservice!!” he said a little loudly, a couple people glanced over at our table, and Ueda curled around his cup a little more embarrassed.

“Tatsu, he fanservices with everyone, didn’t he kiss your nose in Osaka?”

“That was through the monkey suit, that doesn’t count”

“How about how you two played Bem and Bero in Tokyo”

“That’s normal stuff!! Did you see what he did to that junior though?!” I paused, I couldn’t argue with that one, he embarrassed the poor kid, and harassed him quite a bit. Oh Kame, look what you are doing, making Ueda all annoyed.



“I can’t believe I’m gonna say this to you…”


“How much does Kame service you away from the fans?”

He went silent, I knew he would. How many times had his phone accidently called me when they got a little… intimate? The car escapade still haunts me. I really should tell him to take me off his speed dial… or get a phone which locks automatically…

“A… lot…”

“Ok, and how much do you want him to do those things out in front of EVERYONE?”


“Ah is right, now drink your coffee and take me off your speed dial, I don’t want to hear your guilt sex later.”

“Look I said sorry about the car incident”

“What about the changing room one?”

“Which time?”

“Oh god Tatsu, just take me off speed dial”


p: kamenashi kazuya, !fanfic, g: kat-tun, g: news, p: ueda tatsuya, !life, p: kato shigeaki, p: koyama keiichiro, r: g, !requests

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