Season 2, Episodes 5 & 6 - WOW!

Jul 28, 2015 01:41

I only managed two more episodes tonight, but boy, oh boy were they good ones: Simon Said and No Exit. I got sidetracked at and I think before I watch more, I'll go there and read about everything I've watched so far. What an awesome site for all kinds of information.
Tonight's episodes )

season 2, supernatural

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Comments 26

keeper_of_stars July 29 2015, 04:14:22 UTC
Simon Said: Love this episode. I think my fave part was Dean spilling his guts and handing over the Impala, lol. Talk about word vomit!

No Exit: This is an awesome ep. I love Jo and Ellen just cracks me up when they're in the car. It kills me that Dean is so scared of her.

As for the cement/sewer thing... I think that was more about tricking the ghost mentally and keeping others out.

The Road House is important this season, it becomes a touch stone for them. A lot of cool stuff happens there.

Andy is adorable and you will see him more later on. :)


yeuxdebleu July 30 2015, 04:22:24 UTC
Talk about word vomit!

LOL That's a new expression to me...kind of like "diarrhea of the mouth" I guess.

Yes, Dean around Ellen is really something to see.

Glad to hear that Andy will be back.


keeper_of_stars July 31 2015, 03:53:14 UTC
Haha, really? My favorite use of it is in an episode of Pushing Daisies. Let's see....

Ned: We were talking about phantom limbs and I blurted it out; it was like word vomit.
Emerson: Then you slipped on that word vomit and fell on your butt and now you all covered in word vomit.

Always makes me laugh, lol.

Dean's reactions to strong women are always great. They sort of turn him into a little boy. :P


casey28 July 29 2015, 18:02:29 UTC
Simon Says is an awesome ep. I love Andy.

No Exit isn't a favorite, but it has some moments that I like.


yeuxdebleu July 30 2015, 04:17:57 UTC
Yes Simon Said was a good episode and I like Andy, too.

I liked No Exit because it was super scary. It kind of creeped me out.


casey28 July 30 2015, 05:16:53 UTC
Yes, No Exit is very scary. It isn't a fav for me, because there's too much focus on Jo, and Sam is pretty much in the background the entire time. I like Jo, but I wanted the ep to be more balanced.


yeuxdebleu July 30 2015, 05:29:06 UTC
...Sam is pretty much in the background the entire time.

Could that have been intentional because of his broken wrist? I read at Wiki that he was given a lighter filming schedule for a few episodes because of that.


wings128 September 2 2015, 09:28:16 UTC
I both love and dislike No Exit, because the crawling through tight spaces freaks me the hell out, so that also makes this a great episode :)
When Dean "loses" Jo, OMG my heart breaks for him. It's always worse for the ones left behind.

Here's a fic I think you'll enjoy: "A Spot of Trouble" by katstark

Shallow note: Dean sleeping on the lounger :D


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