Season 2, Episodes 5 & 6 - WOW!

Jul 28, 2015 01:41

I only managed two more episodes tonight, but boy, oh boy were they good ones: Simon Said and No Exit. I got sidetracked at and I think before I watch more, I'll go there and read about everything I've watched so far. What an awesome site for all kinds of information.
Tonight's episodes )

season 2, supernatural

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casey28 July 29 2015, 18:02:29 UTC
Simon Says is an awesome ep. I love Andy.

No Exit isn't a favorite, but it has some moments that I like.


yeuxdebleu July 30 2015, 04:17:57 UTC
Yes Simon Said was a good episode and I like Andy, too.

I liked No Exit because it was super scary. It kind of creeped me out.


casey28 July 30 2015, 05:16:53 UTC
Yes, No Exit is very scary. It isn't a fav for me, because there's too much focus on Jo, and Sam is pretty much in the background the entire time. I like Jo, but I wanted the ep to be more balanced.


yeuxdebleu July 30 2015, 05:29:06 UTC
...Sam is pretty much in the background the entire time.

Could that have been intentional because of his broken wrist? I read at Wiki that he was given a lighter filming schedule for a few episodes because of that.


casey28 July 30 2015, 06:20:57 UTC
I've heard that before, but it doesn't make sense to me, because the script was written many months in advance, so I think that him having a smaller role in it was planned all along.

Maybe they arranged it so all his scenes could be filmed closer together, so he could have a few extra days off.

Of course, this is just my feelings about it, I don't know for sure what happened.


yeuxdebleu July 30 2015, 06:30:28 UTC
I think it was at Supernatural Wiki that I read about Jared being given a lighter schedule, but you're right about that not making sense when the scripts are written weeks before filming. I've noticed that each of the men is often featured more in one episode than the other. I suppose it all evens out in the long run.


casey28 July 30 2015, 06:38:25 UTC
Yes, exactly. And the thing is too, that's it's not just quantity, it's quality. It's having something meaningful to do in an ep, however much time he's in it. No Exit had very little Jared, and nothing of significance for him to do.

I've noticed that each of the men is often featured more in one episode than the other. I suppose it all evens out in the long run.

That's true. And even in the eps where one is featured more than the other, the one who is doing "less" still has a meaningful role in it.


yeuxdebleu July 30 2015, 06:40:38 UTC


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