(Star Trek/SPN) Balance of Terror (and Zombies) for theplanetmary

Dec 15, 2009 15:50

Title: Balance of Terror (and Zombies)
Author: jaune-chat and brighteyed-jill
Fandoms: Star Trek/Supernatural
Characters Dean, Sam, Castiel; McCoy, Spock, Kirk
Pairings: Gen (hints of Kirk/Spock)
Rating: R (for violence)
Wordcount: 6,204
Spoilers: General spoilers for SPN through all aired episodes. Star Trek movie spoilers
Warnings: Violence and gore.
Disclaimer: Star ( Read more... )

exchange: fall09, fandom: star trek, rating: r, fandom: supernatural

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theplanetmary December 16 2009, 06:35:56 UTC

Thank you both, you put together my two favorite fandoms AND the trifecta of characters from both! (I ended up writing these fandoms for my exchange, too!) People who frequent SPN and ST mutter all the time about how similar Cas, Sam and Dean are to Spock, McCoy and Dean. You wrote everyone perfectly in character, they bounced off each other in the strain and stress of this Hunt, even Kirk in his panic and fear was completely Kirk-like! GhostSickness!Kirk is now on my list of favorites. I'm glad that you originated the concept of Ghost Sickness, too. You took the concept and altered it so it was unique to the case and particular spirits, the trouble breathing and 'burn rash' reflected what would happen in a fire. Just like in the original episode the effects were like those of being rad-hauled.

The whole fic never slows, it's one continuous Hunt and it had me squirming the whole time and gritting my teeth, I loved it. You an pretty much get anywhere with me just by acknowledging zombies and LOVED that you even talked about Hoodoo and voodoo type of zombies, I'm a Lore Junkie and I need research and explanation and all the little details were glorious.

Castiel was so 'Cas' here. He doesn't speak much, doesn't react much but there's no way to ignore his presence, no way to avoid him and his speech is perfect and his actions match his devolution in S4 and S5. I could hear Misha rasping through the lines. One of my squirmiest fangirl moments:

“Nah,” Dean said. “He’s an angel.”

Spock blinked at him.

“He’s cool, though,” Dean said quickly. “He’s a good guy.”

I really loved the scene in the field. The imagery built out the idea beautifully. The picture of a terrified Kirk running through deep grass and getting tackled by Spock then McCoy and Dean, Sam and Cas running to catch up then trying to keep Kirk down and from hurting himself then coming out from under it and doing the same macho dance Dean did, icing on red velvet cake.

Perfectly glorious, Jaune and Jill. I am not worthy.


jaune_chat December 16 2009, 15:58:36 UTC
*long comment happy dance*

So happy that you enjoyed it! Jill and I have collaborated on stories before (SPN/Heroes, specifically), so this was a lot of fun to do. We spent an inordinate amount of time trying to make the symptoms fit something plausible for a mass of crazy ghosts. And Jill spent much happy writing time turning Kirk into a scared little paranoid boy.

Yay for research! (I'm a big fan of it too.) And who doesn't love zombies? Zombies are one of the most awesome horror staples!

Oh Cas. Jill said we just HAD to include Cas, and I very much agreed. Somebody had to ask a few hard questions (or just give a few hard looks) and then keep Kirk calm while everything was going down.

Mmmmm, I love red velvet cake. Particularly when it involves leaping Spock and macho Dean and Kirk.


theplanetmary December 17 2009, 00:45:01 UTC
I like long comments and reviews, too

GhostSickness!Kirk was great and you guys wove it together really well to make it all make sense and seem plausible. It was well balanced, I mean ST has that horrible stigmata of being able to make up anything they want with no explanation and people accept it while the SPN Brass and Co. research for weeks before they even start putting something together so this was a good balance between them, it was believable. You guys did in 6000 words what took me 30000.

I know right!?! Why the HELL are zombies second class citizens!?! I mean, c'mon, they've been around WAY longer than vampires or werewolves (in lore), hundreds of different cultures and religions recount them AND there are actual accounts and evidence of real zombies, the cajun Hoodoo type anyway where they're referred to as 'zom-bey'. I mean I know that it's way easier to make a leech or lycan look handsome and appeal to the teenage world but at least a zombie is true to it's nature, it doesn't care if you smell good or are their 'soul-mate', they're going to friggin kill you, probably eat you and when they're done you look like you went through a mulcher...

Plus, zombies are awesome when you whip out good old fashioned Zombie Repellent Twelve Gauge and get to work. Who doesn't love a good Zombie Apocalypse? I took a test and found out that I had a 70% chance of survival and immediately started enlisting my friends into my survivors camp, I have a guy hording ammo and toilet paper and an EMT/Paramedic signed on as we speak.

I'm glad that you guys included Cas. I'm totally a Minion, I love him and McCoy the most. Them in the same room and in the back seat of the Impala *squirms* yes... Also prefer the image of Cas with the red velvet cake, Kirk and Dean can share apple pie.

I'm going to go friend you and Jill right now...


jaune_chat December 17 2009, 01:29:14 UTC
Hee to the length! Previously Jill and I had collaborated on an SPN/Heroes story for sncross_bigbang that ended up over 60k words long. Seriously, it was redonkulous. I think it turned out pretty well but still... 60,000+ words. I think I specifically said to her for this story, "Ok, this story can't be like our last one, we have two days to finish this, not four months..."

