Till Death do we Part

Oct 27, 2008 15:07

Title: Till Death do we Part
Chapter: 3/?
Pairings: KiHae (Main), KyuMin, YeWook, KangTeuk
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Character Death
Summary: The one thing Lee DongHae hadn't expected to happen that Sunday morning was to die. But that is exactly what happened, and now because of a 'lingering regret', he can't pass on fully. What regret is this? A long-suffering crush on a boy who didn't even know he existed; Kim KiBum. So he is given one week on earth as a ghost to fulfill this regret... Or heaven might not even be an option for him anymore. But with KiBum the only one who can see him, and an experienced ghost hunter on his tail, can he even make the deadline?
A/N: Sorry for taking so long! It was mid-term, and I was really brain-dead on this fic... Resulted in taking an unexpectedly long Hiatus... X.X; Anyways, I'll try updating again soon~! Don't kill me! *is shot*

Trailer || Chapter One || Chapter Two

Chapter Three:

The next day was a Monday, so KiBum would have had to wake up early anyways. But he had pretty-much given up on sleep around 5am, when he’s been staring at the ceiling thinking of the upcoming test only to have the memory of the kiss randomly pop into his head without warning. Restraining himself from throwing something, he got up and opened his window, letting the still chilly air freeze him to the bone. But it did nothing to stop his thoughts; if anything, it reminded him of the chill he got when he’d noticed someone following him. It was earlier than he normally would get up to go to school, but he could always go there early. KangIn wouldn’t be up for another hour at least. Closing the window with a faint sigh, he left his room. Failing to notice the figure sitting across the street, arms wrapped around his legs as he watched the house.


DongHae had long since come to the conclusion, being a ghost was boring. No one could hear him or see him, he couldn’t make physical contact with anything (KiBum excluded), and he couldn’t sleep. Around midnight, he’d been so bored he walked out to the middle of the street and waited to see what happened when he was run over. It was a funny, tingling feeling, but he wasn’t hurt. Even so, it was uncomfortable enough to make him not want to do it again.

LeeTeuk was nowhere to be found either. The spirit-guide had said something about ‘reporting to the higher-ups’, and vanished. DongHae hadn’t seen him since 11pm, and it was now half past 5am. Did it really take nearly 6 hours just to tell God or whoever he was going to see that DongHae was amusing himself watching cars drive by while waiting for his crush to make an appearance? What else was there for a ghost to do?

A faint click got his attention. A smile brightened his face instantly as KiBum left his house, locking the door behind him. Remembering at the last moment that KiBum would see him, DongHae scrambled to hide inside a nearby bush. Curiously, he watched KiBum walk down the street, in the opposite direction he had been going the day before. So he wasn’t going to see his friend? Or maybe it was too early. 5:30am wasn’t exactly the most humane time to be up and about.

Oh, right. School. Hae’d been the type to always come in late, but KiBum wasn’t like that. He was always at school, always working on homework or studying. DongHae knew exactly where he could be found whenever he wasn’t in class, in his designated table at the library. He always sat in the same place. Even though DongHae wasn’t much of a library person, he’d much rather be outside playing sports or dancing, he’d taken to stopping by the library at least twice a day, pretending to browse the shelves while watching that figure out of the corner of his eye. KiBum never noticed him.

DongHae followed KiBum from a distance, ducking and hiding whenever the boy looked like he was turning around. He was glad LeeTeuk wasn’t here; he must have looked like an idiot, darted from hiding spot to hiding spot like a wanna-be ninja. He even had a theme song playing in his head to match with his movements. He couldn’t help it; he felt like some sort of spy.

When they reached the school, DongHae followed KiBum inside. Hiding behind a corner, he was distracted when he saw SungMin sitting on a bench down the hallway. He was sitting next to a student in DongHae’s class, a dorky-looking boy named YeSung. They were friends, weren’t they? The older male seemed to be comforting SungMin, who looked like he was going to start crying any moment. DongHae inched over to hear what they were talking about.

“I… I just can’t believe it. Why him, YeSung hyung? He’d never hurt a fly.”

“I don’t know, SungMin. But DongHae wouldn’t want to see you falling apart like this, would he?”

They were talking about him. DongHae bit his lower lip, wanting to comfort his cousin somehow, but he’d just go right through SungMin’s body again. YeSung was right; SungMin and DongHae had always been close, not just cousins but good friends also, and it tore DongHae apart to see the usual bright and perky boy so depressed.

“How can I not be, hyung? He died yesterday, right in front of me. EunHyuk’s skipping school today. He’s in an even worse shape than I am. You know how close they were. If he’s here at all this week, I’ll be surprised.”

EunHyuk. DongHae promised himself to go visit his best friend later. Even though it would hurt to see just how bad EunHyuk was, his conscience wouldn’t leave him alone unless he went.

“When’s the funeral?”

“In two days. Wednesday. Will you come?”

“Of course. I didn’t really talk to him much, he was an odd kid, but I’ll still be there.”

