Recs: Skins, gen 1

Aug 22, 2009 01:17

Tony/Effy recs can be found here.
Gen 2 recs can be found here.

Have any gen 1 fics to rec or pimp? Leave me a comment and I'll check it out.

all the greatest loves are the unfinished ones by thiswidenight (Chris/Jal; Jal-centric)
Fragments of life after Chris. Sad but beautiful.

Bright Blue Saturday
by likecharity (Cassie/Tony)
How can a fic about erectile dysfunction be so sweet and sexy? Oh well... post-accident, this pairing seems a lot more sensible than Tony/Michelle. This is a bit unusual but really grew on me. Plus, as you may have guessed, I love this author.

Circuit Breaker
by flash_indie (Tony/Michelle/Sid)
It's not perfect sex, or even hot sex; it's awkward, clumsy and messy. Something about Michelle's lack of explicit consent really bothers me here, but I think that might be why it stuck in my mind.

Darling These Days My Favourite View Is You
by suchaprince (Cassie/Sid/Tony)
A mixtape with snippets of fic or, I dunno, explanations attached to the tracks. Really sweet and a little bit different - I think this is well worth a look.

NEW  eloquent graffiti by sophieisgod (Michelle/Tony)
Michelle and Tony go to University. Michelle tries to figure things out. 

Everybody knows you cried last night
by clockwork_jo / sort_of_story (Michelle/Tony, Michelle-centric)
"She gets on a train." Just a perfect handle on Michelle, one of my favourite Skins characters, post-gen.

everything i was (and everything i've become)
by perfectlystill (Michelle/Tony)
"It's a partial truth he doesn't dwell on much. Something leftover from the accident he's never quite been able to shake." Post-gen, and really beautifully crafted. Some really strong writing.

by jargonelle (Cassie/Michelle)
"Ask anyone..." What people know, what they think they know, and what no one will ever know.

by likecharity (Michelle/Effy)
YAY this pairing. Seriously. The ending seems a bit crude, in retrospect, and I prefer lots of this author's later stuff, but this was the greatest femslash possibility from the 1st generation, and it was great to find it.

Love Shapes
by likecharity (Tony/Sid, Tony/Michelle, Michelle/Cassie, Sid/Cassie)
"This is far more complicated than a love triangle."

my best friend Cassie says, "oh he's just being Tony"
 by mozartsfriend (1st gen ensemble)
"It's not that he doesn't like Cassie. He likes her fine. It's just. being with Cassie, it reminds him of Sid. And when he thinks about Sid, well, he just doesn't. He doesn't ever want to think about Sid." Classic S2 Skins.

plague your state of grace
 by fated_addiction (Michelle/Effy)
"Tony loves her so, by default, Michelle’s always loved Effy and her eyes. It’s how these things happen." Oh, yes. This is just how I see this pairing: Michelle looking for rescue when Tony is asleep. A gorgeously written evocation of numbness, with glimpses of smut. Michelle is the focus here, rather than Effy, which is not usually the case, but when a writer as talented as this starts teasing out her character, it's hard to see why.

Say Switchblade
by Kyra Cullinan (Cassie/Effy)
Cassie is falling, and meets Effy on the way down.

Skins drabbles
by lassiterfics (various)
Some first gen moments; the Chris/Jal one is unbearably sweet.

Time is the longest distance between two places
by dysenchanted2 (Chris/Jal)
"Grief, her therapist says. It’s called grief." (flocked, but community is open to join)

Today is Tuesday
by shesowsfiction (Cassie/Michelle)
"She has a name plaque over her door. This is hers and she owns whoever is inside it; whoever is inside of her."

Updated 3rd January 2010

skins, recs

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