Стандарт МЭК 60050-195: проект, стадия CDV, разделы 195-01 и 195-02

Nov 05, 2019 11:22

29 ноября 2019 г. завершается обсуждение документа 1/2407/CDV (CDV - проект комитета с голосованием), который представляет собой проект нового стандарта МЭК 60050-195 «Международный электротехнический словарь. Часть 195. Заземление и защита от поражения электрическим током». Его подготовили на основе результатов обсуждения документа 1/2358/CD (см. https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/69152.html , https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/69591.html ). При этом были учтены некоторые наши замечания и предложения по уточнению и дополнению терминологии стандарта МЭК 60050-195. В документе 1/2407/CDV приведены следующие термины и их определения, которые соответствуют нашим предложениям:
earth, verb
ground, verb US
to make an electric connection between a conductive part and a local earth
Note 1 to entry: The connection to local earth can be
- intentional, or
- unintentional or accidental
and can be permanent or temporary.
earth electrode
ground electrode, US
conductive part that is in electric contact with local earth, directly or through an intermediate conductive medium
functional earthing conductor
functional grounding conductor, US
conductor provided for functional earthing
protective terminal
terminal provided on equipment and intended for the electric connection with a protective conductor (IEV 195-02-09)
solidly earthed system
solidly grounded system, US
system in which at least one live part is earthed directly
isolated system
system in which no live part is intentionally earthed, except for high impedance connections for
protection or measurement purposes
impedance earthed system
impedance grounded system, US
system in which at least one live part is earthed through a device having an impedance designed to limit the line-to-earth short-circuit (IEV 195-04-12) current
resonant earthed system
resonant grounded system, US
system in which at least one live part is earthed through a device having an inductance designed to compensate approximately for the line-to-earth capacitances in the case of a single line-to-earth fault
EXAMPLE The following are examples of a "resonant earthed system": arc-suppression-coil earthed system, peterson coil earthed system and earth fault compensation system
line-to-earth short-circuit
short-circuit between a line conductor (IEV 195-02-08) and the Earth, in a solidly earthed system (IEV 195-04-06) or in an impedance earthed system (IEV 195-04-08)
basic protection
protection against electric shock under normal conditions

Однако большая часть предложений по уточнению и дополнению терминологии стандарта МЭК 60050-195 не была учтена при подготовке документа 1/2407/CDV. Таким образом, на обсуждение была представлена устаревшая терминология, которая не соответствует современной национальной терминологии, подготовленной нами для ГОСТ 30331.1 (см. http:// y-kharechko.livejournal.com/4077.html , http:// y-kharechko.livejournal.com/7044.html ), ГОСТ IEC 61140 (см. http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/1016.html ), ГОСТ 29322 (см. http:// y-kharechko.livejournal.com/5633.html ), ГОСТ 32966 (см. http:// y-kharechko.livejournal.com/3041.html ), ГОСТ 33542 (см. http:// y-kharechko.livejournal.com/18503.html ).
Поэтому необходимо уточнить терминологию стандарта МЭК 60050-195 следующим образом (обоснования см. https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/58345.html , https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/58471.html , https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/59066.html , New - новый пункт, который следует включить в стандарт).

Раздел 195-01 «Основополагающие понятия» (SECTION 195-01 - FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS)
electric contact
state of two or more conductive parts which touch each other accidentally or intentionally and form a single continuous conductive path
195-01-05 (этот пункт в документе 1/2407/CDV оказался пустым)
protection against electric shock
provision of measures reducing the risk of electric shock
conductive part intended to carry a specified electric current
functional earthing
functional grounding, US
earthing for functional purposes other than electrical safety
equipotential bonding for functional purposes other than electrical safety
195-01-19 (этот пункт в документе 1/2407/CDV оказался пустым)
electric resistivity of soil
resistivity of a typical sample of soil
normal conditions
conditions in which all means of protection against electric shock are intact
[SOURCE: IEC GUIDE 104, 3.7, modified]
single fault conditions
conditions in which there is a fault of a single means of protection against electric shock
Note 1 to entry: If a single fault conditions results in one or more other fault conditions, all are considered as one single fault conditions.
[SOURCE: IEC GUIDE 104, 3.8, modified]
grounding, US
electric connection of conductive part to a local earth

