Till Death do we Part

Dec 29, 2008 21:22

Title: Till Death do we Part
Chapter: 10/14
Pairings: KiHae (Main), KyuMin, YeWook, KangTeuk
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Character Death
Summary: The one thing Lee DongHae hadn't expected to happen that Sunday morning was to die. But that is exactly what happened, and now because of a 'lingering regret', he can't pass on fully. What regret is this? A long-suffering crush on a boy who didn't even know he existed; Kim KiBum. So he is given one week on earth as a ghost to fulfill this regret... Or heaven might not even be an option for him anymore. But with KiBum the only one who can see him, and an experienced ghost hunter on his tail, can he even make the deadline?
A/N: The festival is here! Sorry for the long wait~... Oh, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! Unbetaed, as usual XP

Trailer || Chapter One || Chapter Two || Chapter Three || Chapter Four || Chapter Five || Chapter Six || Chapter Seven || Chapter Eight || Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten:

There were tons of people already in the festival grounds, families and friends alike. It was really more of an amusement park than a festival, with many rides to keep the different age groups occupied. SungMin instantly dragged KyuHyun over to the bumper cars, YeSung and RyeoWook following them after a moment. KiBum looked at DongHae, who laughed and walked after them, leaving the younger male no choice but to follow along, or look weird being dragged by one hand. EunHyuk joined them in line, looking around the area.

“How are you supposed to go on bumper cars?” KiBum murmured under his breath, sure in the noise no one would hear him. DongHae laughed. “I won’t go on. But I’ll watch.” Seeing the sidelong look KiBum sent him, he smiled wider. “Don’t be worried about me! You guys are fun to watch! Have you ever seen Hyukkie and Minnie at this?” When KiBum shook his head, DongHae grinned wider. “I swear, they have eyes only for each other. You’ll see.”

It seemed like forever before they reached the front of the line. DongHae drifted off to one side, still laughing to himself. KiBum got into the red car closest to the entrance, and watched with an amused expression as EunHyuk and SungMin ran to cars on the opposite sides of the arena. SungMin was still holding onto KyuHyun’s hand, and the other male had no choice but to follow. YeSung and RyeoWook went into one corner, talking softly.

There was no signal to indicate the game of bumper cars had started, but it was clear enough, because EunHyuk suddenly shot forward, and SungMin had to press down on the gas pedal hard to avoid being rammed into the wall. KiBum watched the two chase each other around the arena. DongHae’s laughter rang in the air; KyuHyun gave a start, tearing his eyes off of SungMin to look around. DongHae quickly clamped both hands over his mouth and went still.

Suddenly, KiBum was jolted in his seat, his car jumping forward without his consent. Looking behind him, he glared at YeSung, who looked just as much shaken by the crash as his friend. “RyeoWook did it!” He yelled, which was highly unlikely, since RyeoWook was at this moment at the other end of the arena, trying to get out from in between SungMin and EunHyuk. KiBum raised one eyebrow, then threw his car into reverse, crashing into YeSung and sending him smashing into the wall before driving off to get KyuHyun’s attention from wherever he was looking.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had so much fun. After chasing SungMin in circles, EunHyuk had crashed himself into a corner and was promptly blocked in by YeSung, preventing him from really moving anywhere for the time being. SungMin went after KyuHyun, who was forced to pay attention and not look for the ghostly laughter he had heard. KiBum and RyeoWook exchanged blows, before the eternal magnae crashed into YeSung, freeing EunHyuk again. The game only lasted five minutes though, and to KiBum it seemed to go by in the space of seconds. Just as he was about to get SungMin back for spinning his car around earlier, the power shut down, and they all slowed to a stop, SungMin sticking his tongue out cheekily as KiBum was left with only a few inches between them.

Climbing out of the car, they were joined by DongHae, who was watching KyuHyun warily, but besides that looked overjoyed. “You should have seen yourself, KiBummie!” He exclaimed. “You’d think you’d never been in a bumper car before… Wait, have you?” He asked, looking at KiBum from the corner of his eyes. KiBum shook his head. “Not since I was little.”

