IC Contact

Dec 02, 2009 22:28

[Careful button presses and a short pause.]

Contact is only necessary should you have valuable information.


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Comments 251

2/2 girl_unlocking January 4 2011, 23:47:12 UTC
Okay. I know you probably mind, but I. You're. Very responsible. A-and honest? And you're direct!


xnoble_reasonx January 4 2011, 23:58:27 UTC
... what is it? [Ten seconds, go.]


girl_unlocking January 5 2011, 00:07:57 UTC
If someone was teaching you Japanese and you found out that he killed a whole government, would you just ...quit?



xnoble_reasonx January 5 2011, 00:37:19 UTC
[Well, this is unfair. He'd been hoping for a reason to ignore her. Something stupid he could tell her to find out for herself.]

Does it matter?

[He's pretty sure he knows who it is, even though Anatole seems full of shady types.]


/tries not to fail this time [VIDEO] ladieslikepink January 12 2011, 16:32:56 UTC
[Shunsui is taking a soak in the main pool at one of the public bath-houses, though by the relative silence it's easy to recognise that few other people are present. Rather incongruously, his copious wet hair is pulled up and flower-pinned into a fetching bun that even Hinamori would be proud of. Which means that Byakuya gets an unimpeded view of his MANLY CHEST AND SHOULDERS. Kyouraku looks completely unabashed by this - he's been using public baths since he was old enough to be allowed out without servants in tow to nag him about noble propriety.]


[His voice is warm, though quiet. Kyouraku has noticed Byakuya's deliberate avoidance of himself and Ukitake and while it doesn't particularly offend eithr of them, it DOES make him curious. If there's anything that darkens his eyes when he smiles pleasantly at the younger captain through the Forge, it's the knowledge that he stood by and did nothing to either aid or prevent Ukitake from confronting Aizen.]I've been meaning to thank you for the information when I arrived, ( ... )


[VIDEO] /patpat xnoble_reasonx January 13 2011, 12:15:18 UTC
[He expected one of his seniors to contact him. It was only a matter of time, though he had expected it after a strange event or the Mist's activity. He did not, however, think it would be Kyouraku, nor did he expect it to be while said senior was doing something that required the absence of at least half his clothing. Wet hair ( ... )


[VIDEO] /sobs ladieslikepink January 13 2011, 14:16:17 UTC
[It barely even registers with Kyouraku that Byakuya is fully dressed while he is not. It's a matter of little concern to him, truth be told, since he's equally at home in a bath house as at a Captain's meeting. In fact, Shunsui would likely consider combining the two to be a vast improvement in terms of lessening the instances of inter-Division tension ( ... )


[VIDEO] /holds xnoble_reasonx January 16 2011, 09:19:25 UTC
[So. He really does intend to waste his time. Byakuya doesn't have time to waste, and he doesn't have any prerogative to do so. There are things he'd rather be doing, like sitting here in silence or making some tea and sitting in silence. He could always not respond, but from a military standpoint, it serves no purpose. Eventually, they will have to meet, all of them, and delaying the inevitable isn't as glorious as it seems.

But it is tempting, after all. Bathing while discussing this with him. It really is poor manners. It isn't as if it's important enough that it could not wait before he had finished and Kyouraku shouldn't have anything that could stop him from leaving this before he took one. Even Zaraki had not and he would expect that from him ( ... )


photosbythebed January 12 2011, 23:49:36 UTC
Kuchiki Byakuya? Lilly Rush. I'm interested in joining the force here. I work [ed] homicide back in Phi--

--at home.

[Probably the most normal sentence she's strung together in a week. Aside from ordering coffee.]


xnoble_reasonx January 13 2011, 12:01:42 UTC
[He knows what that is. That is excellent news. They need more murder investigators.]

Do you have any other capabilities?


photosbythebed January 13 2011, 17:58:44 UTC
I'm good with a gun. [Debates it. Yeah, why not.] And at getting people to talk, sometimes. When they don't want to.


xnoble_reasonx January 16 2011, 03:47:31 UTC
[That's useful. They could use more around here. All right. Hm...]

Is there any reason to believe you could not handle the things you might face in Anatole?


[video] threedoctorates January 13 2011, 04:13:08 UTC
[Clears his throat.]

Ah... my name is Dr. Spencer Reid. I was leaving you this message in regards to the notice I saw posted about the Police Force? I'm, ah... I'm an Agent with the FBI, that's the Federal Bureau of Investigations, where I'm from originally, assigned to the Behavioral Analysis Unit.


[video] xnoble_reasonx January 13 2011, 12:05:16 UTC
[That frown, Reid. It's him wondering why you put so many useless words together to explain what would probably take fewer words? Efficiency is what he's looking for. Intelligence helps too, though, he supposes.]

Your qualifications. [Straight to the point.]


Re: [video] threedoctorates January 13 2011, 22:21:07 UTC
Three doctorates in Engineering, Chemistry and Mathematics and two bachelor degrees in Psychology and Sociology; I graduated from the FBI academy at the age of 21, I've been an agent for six years now. I have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory and can read over 20,000 words a minute. I have passed my firearms qualifications and my team's apprehension rate is one of the highest in the BAU.


[video] xnoble_reasonx January 16 2011, 03:41:49 UTC
[He's too old for this.]

Do you believe yourself capable of translating your training to non-humans? [Really the important question here.]


[voice] breakspromises January 16 2011, 17:29:09 UTC
Well...there's a friendly voicemail if I've ever heard one...

I'm contacting you to inquire more about the police force ad that was posted. I'd like to join.


[voice] xnoble_reasonx January 16 2011, 20:07:24 UTC
Your strengths.

[Very friendly.]


[voice] breakspromises January 16 2011, 20:15:04 UTC
[mumbles] Wow...your people skills make Batman look like a social butterfly...

I'm fast, skilled and trained. I make good decisions on handling dangerous situations...most of the time. I've had previous experience in doing this type of work.

Is that good enough for you?


[voice] xnoble_reasonx January 16 2011, 20:25:44 UTC
[Mumbling makes him even friendlier.]

I trust your ability to follow orders exceeds your ability to make good decisions.


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