(Star Trek/SPN) Balance of Terror (and Zombies) for theplanetmary

Dec 15, 2009 15:50

Title: Balance of Terror (and Zombies)
Author: jaune-chat and brighteyed-jill
Fandoms: Star Trek/Supernatural
Characters Dean, Sam, Castiel; McCoy, Spock, Kirk
Pairings: Gen (hints of Kirk/Spock)
Rating: R (for violence)
Wordcount: 6,204
Spoilers: General spoilers for SPN through all aired episodes. Star Trek movie spoilers
Warnings: Violence and gore.
Disclaimer: Star ( Read more... )

exchange: fall09, fandom: star trek, rating: r, fandom: supernatural

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Comments 26

ariadnes_string December 16 2009, 01:33:30 UTC
That was awesome! Ghost-sickness!Kirk is just made of win--loved the "recovery stage" and "we're in the past." I think you guys might have just redeemed one of my least favorite SPN episodes!

And I adored McCoy's POV on the Winchesters' "antiquated" technology.

Fantastic job!


jaune_chat December 16 2009, 02:48:52 UTC
Yeah, "Yellow Fever" had some amusing high points in Dean acting like a scared little boy, but many lows in how the dealt with the poor ghost and whatnot. But scared!Kirk is funnier than all get out! So glad you liked the crossover, and thank you for commenting!


theplanetmary December 16 2009, 06:35:56 UTC
BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED! *le happiness ( ... )


jaune_chat December 16 2009, 15:58:36 UTC
*long comment happy dance*

So happy that you enjoyed it! Jill and I have collaborated on stories before (SPN/Heroes, specifically), so this was a lot of fun to do. We spent an inordinate amount of time trying to make the symptoms fit something plausible for a mass of crazy ghosts. And Jill spent much happy writing time turning Kirk into a scared little paranoid boy.

Yay for research! (I'm a big fan of it too.) And who doesn't love zombies? Zombies are one of the most awesome horror staples!

Oh Cas. Jill said we just HAD to include Cas, and I very much agreed. Somebody had to ask a few hard questions (or just give a few hard looks) and then keep Kirk calm while everything was going down.

Mmmmm, I love red velvet cake. Particularly when it involves leaping Spock and macho Dean and Kirk.


theplanetmary December 17 2009, 00:45:01 UTC
I like long comments and reviews, too

GhostSickness!Kirk was great and you guys wove it together really well to make it all make sense and seem plausible. It was well balanced, I mean ST has that horrible stigmata of being able to make up anything they want with no explanation and people accept it while the SPN Brass and Co. research for weeks before they even start putting something together so this was a good balance between them, it was believable. You guys did in 6000 words what took me 30000 ( ... )


jaune_chat December 17 2009, 01:29:14 UTC
Hee to the length! Previously Jill and I had collaborated on an SPN/Heroes story for sncross_bigbang that ended up over 60k words long. Seriously, it was redonkulous. I think it turned out pretty well but still... 60,000+ words. I think I specifically said to her for this story, "Ok, this story can't be like our last one, we have two days to finish this, not four months ( ... )


deej1957 December 18 2009, 20:09:18 UTC
Enjoyed this a lot. You definitely need to have seen the new ST movie, though-- I haven't and I kept thinking-- what the heck, is THIS what Kirk was like in the movie??? I was very glad to find out it wasn't :-)


jaune_chat December 19 2009, 00:20:17 UTC
Yeah, Kirk is totally not like he is in most of this. He's a real rabble-rousing trouble-maker, a risk-taker and heart-breaker. Kind of like Dean, except he's also the captain of starship. :-D


aurilly December 25 2009, 20:12:24 UTC
“You have something that can just seal up wounds like that?” Dean asked skeptically.
“You have someone that can steal me from the hospital and drop me wherever-the-hell this is in a blink of an eye?
Touche, Bones, touche. I LOVE Bones. Always.

“I am half human,” Spock said placidly. He nodded toward Castiel. “Your companion also seems not entirely human.”

“Nah,” Dean said. “He’s an angel.”
And again! This is the best... sixsome... ever! I LOVED this! Before this season, I only caught a few episodes of SPN here and there, but I'm lucky in that one of the ones I HAVE seen is the one where Dean has ghost sickness, so yay! I understood it. :) You wrote them all so well, and I just loved Cas and Bones and everyone running around. It was such a perfect melding of both fandoms and an absolutely great read. I just feel happy now. I can't even artculate any further. <3


brighteyed_jill December 26 2009, 04:45:12 UTC
Bones is a badass, for reals, yo. He wasn't my favorite at first, but oh how he's grown on me.

I'm glad you liked the mixiness of these two fandoms. I imagine this fic makes SO much more sense if you've actually seen Yellow Fever, so yay! These six are fun to write, because there's great potential for banter in almost any combo. I'm happy we made you happy!


jaune_chat December 27 2009, 03:42:43 UTC
So glad you liked it Aurilly! Oh Bones, you always bring the funny.

Heh, yeah, Yellow Fever. Dean acting like a scared little boy was hil-freaking-arious on several levels. And it actually transfers really well to the Trek guys, in terms of personality and approach to solving problems. These are fandoms that just play well with others! :-)


maychorian December 31 2009, 23:10:34 UTC
Ah, that was awesome. :D All their reactions were great, funny and in-character. Poor Jim. Loved how McCoy kept comparing Cas and Spock, too. Very true.

This was a very fun read. Thanks!


jaune_chat January 1 2010, 03:57:34 UTC
Hee! So very glad you liked it! :-) Thank you for commenting.


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