“Guys!” EunHyuk called. He seemed to be in bright spirits again; that bumper car game had woken him up. “Let’s go on the roller coaster next!”


“This can’t be a good idea…” LeeTeuk watched nervously as DongHae followed his crush around like a lovesick puppy, just meters away from the ghost hunter. “What if he’s caught?” But KyuHyun seemed to be too caught up in his conversation with SungMin to really notice the chattering ghost behind him.

A hand clapped down on his shoulder, making the Spirit Guide nearly jump out of his skin. “Woah!” Whirling around, he froze. “K-K-KangIn?”

KangIn grinned. “Hey. Wasn’t expecting to see you here. But I guess even spirits need to have fun too, huh?” Crap. He knew about LeeTeuk not being human. Well, of course he would, after seeing him vanish like that right in front of him. Noticing the panic on LeeTeuk’s face, KangIn shook his head. “Relax. I knew there was something off about you, and that DongHae too. It doesn’t bother me, now that I know what it is. Anyways, since you’re here and I’m here, want to go on a few rides? You don’t even have to pay for the fares, since no one seems to be able to see you.”

“U-um…” LeeTeuk stammered, flustered. In all his years as a Spirit Guide, never has a human been able to see him before, never had anyone found out what he was, never has he been in this kind of situation before. So he had every right to be tonguetied. “O… Okay?”

“Great!” KangIn laughed, ignoring a few looks he got. “Let’s get going then. It’s a date.”

LeeTeuk nodded, following along. Then the humans sentence seemed to sink in.

“It’s a… A WHAT???”


After the roller coaster, the group split up. EunHyuk, SungMin and KyuHyun went to the merry-go-round (after much pleading from SungMin, and puppy-eyes that KyuHyun was unable to say ‘no’ to), while YeSung and RyeoWook went to try out the arcade games. That left KiBum and DongHae alone, not that KiBum really minded. And he was sure from the way DongHae held his hand and dragged him from ride to ride, that he didn’t either.

A few rides later, with the sun slowly setting, they found themselves at the base of a large ferris wheel. “Please?” DongHae pleaded, looking up at it. KiBum nodded. “Alright.” They got in line, as DongHae watched the carriages go around the around. The seats were completely closed in, not just out in the open, so to offer a bit of privacy.

Finally it was their first, and KiBum climbed in seemingly by himself, though he took an extra moment so DongHae could get in too without the small door closing on him. After insisting that he wanted to ride by himself to the puzzled worker, he felt the wheel start to move again, gradually rising up into the night sky. DongHae peered out the box they were in with a soft laugh, eyes dancing.

As they climbed higher, KiBum watched the light from the fading sun reflect in DongHae’s eyes, framing his face and highlighting his hair. In that moment, he had to admit, regardless of the fact he was straight, DongHae looked nothing short of beautiful. His brief moment of reflection slowed to a halt as DongHae turned to look at him, and those warm brown eyes met his own. “Thank you for coming with me, KiBummie,” DongHae said, smiling. “I’ve always wanted to see the sun set from up in a ferris wheel.”

“It certainly is romantic,” KiBum said, then did a doubletake. Had he actually said that? He’d meant for it to be only in his head, but DongHae was looking at him strangely, and he had to look away. His cheeks burned, and he didn’t know why, he had no reason to be embarrassed.

As they reached the top of the ferris wheel, KiBum recalled something he’d heard others say. That couples loved to ride the ferris wheel together… And when they reached the top…

He looked at DongHae, to find the ghost still looking at him with his head tilted to one side, bangs falloing into his eyes. Without even thinking, KiBum reached out and moved the offending hair out of the way. DongHae reached up and held onto KiBum’s hand, startling the younger. “Hae?” He asked softly. DongHae leaned forward, and KiBum could have sworn he felt himself do the same, but it must have been the lack of oxygen because he was suddenly finding it hard to breath.

