Till Death do we Part

Nov 03, 2008 19:45

Title: Till Death do we Part
Chapter: 5/?
Pairings: KiHae (Main), KyuMin, YeWook, KangTeuk
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Character Death
Summary: The one thing Lee DongHae hadn't expected to happen that Sunday morning was to die. But that is exactly what happened, and now because of a 'lingering regret', he can't pass on fully. What regret is this? A long-suffering crush on a boy who didn't even know he existed; Kim KiBum. So he is given one week on earth as a ghost to fulfill this regret... Or heaven might not even be an option for him anymore. But with KiBum the only one who can see him, and an experienced ghost hunter on his tail, can he even make the deadline?
A/N: This chapter was long~ Hope you guys like! ^.^

Trailer || Chapter One || Chapter Two || Chapter Three || Chapter Four

Chapter Five:

Ghost hunters. While Hae had been alive, he’d always wanted to be a ghost hunter. He believed in all sorts of paranormal creatures, from aliens and ghosts to mermaids and faeries. He’d viewed ghost hunters as the best career option for him, annoying both EunHyuk and SungMin with his constant claims of training to be a paranormal investigator when he’s older.

How is it that something that used to bring him such joy to think about could make him feel so afraid now?

“B-But KyuHyun can’t see me completely, can he?” DongHae asked, eyes wide. “So he can’t do anything to me, right?” He and LeeTeuk were perched up on the school roof, legs swinging back and forth over empty space as they watched the sun set. DongHae had panicked as soon as he heard the news, and proceeded to pester LeeTeuk for every bit of information that he could get.

LeeTeuk shook his head. “He might see shifts in the air, or an outline at most. It depends how strong his gift is. He could hear your voice as a faint echo, or whisper, or as clearly as KiBum can. Technically speaking, it’s easier for some people to hear a ghost than to see them. Considering what you told me about how quickly he turned to you when you made noise, it seems hearing is a lot easier for him than seeing.”

DongHae nodded, thinking as he stared out at the city. “He heard me quickly enough, but his eyes didn’t focus on me. He knew I was there, but he didn’t know exactly where I was.” A nervous tingling crept into his stomach. “LeeTeuk, what happens when ghosts are caught by ghost hunters?” He whispered, asking the question that had been on his mind since this whole issue came up. “We’re already dead, so we can’t die again, right?”

“… Sort of. There is more than one way to die, Hae.” LeeTeuk looked over at him. DongHae had never been able to figure out how the spirit guides hair managed to blow in the breeze, while DongHae’s didn’t. “Let’s see… I haven’t had to explain this before. Simply put, there are three worlds… Heaven, Earth, and Hell. You already know this.” DongHae nodded, listening intently.

“Humans live on Earth. When they die, they pass through judgement, and if they have any lingering regrets they are placed back on earth to fulfill them. Otherwise, if they had lived a decent life, and had pure spirits, they go to Heaven. If they are corrupted, they fall to Hell instead.”

LeeTeuk looked back up at the setting sun. “What ghost hunters do, is they disrupt the natural flow from life to death. If a ghost is ‘killed’ by a ghost hunter… And ghost hunters have their methods to do this… It knocks them completely out of the equilibrium, and into a state where they aren’t in any of the three worlds, but trapped in the spaces between. We call these places the Void. Because once you’re in there, according to the rules of the three worlds, you don’t exist anymore. You’re trapped in that space, and so far no one has been able to find a way out. There are plenty of ways in though, if you know where to look.”


“Any occasion where humans, such as ghost hunters, necromancers, or spiritual healers mess with the equilibrium between life and death, there’s always a rift where you could accidentally slip through into the Void. The chances of someone finding their way back though is very slim, considering how the Void is both endless, and compact at the same time. It doesn’t go by the same rules as the other worlds. There are also places on Earth, Heaven and Hell where the barriers between the worlds are weak… On Earth, they’re called by humans as the Bermuda Triangle, Stonehenge, and the pyramid of Giza.”

“I’ve heard of those,” DongHae murmured, lost in thought.

“Right. I knew someone who was lost in the Void. A young ghost named Tablo, he wandered too close to your Stonehenge at the new moon. I was there with him, guiding him like I am with you know, I saw him disappear.” LeeTeuk gazed into the distance, recalling what had happened. “It was like the air itself wrapped around him, and before he could even scream, he was gone… Just gone…” He shook his head. “It was well over a century ago. No one has heard of him since. So you must be very careful DongHae, to stay away from this KyuHyun. The ghost hunters don’t know what happens to the ghosts they exorcise… They think they’re sending them to either Heaven or Hell, to their final judgment. But through such unnatural means, they send them somewhere far worse than Hell could ever be.”


