In case any parents wanted to meet Yakko, he was actually in his office for once. Of course, his office was completely empty and completely white today with a few exceptions
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Yakko was studying. Shut up, he was. He was reading through every entry in Wikipedia in chronological order, just in case he ever had to recite the entire thing as part of yet another song.
He was currently on Don't Stop Believing. He was completely unaware that the song apparently had an unusual song structure. But that was probably because Yakko
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This is just a quick head's up that I won't be around at all today because I have a Fantasy Football draft tonight and that will probably take forever. On the plus side, yay football season!
Now that he had been in Fandom for a couple weeks, it was time for Yakko to write a letter back home. It took him a while to figure out what exactly he wanted to write, but when it came to him, he wrote the best letter he had ever written. He knew his sibs would appreciate it.
There was a universe. And in the universe there was a galaxy called the Milky Way. And in the galaxy there was a solar system. And in that solar system there was a planet known to its inhabitants as Earth. On Earth there was an ocean called the Atlantic. And in that ocean there was a ship transporting cargo across from one continent to another. And
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"HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO NURSE! You've reached the voicemail of Yakko Warner. Or have you? How do you know I'm not just pretending to be the voicemail? Maybe I knew you were going to call. And maybe I'm behind you... right... NOW!"