Recs: Skins, Tony/Effy

Aug 22, 2009 01:21

Gen 1 recs can be found here.
Gen 2 recs can be found here.

Have any Tony/Effy to rec or pimp? Leave me a comment and I'll check it out.

Absolutely Nothing by likecharity
One of the warnings for this fic is "fucked-up domesticity", which is just about the best thing ever.

Beautiful Disaster by thedreamisreal
"There's little communication after he leaves. Occasionally, they'll be a text or voicemail with just one word, any word."

The First Five Times by likecharity
Dirtybadwrong but with a kind of faded beauty.

the kids that don't learn by sophieisgod
Try saying "incestuous chan" without thinking you're going to hell. Even if you don't believe in hell. Then read this and try to decide whether or not you care.

lighter fluid by falseeyelashes
This writer's Effy is even more screwed up than in canon. Wait, no - it's not possible.

Like A Sister & A Brother by likecharity
"Fun, in a sick sort of way. That's the only way their relationship can be described." Incest shouldn't be fluffy, after all. It IS twisted and screwy and dark, and so it should be written that way, right? And these characters are nothing if not those things.

NEW  my name's not alice (but i know how she felt) by theangelunknown
"Effy supposes that in this version, she is Alice." A sad and lonely (and lovely) ficlet following Effy from from Tony's departure. Oh, the ending. It completely eviscerates me, every time.

Necessities by likecharity
Skins has so many 'gaps' in its canon that it makes sense to write fics filling them in. This does just that, and goes with the general consensus that S3 needed Tony. Effy doesn't make sense without him.

Not Exactly An Epistolary Romance by iridescentglow
A slightly saner Cook and Effy roadtrip, as they visit Tony in Cardiff. The characterisation is spot-on and it's full of brilliant, well-thought out details.

the phoenix must burn to emerge by chairs
"When their breathing evens out, he asks, 'So, who are they? Are they better-looking than me?'" Despite his best attempt, after Gobbler's End, Tony can't fix her anymore.

The Puppet by likecharity
Effy is so manipulative here, which makes her a perfect match for Tony. She seems like the only person around whom he can't help himself.
Edited 3rd February 2011.

skins, recs

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