IC Contact

Dec 02, 2009 22:28

[Careful button presses and a short pause.]

Contact is only necessary should you have valuable information.


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/tries not to fail this time [VIDEO] ladieslikepink January 12 2011, 16:32:56 UTC
[Shunsui is taking a soak in the main pool at one of the public bath-houses, though by the relative silence it's easy to recognise that few other people are present. Rather incongruously, his copious wet hair is pulled up and flower-pinned into a fetching bun that even Hinamori would be proud of. Which means that Byakuya gets an unimpeded view of his MANLY CHEST AND SHOULDERS. Kyouraku looks completely unabashed by this - he's been using public baths since he was old enough to be allowed out without servants in tow to nag him about noble propriety.]


[His voice is warm, though quiet. Kyouraku has noticed Byakuya's deliberate avoidance of himself and Ukitake and while it doesn't particularly offend eithr of them, it DOES make him curious. If there's anything that darkens his eyes when he smiles pleasantly at the younger captain through the Forge, it's the knowledge that he stood by and did nothing to either aid or prevent Ukitake from confronting Aizen.]

I've been meaning to thank you for the information when I arrived, but I guess we've both been busy, ne?

[The smile broadens a little, then he shrugs.]

If I were the sensitive type, Kuchiki-taichou, I might think you were avoiding me.

[ooc: this call is soon after Shunsui saw THIS on the Wall on his way to the baths.]


[VIDEO] /patpat xnoble_reasonx January 13 2011, 12:15:18 UTC
[He expected one of his seniors to contact him. It was only a matter of time, though he had expected it after a strange event or the Mist's activity. He did not, however, think it would be Kyouraku, nor did he expect it to be while said senior was doing something that required the absence of at least half his clothing. Wet hair...

Byakuya is at home, having finished that notice just before he'd left with the instructions to put it on the Wall before the next morning. He knew they would not fail to do as he had ordered. But even in his own home, Kyouraku, does Byakuya not wander around shamelessly with a lack of proper wear, especially not to contact people. The only piece missing is the scarf, the first thing he takes off whenever he gets home.

Avoiding him... that could be possible. Or it might just be that Byakuya has far too much to do and no time to waste idly chatting. Surely Kyouraku has less trivial things to talk about than that. Has he even settled in properly? Found employment? It really isn't a concern of his, is it.

No-nonsense look, Kyouraku and he's going to avoid staring directly at the Forge. He doesn't want to see what you're doing. Not going to bother giving any of that a response, either.]

What do you want? [All of that could be said over the network. What reason did he need to contact him privately for? He chooses to let himself ignore the notice--Kyouraku Shunsui doesn't seem much like a police officer.]


[VIDEO] /sobs ladieslikepink January 13 2011, 14:16:17 UTC
[It barely even registers with Kyouraku that Byakuya is fully dressed while he is not. It's a matter of little concern to him, truth be told, since he's equally at home in a bath house as at a Captain's meeting. In fact, Shunsui would likely consider combining the two to be a vast improvement in terms of lessening the instances of inter-Division tension.

The haughty response from Byakuya doesn't particularly trouble him. As a Kyouraku, Shunsui grew up among exactly the same rigid forms of behaviour and propriety within which the Kuchiki move. And he learned long ago that once past the age of being beaten for failure to conform to the expected etiquette, the best way to deal with such behaviour was to ignore it completely.

As such, his smile doesn't even flicker at what he is quite sure from Byakuya is a deliberately implied insult. Whether or not Byakuya expects to be reprimanded, Shunsui doesn't know, but as a Captain, it is a rare occasion on which he has resorted to the need to pull rank, and today is not one of them.

If anything, his smile broadens somewhat, and his voice switches into a more enthusiastic pitch.]

An interesting question, my friend!

[There's an airy and expansive wave with his free hand that brings a scattering of small water drops onto the screen of the Forge.]

I want many things - a beautiful woman, a jug of good sake - a plate of warm chuka man...

...I also want to know more about the police force, Byakuya-kun. How do you find it?

[The latter is delivered in an abruptly serious, - though still completely casual - tone.

Byakuya is exactly right. Kyouraku Shunsui isn't much interested in becoming a police officer - that implies far too much procedure and paperwork - though the idea of the patrol in general has interested him since he first heard about it.

But that doesn't mean that Kyouraku Shunsui isn't curious about how his fellow captain spends his time, or has no care for how being reunited with a long-dead wife has affected him.]


[VIDEO] /holds xnoble_reasonx January 16 2011, 09:19:25 UTC
[So. He really does intend to waste his time. Byakuya doesn't have time to waste, and he doesn't have any prerogative to do so. There are things he'd rather be doing, like sitting here in silence or making some tea and sitting in silence. He could always not respond, but from a military standpoint, it serves no purpose. Eventually, they will have to meet, all of them, and delaying the inevitable isn't as glorious as it seems.

