Comment Recathon

Aug 30, 2011 19:25

THIS RECATHON SPONSORED BY: SHEER LAZINESS (and an odd inability to find good fic while searching desperately for it)

The Basics

1. Recommend as much fanfiction as you want. It is a truth universally acknowledged, where there is a fandom there are people searching for fic for it.

2. Recommend fic that you feel everyone in the fandom should read. Or fic that you wish you'd found earlier while you'd been sifting through the immense wasteland that is

3. Feel free to rec your fic-- after all, almost everyone is their own worst critic, and if you think it's good enough to be recommended, it probably is.

4. Site no bar. Link to any site you wish-- Livejournal,, dreamwidth, etc. etc.

5. While recommending a fic, try and follow the order: MENTION THE FANDOM IN THE 'SUBJECT' then, Title/Author/Link/Character or Pairing/Why it gets your rec. To make life easier, just use the format in the box.

Why this must be read:

6. Recommend fic for any and all fandoms. Also, any ship/kink is allowed; slash, gen, het, incest, Disney incest (which is a category on its own, trufax), THEY NEED THE LOVE.

7. Please pimp this on your journals, using the link below :D href=> src=>

MORE RECS = MORE AWESOME FIC TO READ. /this post requires mathematical expertise y'all.

fandom: multi, fanfiction, comment recathon

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