This and that, bits and pieces, thens and nows...

Jun 13, 2010 10:39

 Haven't done a 'State of the Ysabet' post in a while, so I figured hey, it's as good a way of delaying cleaning the ferret-room as anything else, sooooo....

Hmm.  Been lots of things going on with me, I guess--


family, travel, life as i know it

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Comments 33

dqbunny June 13 2010, 18:30:04 UTC
When are you going to Pittsburgh? And if you go to NYC, will you drive? If so, feel free to stop in Harrisburg if I'm already there and say hello!

*hugs* I miss you guys so much!


ysabet June 13 2010, 18:56:21 UTC
Miss you too! And I'll be there from the 25th through the 30th (at AnthroCon for the first three) and then we leave via Greyhound at 2 a.m. on the 1st of July for NYC. Sadly, not driving myself, so I can't stop by. What're you up to at that time?


dqbunny June 13 2010, 19:11:29 UTC
We're getting back from Sedona on the 25th and Icka gets up here the same day. We're packing the next two days, then packing up and leaving the 28th and dropping Icka back in Tucson on our way to Alabama.

Yay, available couch! With lots of Bob hugs too.


ysabet June 13 2010, 19:17:05 UTC
Sorry to miss y'all, but have a good time anyway!


kosaginolegion June 13 2010, 18:33:12 UTC
Are you driving to Pittsburgh? If you pass thru the Cincy/Dayton area, I offer a pause for refreshment.

Of course, you'd be crazy to make that drive but the offer stands.

Nice glasses. Pretty tea stuff.


ysabet June 13 2010, 18:58:59 UTC
Aaaargh; now I'm wishing I WAS driving. Well, that plus the fact that my flight has no less than three layovers and will take over twelve hours total. -__- And thenkyew re: the glasses and tea stuff. I still think that somewhere, Mama's laughing at us about the tea and coffee set. It's a nice thought.


kosaginolegion June 14 2010, 14:47:28 UTC
I admit, while I used to love flying, driving has become my favored way to go, simply because I'm in control of the stops and starts and get to watch the scenery. But I hope the flying does okay for you. If nothing else, it'll be over sooner.

Sulky Heiji icon! SQUEEE


ysabet June 14 2010, 18:54:51 UTC
I ran across that pic while watching an ep, and he was doing SUCH a :\ face in it, I just couldn't resist. Copy if you want to, I don't mind at all. **grins and points at current icon** He does a pretty good D: face too.


tragic_elegance June 13 2010, 18:35:40 UTC
I heard that you were headed up to Em's; have an awesome time! And NYC, too? That's really neat. ^_^

Boo trolls. Hooray writing!

I'm trying to get some TV shows watched, too. I think I'm going to watch some True Blood today; I've also got a handful of shows including season 1 of Supernatural to get to. Ack! Too much TV!

Good luck on jeans shopping!


ysabet June 13 2010, 19:00:58 UTC
Try out Leverage if you get the chance; the first ep is a little jerky but worth it for the background, and it rapidly improves. INTERESTING show with a lot of potential.


tragic_elegance June 13 2010, 19:02:28 UTC
I'll put it on my list! ^_^


cowboy_r June 13 2010, 21:39:31 UTC
I'm jealous of your chance to go to Japan, even if the circumstances aren't perfect.


ysabet June 14 2010, 01:56:23 UTC
Well-- it's like this. Like yourself, I've already had one little warning that life can serve you strychnine rather than lemonade; and I promised myself a long time ago that, given the chance to travel, I would travel. So, since I can, I will. And life's not perfect, but then, neither am I. We can deal together well enough. ^_^


ytak June 13 2010, 23:10:18 UTC
That's a very pretty pattern. Can I have it? ;)

It is fun to travel with someone but it -is- liberating to travel alone. If you suddenly change your mind and want to go to the mountains instead of going into town, no one is going to stop you. :)

The pure fact that I haven't quit over the past month is, most probably, due to my dislike of job-hunting and the terror of being jobless in the current economy.
I completely agree with this. I am job hunting but not as seriously as I need/should.


ysabet June 14 2010, 01:59:01 UTC
Heh. It IS a pretty pattern, but I suspect if I sluffed it off to anybody my mom'd figure out a way to get me-- like having all the birds in town simultaneously crap on my car or something. Who knows?

And I know what you mean about 'liberating'. I went to Central Park no less than 11 times in the two weeks I was in NYC, just because I wanted to. 3 of those were in one day.

And good luck with the job-hunting; it IS scary.


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