“Thanks hyung…”

DongHae watched sadly YeSung hugged SungMin. SungMin was crying again; he made no noise, but DongHae could see the tears. With a soft sigh, DongHae went to follow KiBum, only to realize his crush was long gone. DongHae looked around for him, then frowned. Now he’d have to find him again.


KiBum went to his usual spot in the library. He liked the quiet atmosphere, it gave him an opportunity to sort out his jumbled thoughts and study easier without loud voices to distract him. Even though he had already studied for everything, memorized every detail of each class, he still came here just to enjoy the silence before other students could come in. It was early; he was the only one there. Even the librarian was missing.

Looking through the rows of books, he chose one at random and flipped through it. World History. He scanned through the chapters, and finding nothing that interested him, closing the book and put it back. He continued going through the rows like this, selecting books and placing them back after a moment of looking at them. Finally he located something semi-interesting, and brought the book to his usual table. Sitting down with a soft sigh, he opened the book and started to read.

The library was quiet. KiBum was the only one there. Yet halfway through the first chapter, a shiver went down his back, his senses prickling. Straining to hear something, anything, KiBum suddenly found the silence had gone from comforting to eerie. Looking up and around him quickly, his eyes focused on a figure ducking to hide behind a row of shelves. He stared hard at the person, who seemed to have frozen in spot, half-crouching behind the books. Obviously hiding. But why hadn’t KiBum heard him come in? It was quiet enough that even the slight tapping of feet on the wooden floor, no matter how sneaky the person was trying to be, should have registered in his head. The book wasn’t so interesting he could lose himself in it completely.

Continuing to look at the person, he waited to see if he’d come out. After a full minute of no movement from either of them, KiBum sighed and gave up first. “I’m not going to bite, you know,” He called softly, his quiet voice easily echoing through the empty library.

The person remained still for a moment longer. About to ignore him and continue reading, KiBum frowned as the other finally peeked out from behind the shelves. It was the boy who’d been following him yesterday, the weirdo who’d kissed him out of nowhere then ran off. KiBum just stared again. What was he supposed to do? He hadn’t expected to meet him again, much less here, so soon.

Taking advantage of the silence, the boy carefully walked over, and when KiBum didn’t say anything, settled into the empty space between him and the next seat. “What are you reading?” He asked curiously, looking down at the book then peeking up at KiBum from under his messy bangs.

KiBum swallowed, tearing his eyes away from the boy and looking down at his book. “English short stories,” He said, listening to his echo. Was it such a good thing he was alone after all? What if the other tried something again?

But the boy seemed to be calmer this time than when he had last met him. He looked at the English writing on the book, then back up at KiBum. “You know English?” He asked, eyes curious.

KiBum nodded slightly, figuring to just go along with the other for now. “I lived in the USA for a few years,” He replied, flipping through the pages of the book. The book was no longer interesting to him. The boy looked amazed. “I never knew that…” He said to himself. KiBum raised an eyebrow.

“Just how long have you been following me?”

The boy choked on air, going wide-eyed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” He said. KiBum gave him a sidelong look, then noticed something. The others voice… It didn’t echo. Every word KiBum said came back to him at least twice, thanks to the empty room… But this boy, his voice didn’t.

“Then mind explaining what you were doing following me yesterday?” KiBum asked. He had to find out who this boy was.

The boy shifted in his seat nervously. “Um… I was… Lost?” KiBum opened his mouth to tell him that was a very lame lie, but the boy interrupted him quickly. “Anyways, my name’s DongHae! Lee DongHae! It’s nice to meet you, KiBummie!”

“KiBummie?” Kibum echoed, raised one eyebrow at the name.

“Yeah, KiBummie!” The boy practically bounced on his heels. “Let’s be friends, okay?”

“But I don’t even…” KiBum trailed off as DongHae suddenly got up and ran out of the library, slipping past a bunch of students just walking in. “… Know you,” he finished, then sighed. Looking back down at his book, he decided there wasn’t much point in continuing, he couldn’t concentrate on the words anymore. Closing the book and placing it back on the shelf, he gathered his books and walked towards the doors. Might was well head off to class.

Nearing the door, he noticed the librarian, who must have come back into the library at some point during his conversation with DongHae, looking at him. He couldn’t tell what her expression was. Shrugging it off, he left the library, trying to ignore the feeling of her eyes burning into his back.


DongHae watched from behind the crowd as KiBum left the library, heading to class. He couldn’t help but grin to himself. He’d finally talked to KiBum. The encounter last night hadn’t counted, because of how badly he messed up by kissing KiBum. But… He’d finally done it. Now he just had to keep it up, and maybe, just maybe…


DongHae yelped and jumped, turning around. “LeeTeuk! Don’t do that! Where were you, you left me alone all night! I was so bored!”

“I know. Apparently you decided it would be fun trying to commit suicide, I heard. It doesn’t work, you know.”

“I know!” DongHae pouted.

“Anyways, what are you up to here?”

“Just… Reading.”

fandom: super junior, fanfic: till death do we part, pairing: kibum/donghae, writing: fanfiction

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