Поскольку систематический порядок терминологических записей в разделе 195-01 не является правильным, его следует изменить так:
195-01-08 earth, verb
195-01-09 earthing
195-01-10 protective earthing
195-01-11 functional earthing
195-01-12 earthing for work
195-01-13 system earthing
195-01-14 equipotentiality
195-01-15 equipotential bonding
195-01-16 protective-equipotential-bonding
195-01-17 functional-equipotential-bonding
195-01-18 impedance to earth
195-01-19 resistance to earth
195-01-20 electric resistivity of soil
195-01-21 electrical safety
195-01-22 normal conditions
195-01-23 single fault conditions

Раздел 195-02 «Электрические установки и оборудование» (SECTION 195-02 - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT)
earthing conductor
grounding conductor, US
conductor connecting an earth electrode with main earthing terminal or busbar
common live part between two symmetrical circuit elements the opposite ends of which are electrically connected to different line conductors of the same circuit
common live part of a star-connected polyphase AC system or mid live part of a single-phase AC system
neutral conductor
(identification: N)
conductor electrically connected to the neutral and used for the transmission of electric energy
mid conductor
(identification: M)
conductor electrically connected to the mid live part of the DC electrical system and used for the transmission of electric energy
line conductor
(identification: L)
conductor which is energized under normal conditions and used for the transmission of electric energy but which is not a neutral conductor or mid conductor
195-02-09 (следует добавить аббревиатуру)
protective conductor
(identification: PE)
195-02-11 (следует удалить неправильное название термина «PE conductor»)
protective earthing conductor
(identification: PE)
protective grounding conductor, US
195-02-12 (в определении следует заменить некорректный термин «PE conductor» термином «protective earthing conductor»)
PEN conductor
conductor combining the functions of both a protective earthing conductor and a neutral conductor
195-02-13 (в определении следует заменить некорректный термин «PE conductor» термином «protective earthing conductor»)
PEM conductor
conductor combining the functions of both a protective earthing conductor and a mid conductor
195-02-14 (в определении следует заменить некорректный термин «PE conductor» термином «protective earthing conductor»)
PEL conductor
conductor combining the functions of both a protective earthing conductor and a earthed line conductor
195-02-17 (в определении следует заменить некорректный термин «PE conductor» термином «protective earthing conductor»)
protective and functional earthing conductor
protective and functional grounding conductor, US
conductor combining the functions of both a protective earthing conductor and a functional earthing conductor
live part
conductive part intended to be energized under normal conditions, including the neutral conductor and mid conductor, but excluding the PEN conductor, PEM conductor and PEL conductor
195-02-20 (следует добавить «система заземления (недопустимо)»)
earthing arrangement
grounding arrangement, US
earthing system (deprecated)
earthing switch
grounding switch, US
mechanical switching device for earthing parts of an electric circuit, capable of withstanding for a specified duration electric currents under abnormal conditions such as those of earth fault, but not required to carry electric current under normal conditions
part of electric equipment providing a protection against approach to or contact with live parts and against contact with another hazardous parts and a protection of electric equipment against external influences
shield (US)
part intended to reduce the penetration of an electric, magnetic or electromagnetic field into a given region
conductive screen
conductive shield, US
screen of conductive material intended to reduce the penetration of an electric field into a given region
[SOURCE: IEV 151-13-10]
magnetic screen
magnetic shield (US)
screen of ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic material intended to reduce the penetration of a magnetic field into a given region
electromagnetic screen
electromagnetic shield, US
screen of conductive material intended to reduce the penetration of a varying electromagnetic field into a given region
protective bonding terminal
equipotential bonding terminal intended for protective-equipotential-bonding purposes
New 195-02-44
protective earthing terminal
protective terminal intended for protective earthing purposes
New 195-02-45
current-carrying part
conductive part which carries the electric current under normal conditions
New 195-02-46
current-carrying conductor
conductor which carries the electric current under normal conditions
Note to entry: The line conductor (L), the neutral conductor (N), the mid conductor (M), the PEN conductor, the PEM conductor and the PEL conductor are the current-carrying conductors. The protective conductor (PE) is not the current-carrying conductor
New 195-02-47
earthed line conductor
(identification: LE)
line conductor which has an electrical connection with a local earth
New 195-02-48
phase conductor
line conductor which is used in an AC electric circuit
New 195-02-49
pole conductor
line conductor which is used in an DC electric circuit

Окончание см.: https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/94160.html .

электроустановка, заземление, МЭК 60050-195, электрооборудование, защита от поражения электрическим током

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