DongHae brushed his lips against KiBum’s in an uncertain, shaky kiss, and a spark of electricity ran through them both, stopping them from moving away. DongHae suddenly seemed to regain his courage, leaning over a bit more and kissing him harder, the hand holding KiBum’s letting go and touching the others shoulder, the other arm wrapping around his torso lightly and holding him close. KiBum couldn’t move away, and couldn’t stop himself from responding to the kiss, pressing back and moving his lips against the others own, soft and warm and electrifying. All thought left him, all that remained being DongHae, and DongHae’s lips, and his body that was either warm nor cold pressed lightly against his own.

The carriage hit a light bump, and DongHae broke the kiss quickly, leaning back so fast KiBum was left dazed and confused. “I-I… I’m so s-s-sorry…” DongHae stammered, hands over his mouth and muffling his words. Without even waiting for the carriage to reach the ground, he went through the wall behind him, and fell to the ground soundlessly. KiBum remained where he was, still dazed and unable to comprehend what had just happened. He shakily touched his fingers to his lips, then sat up straight again, looking out the opening for DongHae, but the ghost was nowhere to be seen.

DongHae had just kissed him… Again. But this time had felt different from that time on Sunday. KiBum had responded, had liked the kiss, and had wanted more. He couldn’t deny that he’d very much enjoyed the kiss. But he wasn’t gay… Was he?

Emotions in turmoil, he left the ferris wheel as soon as it reached the ground, and started looking for DongHae. He had no clue what he was going to say, just that he needed to say something, to talk to him. But he couldn’t find DongHae anywhere; the ghost had simply vanished. Had he left the festival grounds altogether?

Walking behind the arcade stands, he stopped in his tracks. Up ahead, he could see YeSung and RyeoWook… Kissing? Cautiously he approached them, and his suspicion was confirmed; YeSung’s arms were wrapped protectively around the smaller males waist, RyeoWook standing on his toes to reach the others lips. Hearing footsteps, they both looked up, and sprang apart when they saw KiBum. “KiBum!” YeSung exclaimed, RyeoWook half hiding behind him.

KiBum looked from one to the other. “Are… Are you two, dating?” He asked, surprised. He’d never even suspected his best friend had loved the shy new boy in his class. YeSung nodded. “Are you disgusted?” He asked, watching KiBum with an almost wary look.

KiBum shook his head, still in shock. “No. Why would I be?” YeSung looked back at RyeoWook, then at KiBum. “Well… I didn’t know how you stood on the whole gay issue,” YeSung said, pulling RyeoWook out from behind him. “YeSung, I’m your best friend,” KiBum said, frowning. “You could have told me. How long has this been going on?”

“Since Monday,” YeSung replied. “Sorry for not telling you, but I’m still getting used to it myself, and I didn’t know how you would react. Since you’re straight and all.”

KiBum nodded, but his eyes were distant. Thinking of something, he looked at them both. “How did you know you were in love?” He asked, frowning.

“KiBum, it’s not so different from a guy and a girl. You just know. Butterflies, nervousness, being happy around them, all the usual things. Just with a guy.” YeSung wrapped his arms around RyeoWook again. “It doesn’t matter who it’s with, it’s still love, KiBum.”

“Still love…” He murmured, lost in thought. Then, he looked up and noticed someone watching from behind the next stall. It was DongHae. “DongHae?” He whispered. YeSung and RyeoWook looked at each other, confused. “DongHae? That was random,” YeSung said, looking at KiBum. “Kim KiBum never says things like that out of the blue. What about DongHae?”

DongHae cautiously went over to KiBum, head down. “I’m sorry,” He said weakly, unable to look at him. KiBum looked from him to the newly discovered couple, seeing their questioning looks. When DongHae had passed by them, RyeoWook started to shiver. “Wookie, are you cold?” YeSung asked, looking down at his shivering boyfriend. “I-I wasn’t until a second ago,” RyeoWook said, rubbing his arms lightly to warm up.