So I tried to apply a little artistically located research instead of a full-on exposition bomb. Jill is always after me to trim the narratives in my own stories (as I like enough background information to choke a yak). I think the steady application of an editor's machete to my fanfic over the past few years is starting to work! ;-)

Hee hee to Zombie Survival! Yeah, whenever I watch a zombie movie, I'm always picking apart the survivor's options. I have very rarely seen anyone make a good choice of their final stand. Too many windows, not enough bars, flimsy walls, not enough supplies, guns, ammo, or anyone who knows how to use them... silly Elimination Movie Stock Extras.

McCoy and Cas in the back of the Impala = Eyesex! Er... um... yeah... ;-)


theplanetmary December 17 2009, 05:08:51 UTC
I'm not a real big fan of Heroes, I can't follow. Only reason I caught SPN was because I was in love during Pilot and was a hopeless addict by Faith (STILL in my top five eppies). I really don't watch anything else or keep up as well as I do with The Supernatural Adventure Suspense Hour. But I'll check it out. I'm always trying to expand.

I am the EXACTLY same way. I think my average chapter size is about nine pages but I've been known to go to fifteen and on average they are about twenty percent speaking between characters and the rest is description, imagery and detail. My biggest fear is over writing. I had a very cruel teacher for my first composition class in college and have had the fear ever since, but I kept writing in my style and eventually found out that some audiences actually like it. I've been told that I can write absolutely nothing and make it seem interesting and hold attention. I don't have a machete wielding editor my beta/amigo Sierra actually supports my long writing.

I write and write then spend days hacking it up myself before sending it to Sierra and then hack it up some more and it usually still upwards of 20000 words. I figure it is the sheer size of 'em that they kind of chase people off but what attention and support I do get is supportive and loyal.

I still need to see Zombieland, it looks like one of the best zombie-films of the decade. I love all kinds of zombies; slow zombies, fast zombies, disease zombies, raised from the grave zombies, mind controlled zombies, you name it. Croatoan is the best virus EVER. See surviving the zombie apocalypse is all about which melee weapon you use. Gotta have something easy to obtain if destroyed, easy to carry and wield, strong and solid and does tons of damage at close range. I personally prefer a wooden handle, steel blade shovel.

Hey HEY! ReadPride and Prejudice and Zombies. Is brilliant.

Eyesex indeed, McCoy would have a massive problem with the Cas personal space, thing.


brighteyed_jill December 17 2009, 03:45:39 UTC
Bones and Cas are funny together. Good ole McCoy is so matter of fact, and Cas is so literal... Plus their rumble-y voices cause that good, low-down tickle... Uh... Never mind.

Anyway! This was a fun prompt to write, and Ghostsickness!Jim I pretty much just wound up and let go. I'm pretty proud of how we kept this baby to a reasonable size. So not like us! *gets out machete, eyes Jaune* Very glad you enjoyed this. I haven't had a chance to read your SPN/ST crossover yet, but it looks delicious.

I think the nature of SPN lends itself quite well to crossovers (and there seem to be a high percentage of them at this exchange). Gives an excuse to play with anything that has enough lore (zooooommmbiiieeesss).


theplanetmary December 17 2009, 05:29:50 UTC
God you are so right about the rumbly. I love the raspy, rumbly, grumble and hum. Make you go a little hazy and smile kinda goofy. They both got it.

I'm glad you liked the prompt. I had fun writing 'em and thinking them up. I get all kinds ideas that never get written or passed a few sentences and i refuse to call them plot-bunnies. I bet it was fun working GhostSickness!Kirk, he's such a 'fearless' character it's always fun to see them yellow.

Let me know what you think when you get to SotE. It's got demons and angels and gore and ice. it's a little more mopey than I normally write and, oddly, has nary a single horse in it. (I'm an equestrian and ALL my fic have horses in 'em).

That's why I like SPN, it's down to earth and realistic and their world is literally our world. They reference up to date politics and popular culture and everything. It's adaptable and the nature of the characters and their purpose can blend easily... of course that leads to some pretty sloppily made crossovers, present company excluded, there have been some excellent crosses in this exchange... including MINE! It's mine!

I'm so glad we're all Lore Junkies 'round here. We should start a club.


jaune_chat December 18 2009, 13:41:31 UTC
If Heroes amuses, it amuses, and if it doesn't, it doesn't! Heroes is just my main fandom, and you want everyone to like what you like, you know? ;-)

Anywho, I think the reason Supernatural crosses so easily is that it's fairly self-contained. Even when Sam and Dean are trying to avert the Apocalypse, it's all done behind the scenes and under the radar, whereas other fandoms are mucking about in high-level politics (Heroes) or the whole premise of the whole is in an entirely different place (Lost). But you can easily have Sam and Dean cross paths with another fandom because you don't have to bend Supernatural canon to have some guest characters be the Freak of the Week. Supernatural is very accomodating that way!


theplanetmary December 30 2009, 17:04:04 UTC
I was talking to a buddy of mine, trying to explain SPn and I told her just this: their world is our world. Everything that happens for us is happening for them, but not always the other way around. The reality of it is brilliant and like you said makes for easy crossovers. I think it's probably one of the most used fandoms for x-overs on ff.net because of the reasons you said, just damn easy fo it to slide in, especially with stuff like crime dramas and monster/sci-fi shows.


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