Working out seems productive. I am steadily progressing to more time and more difficult exercise. I'm up to a 7 resistance on the elliptical runner and a 10 resistance on the recumbent bike. I'm doing a half hour on each. If I want to go any longer than an hour, I'm going to have to find something other than a recumbent bike, however. Any longer
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Comments 1
Granted, I have combined several diet books but that one is my primary. I calculate my protein requirements with Dr.'s Eades Protein Power, try to be mindful of the Dries' The Complete Book of Food Combining and my latest addition is Dr. Baroody's Alkalize or Die (less technical ad easier to implement than Aihara's Acid and Alkaline).
I'm still under 160 after several years and I don't work out. If I do add a physical component to my routine (been too focused on building other habits to add that to the mix yet) it will be stretching and strength training.
Good luck!
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