But it is tempting, after all. Bathing while discussing this with him. It really is poor manners. It isn't as if it's important enough that it could not wait before he had finished and Kyouraku shouldn't have anything that could stop him from leaving this before he took one. Even Zaraki had not and he would expect that from him.

He was taught patience though. Among those here, he and Kaien have been here the longest. He should take pride in being the 'senior' in regards to experience in Anatole. And he does have to answer any call he might recieve, frivolous or otherwise. It's part of the job he took on, as irritating as it can be.

His response isn't nearly as enthusiastic. Sorry, it's just not in him.]

You didn't call for a history of the Police Force. [If he's being checked on, he doesn't want it. He's a big boy.]


[VIDEO] <3 ladieslikepink January 17 2011, 17:26:53 UTC
[Of course you have time to waste, Byakuya-kun. Sitting in silence with only a cup of tea for company isn't good for the soul, or the digestion.

There are far better things you COULD be doing, such as making love to the wife who was lost but is now regained (and were he inclined to do so, Shunsui could tell you exactly how hard you should hold on to that second chance with all your heart and soul, Captain Kuchiki).

And yes, he COULD have taken a bath after calling you, but to be honest, conversations with you always run the risk of inducing unnecessary tension - this way is much more relaxing as a whole.

Kyouraku's lips curve in amusement at Byakuya's answer, and he inclines his head slightly in acknowledgement of the younger captain's words. It's accompanied by an audible and distinctly rueful sigh.]

You parry as well as ever, Captain Kuchiki.

No, I didn't. But i would liek to hear your opinion on it, all the same.


[VIDEO] xnoble_reasonx January 21 2011, 01:13:30 UTC
[Indeed, he could. He would like to, in fact. It would be much nicer than tea and solitude, and talking to Kyouraku, but that was never the point, something he chooses not to argue because that would be even more pointless than this conversation.

Your tension, Kyouraku, is less of a concern for him, though.

Byakuya is never amused, and at this, he's ready to busy himself with something nicer, like the orders he has to hand out tomorrow. Shunsui's persistence only succeeds in carefully disguised annoyance, though his apparent lack of interest isn't completely a mask.

How did he find it? They were nothing more than a band of misfits. They were powerless, helpless beings hoping to leave their mark on the world, only wanting to help in the best way they possibly could. Most of them were human, who did not expect their captain to be anything but. Those like Joker, were not ones who belonged anywhere in a Policing division, whose clothes and demeanor weren't what one would expect when dealing with serious matters. And then there are those who cannot bring themselves to kill, like Gesicht, despite knowing that it could come to that. Some were only there because they were students, looking to learn. They were simply a group he placed together as necessity demanded, nothing like the members of his squad.

The job itself was difficult. The hours were long, oftentimes, and even if he came home late, it did not guarantee that he did not have work with him. When he was forced to take the field, they were serious cases, ones that required his attention. It was much more than simply telling a squad of a few hundred men and women what to do and knowing that there would, under usual circumstances, be no need for him to get involved. What did he think of it?]

There is nothing to say. It must be done; an opinion is not needed. [That is how it is. As difficult as it is, it was something he had been prepared for the moment he volunteered. They aren't perfect, but he knows he can guide them. He can't be with her as much as he likes, but he at least he has this time.

Be glad he bothered to answer, even if it isn't an answer anyone would care for. He had something a lot less pleasant to say and would have expressed it, if he thought his words would not be wasted. The only reason he hasn't ignored him yet is that he's still checking for a reason for this call.]


[VIDEO] ladieslikepink January 24 2011, 16:49:48 UTC
I've never known you fail to hold an opinion on anything, Captain Kuchiki, or for that opinion to be without value.

[Even on the subject of Ukitake and Shiba Kaien's death, though Kyouraku would never say so aloud, and would defend his friend without hesitation even to the grave. But in private, he had always feared that one day, Ukitake's pride would bring about his death. Pride, to Kyouraku's mind, was a curse - an illness that infected the nobility of Seireitei, and even the Gotei 13. A sickness that caused war between clans and had left countless of those not blessed with noble blood to die at the hands of robbers, hollows or in the filthiest gutters of Rukongai. And though Ukitake had not died that night, the aftermath had hardly been less devastating.

Kyouraku is silent for a moment, his attention fixed on something outside of the view of the Forge, but only for a moment. And when it returns, his expression is nothing less than entirely pleasant.]

How many of them, do you suppose, could identify a hollow?


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