Seeing them, KiBum got an idea. “DongHae, is it possible to communicate with them?” He asked in a hushed whisper, looking at DongHae. DongHae shook his head, but KiBum pressed on. “Remember the accident in the library? You did that, right? Maybe you can do something similar?” DongHae’s eyes widened and he shook his head harder. He didn’t want to remember what he had done in the library; it reminded him of how little time he had left.

“KiBum? Who are you talking to?” RyeoWook asked, both of their attention back on their friend. His mind made up, KiBum answered, “DongHae.”

Both of them did a doubletake. “DongHae?” YeSung asked, blinking. DongHae threw KiBum a pleading look, shaking his head hard. KiBum ignored him, focusing on the other two. “Yes. He’s here right now. Right beside me.”

“KiBum there’s no one there,” YeSung answered, looking like he was seriously fearing for his best friends sanity. “And DongHae’s been dead since-“

“-Sunday. That’s when I first saw him, on Sunday. He’s been with us ever since, but no one aside from myself and KangIn can see him.”

“KiBum, listen to yourself. Mr. Logic Man, and you’re talking about ghosts.” YeSung eyed him oddly. “Are you running a fever? You do look rather flushed. Maybe hallucinating?”

“YeSung, listen,” KiBum said, sighing and rubbing his temples. “He’s here, and we can prove it to you. I’m going to ask DongHae to try contacting you both.” DongHae bit his lower lip, seeing he had no choice anymore. “You owe me,” He said, shuddering at the thought of what he was going to do. How was he supposed to make contact? Last time, it had been because that girl had been too close to KiBum, and he had been jealous. Just thinking about it sent shivers of anger down his back.

Wait. Maybe that was the trick. To get angry again, but try and control it this time. He wasn’t a poltergeist yet, so he had to have some sort of control over what he did, right? So DongHae drew in a deep breath, recalling in fierce clarity how close that girl had been to KiBum, HIS KiBum. And the anger came roaring back, his heart thudding in his ears. The wind picked up and started to howl.


KyuHyun looked up, eyes wide. Shudders ran through his body, and beside him, SungMin sneezed. “Wow, whats with the wind all of a sudden?” He asked, looking over at EunHyuk. The three of them were sitting at a picnic table, looking for the others.

A bad feeling ran through the ghost hunters body, his senses all going crazy. Something was happening. There was a large surge of power from somewhere inside the festival, and it was unstable. Very unstable.

He stood up quickly. “Be right back,” He muttered, then ran off, leaving SungMin and EunHyuk alone. He ran down and past the crowd, into the dark shadows created by the setting sun. The wind howled around him as he ran, drawing his gun out of his pocket.


ChangMin watched the windows in front of him. They showed different scenes on Earth, reflecting whatever he wished to see. Something was nagging at him, a bad feeling in the back of his mind that he was sure wasn’t just some sixth sense given to Angels.

Wondering what LeeTeuk was doing, he blinked, and the view from the windows changed. “A festival?” He murmured, watching curiously as LeeTeuk walked alongside a large, burly man, cheeks burning red. “Oh, he’s never going to hear the end of this when he gets back,” ChangMin said, laughing as he shook his head.

Suddenly, something inside the mirrors seemed to change. LeeTeuk’s head shot up, as there was a large gust of wind. The Spirit Guide ran off, leaving his companion to run after him calling his name. “What’s going on?” ChangMin wondered.

Then, the mirrors changed again, without his consent. ChangMin frowned, wondering if they were malfunctioning, then his eyes widened as he took in the new view. A very familiar figure was running past festival stalls, breath coming out in short gasps. A gun was half-hidden against his body. ChangMin focused on his face, pressing one hand to the window.

“… KyuHyun?”

fandom: super junior, fanfic: till death do we part, pairing: kibum/donghae, writing: fanfiction

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