KiBum kept an eye out for DongHae the rest of the day, but the strange boy seemed to have vanished off the face of the earth. For some reason, he felt oddly disappointed. He hadn’t wanted to see the boy disrupting all his classes, of course not, but even so…

Looking out his bedroom window that night, he blinked as he saw a familiar figure across the street, sitting on the curb and looking up at the stars overhead. What was DongHae doing here? Was he planning to stalk him forever? Deciding the issue needed to be addressed, now, KiBum went downstairs and pulled on his shoes, opening the door. Walking outside, he was surprised to see DongHae wasn’t alone. A boy he’d never seen before was sitting beside him now, talking in a soft voice with the boy. There seemed to be a faint glow about his body, but when KiBum rubbed his eyes and looked again, it was gone.

DongHae happened to look up in that instance, and froze. “Ki… KiBummie!” He exclaimed. Even in the near-darkness, Kibum could see the flush that spread along the boys cheeks. “Um… G-good evening?”

KiBum leaned against the railing down the stairs, wondering if he should be annoyed or amused. “How long are you going to sit there watching my house?” He asked, raising one eyebrow. DongHae instantly leapt to the defensive, making KiBum even more suspicious. “I-I wasn’t watching your house, I was… Watching for aliens!”

“Aliens?” KiBum echoed. DongHae’s companion hit himself in the head with a groan. DongHae nodded his head rapidly.

“…” KiBum looked at them. “Well, do you want to… Come inside?” He asked, figuring if he was going to ask DongHae what in the world he was thinking, it was better inside than out here. It was getting cold after all. He didn’t know how DongHae could sit there and not freeze to death.

DongHae blinked, appearing stunned. A nudge from his friend made him jump. “U-Um… S-sure! I’d love to!” He squeaked.

Noticing the others friend stay put when DongHae got up, Kibum looked straight at him, pretending not to notice how the other stiffened slightly. “You can come in too if you want,” He said, being polite.

Turning away, he heard DongHae exclaim, “He can see y-Mpfh!” Looking over his shoulder, he noted how the unknown male had quickly shut DongHae up with a hand over the mouth. This confused him even further, but he decided not to mention it.

LeeTeuk followed along behind DongHae as the ghost slipped inside, clumsily letting his arm to pass through the door. But thankfully KiBum’s back was turned so he didn’t notice. LeeTeuk slipped through with practiced ease, and turned to see a middle-aged woman standing I nthe doorway from what must be the kitchen.

“This is Kim EunRi, my mother,” KiBum introduced them to the woman. LeeTeuk expected her to look at him like he was crazy and ask who he was talking to, but to his surprise, she smiled at both DongHae and himself. “Good evening. It’s been so long since KiBum brought any friends over besides YeSung.”

LeeTeuk could tell DongHae was as shocked as him, but to his credit recovered quickly. “It’s nice to meet you,” He said with a polite bow, shooting LeeTeuk a sideways glance that asked ’why the hell can she see us too?’

LeeTeuk followed them both upstairs, trying to puzzle it out. It was possible the gift of communicating with ghosts had been given to this family… Neither KiBum nor his mother seemed to have any clue that their two guests weren’t alive anymore. Did anyone else in this family possess the gift? How had they gone so long without knowing?

One of his questions was answered as they stepped onto the second floor landing. Another male, a few years older than KiBum, leaned against the wall. Noticing them, he pulled one headphone off. “Who are these two?” He asked, looking from DongHae to LeeTeuk with a frown. His eyes caught on LeeTeuk for a moment, and he blinked and rubbed his eyes like KiBum had as he caught a glimpse of the spirit guides aura.

“They’re my guests, KangIn,” KiBum said with a sigh. Continuing on the way to his room, DongHae trailing behind, LeeTeuk remained out in the hallway with KangIn. Something about the way the other kept rubbing his eyes, as though blinded by LeeTeuk’s angelic aura, caught his interest. He seemed to be more sensitive to the glow than his brother. Maybe through talking to him, and giving KiBum and DongHae a little privacy, he could better understand just how this family could communicate so easily with ghosts and not know it.


It was only when they were both in KiBums room that DongHae noticed LeeTeuk was gone. Then he noticed he was alone with Kim KiBum, the boy he’d been crushing on for years. Not just alone, but alone in his room. It was enough to make his head spin. He dare not sit down thoughg. Wouldn’t it be just his luck if he went right through the chair? Or bed, whichever he happened to sit down on? Wait, wait, sitting down on KiBum’s bed? His brain seemed to freeze on that. Too much to process.

KiBum looked over at DongHae, to see him staring into space, lost in thought. A faint smile appeared on his lips. The boy looked like a deer caught in headlights. Cute. Wait, what was he thinking??? They were both guys!

“Can I ask why you’ve been following me for over a day now?” KiBum asked, deciding to get right to the point. DongHae’s friend had vanished, but that gave him a chance to ask DongHae without anyone else in the way.

DongHae blinked up at him innocently. “I don’t understand,” he said softly. “I think you do,” KiBum replied. “You just don’t want to tell me.”

Biting his lower lip, DongHae looked around, obviously nervous. “Well… It’s just… I saw you around school, and I thought you looked kinda lonely studying all the time, so I wanted… I wanted… To be your friend.”

“What’s wrong with just asking?” KiBum murmured. Thought when he thought about it, coming out of the blue asking that would still have been kind of weird. But not as weird as what DongHae had done. Suddenly, something seemed to come back to him.

“Yesterday… When you kissed me…”

DongHae shifted position, then exclaimed, “I have to go!” Before darting out of the room. KiBum didn’t hear him running down the stairs, but by the time he got to the doorway, the boy had already vanished. So had his friend.

“He said he loved me.”


The next day was boring, even KiBum had to admit that. He hadn’t slept much last night, too busy thinking about what he had realized. DongHae had said he loved him, right? And kissed him on top of it. But they were both guys! And KiBum was not gay, at least he thought he was. But why couldn’t he stop thinking about what DongHae had said?

DongHae didn’t show up that day. Instead, YeSung wandered into his class during break, much to RyeoWook’s surprise (from the way he jumped and nearly fell off his chair, he was more than just surprised). After talking with RyeoWook for a while, KiBum noting with interest and curiosity how they seemed so close all of a sudden, YeSung wandered over. KyuHyun sitting beside him was deep in conversation with SungMin about something to do about how wearing so much pink wasn’t good for the health, but KiBum had the feeling the new boy was listening to them as well.

“Hey,” YeSung said, sitting down in the empty chair on his other side. “Are you free after school tomorrow?”

KiBum thought about it. “I think so. Why?”

YeSung shrugged slightly, looking at SungMin, then back to KiBum. “Well, SungMin asked me to come to the funeral of his cousin,” He said in a quiet voice so the boy under discussion wouldn’t hear them. “But you know how I feel about funerals and stuff. Mind coming with me?”

KiBum looked up at him. He hadn’t heard of anyone dying recently. “I… guess so. Don’t see why not. Do I know this person?”

“Probably not.”

“What’s their name?”

“Lee DongHae.”

His mind suddenly stopped processing. “What?”

“The kid’s name. Lee DongHae.”


DongHae waved his feet back and forth, watching sadly from the bed as EunHyuk tore up what must have been the tenth piece of paper. “It’s just not working!” He growled, tossing it at the already full garbage can, and missing. He just couldn’t do it. How was he supposed to write a eulogy for his best friend when half the papers were soaked with tears and the other half wasn’t worth the ink it took to write it?

He just didn’t understand how this could happen. Looking down at the picture of them both, he bit his lower lip, then tried again. Hand shaking as he scrawled down a few lines, staring at them.

Unable to bear it anymore, DongHae got up and went to peek over his shoulder. He could see what was wrong with the papers instantly. He had always imagined something cheery as his eulogy, something that would make people laugh, not cry. EunHyuk was writing pure sorrow, but that wasn’t how DongHae’s life had been.

“Hyukkie…” DongHae whispered, wishing the boy could hear him as easily as KiBum. Hell, even KyuHyun’s gift was better than this. “Hyukkie, remember when I fell into the fish pond? You laughed so hard, and called me a fish, and then I pulled you in too. You were mad the rest of the day, but it was funny, right? And then everyone started calling you monkey in high school, and I bought you a banana each day and you only realized what I was getting at two weeks after?”

He continued talking softly, watching EunHyuk. The other boy stared down at the papers for the longest time, obviously not hearing DongHae, but his tears had stopped.

Suddenly, he murmured, “Not right.” Tearing up the piece of paper and tossing it away, he started writing again. Tongue stick out from one corner of his mouth, he wrote, and wrote, and wrote. DongHae peeked over his shoulder, reading as he worked. A faint smile appeared on the ghosts lips.

“Much better.”

fandom: super junior, fanfic: till death do we part, pairing: kibum/donghae, writing: fanfiction

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