IC Contact

Dec 02, 2009 22:28

[Careful button presses and a short pause.]

Contact is only necessary should you have valuable information.


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Comments 251

/backdated to yesterday afternoon! girl_unlocking March 2 2011, 12:23:19 UTC
I'm sorry about your...

[she's looking at a leaf, but he can't see it because this is voice]

...I'm sorry about Mrs. Kuchiki.


xnoble_reasonx March 2 2011, 13:01:04 UTC
[He somehow isn't ever expecting anyone to remember her. Even less does he expect someone to say something like this. At least not from someone who knows nothing about him, or the situation.]

Why did you bother? [This is one of those questions that is supposed to be a question. For once.]


girl_unlocking March 2 2011, 13:57:03 UTC
For a lot of reasons.

[There's a long pause on her end, and then she switches to video, where she's still sitting under the tree.]

It sucks that she's not here. It's sad and crappy and unfair and I hate it.

And that doesn't help that I feel any of it. It doesn't help you. Or ..maybe it does, I don't know.

Even if it makes you mad I didn't want you to think I didn't know. Or notice, or care. Or...

...there's a leaf here for her, with her name on it. If you ever want to...


It's not your fault she's gone.

[Swipes a hand over her eyes, straightens up a little. She's NOT crying again.]


xnoble_reasonx March 2 2011, 18:17:28 UTC
[He doesn't understand. Why does she say these things? What made this name important enough to take a few minutes out of her time to say anything? Why... does she do what he cannot?

He doesn't bother to say that she's wrong, that he doesn't care. It wouldn't work, anyway.]

Why do you care? [More or less the same question because he doesn't get it.]


text opticscient March 18 2011, 01:11:03 UTC
Hello, Mr. Kuchiki. My name is Light Yagami. I believe you posted this a few months ago? If the police force is still accepting members, I'd like to join.


[ voice ] B| Text shunning xnoble_reasonx March 18 2011, 14:51:55 UTC

[ Straight to the point. The best way. ]

What skills do you possess?


voice | well! light aims to please opticscient March 18 2011, 20:26:54 UTC
Fluency in Japanese and English and a good handle on computers and other electronics, though I believe these skills won't be very useful here.

If possible, I'd like to become a member of your investigative division. I'm good at reasoning (deductive and inductive), observation, analysis, profiling. I've been studying to become a detective for some time. My father was the NPA's detective superintendent and I've helped him with some of his cases in the past, too. I also have a lot of time on my hands.


voice | those are the best types xnoble_reasonx March 19 2011, 00:01:29 UTC
I require more than investigators. It is possible you may have field duties. Is this within your capabilities?


[ text ] late on the night of March 15th lonestray March 20 2011, 22:15:46 UTC
[It's very late in the night when this message comes. It's very slowly and laboriously typed, though there is still an error or two. Typing is not his strong suit but he's not up to speaking. If Byakuya is paying careful attention, he'll notice the message comes from a Forge not his own.]

thank youu for everyt hing. iwont impose any longer.



[ voice ] xnoble_reasonx March 21 2011, 05:46:29 UTC
[ Byakuya notices all, no matter how well he has slept, no matter what it is he may be doing, he's careful enough to observe. And he also knows there is possible that this may not reach the one it is intended for, but it is worth a try. ]

In Soul Society, those who wish to extend their hands in gratitude, do so in person. [ Oh yeah. He went there. He called you rude. Sending a text. What poor manners. ]


[ text ] lonestray March 21 2011, 08:04:55 UTC
[And Scar's too out of it to even be annoyed or argue the point. The response is still in text--he hates the sound of his voice right now (so weak and broken and it's pathetic).]

sorry [He's not entirely sure exactly what he's apologizing for.]

icant rihht n ow

btu i will. an d repay yuo.


[ voice ] xnoble_reasonx March 22 2011, 02:26:26 UTC
[ He hates text. With a passion. He won't spend forever and a day trying to type out response when he could say it in a few seconds.

It takes him a moment to understand what's been said, though. He curses this man and his inability to do it right. ]

I don't require payment. [ It's his job. As Police Commander. As a member of the Patrol. As a shinigami, even. And Scar did something he will probably never understand, something Byakuya will spare not a moment to explain to him, but if there was any repayment to be requested, Byakuya's certain he's already received it.

There is one thing, though... ] Was it enough? [ Those few days, was it enough to recover? ]


[voice] firebornfidelis March 25 2011, 17:50:05 UTC
[She has no particular fondness for Byakuya and she highly doubts he thinks much of her either. But he is the chief of police and that is the sort of person you take this kind of thing to.

At the very least, better him than the Colonel.]

I have information on the identity of a murderer.


[voice] xnoble_reasonx March 25 2011, 18:23:17 UTC
[ Things have been busy, he misses posts on the network, no matter how diligently he tries to pay attention to it. He relies on his men to do their parts and he makes up for it, but it falls short.

He wasn't aware this woman had yet returned. How fortunate she came to him on her own. ]

Speak. [ He isn't the nice 'welcome back' kind. ]


[voice] firebornfidelis March 25 2011, 18:49:54 UTC
[She appreciates his efficient response. She has no wish to linger on anything emotional right now.]

Male. Scorched. Approximately 6'2", muscular build. When I fought him, he was wearing a white mask, like the face of a bird. In the altercation immediately preceding my death, I shot him. It was a relatively minor wound to the leg.

I don't know his name, but Priscilla seemed to think she knew him. That he is a doctor.

[She almost doesn't want to mention it, to keep it to herself like a wounded animal hiding the pain so no one can take advantage of its weakness. But if it will help Byakuya stop him...]

He has been in contact with me since my return. And expressed a desire to repeat his previous actions.


[voice] xnoble_reasonx March 25 2011, 19:36:49 UTC
[ Such thorough reports. He couldn't ask for anything more. He could use more people like her...

Face of a bird. It is familiar. He will simply have to be on the look-out, and will have to get the name itself from Priscilla. He won't be a doctor for long, if Byakuya has anything to say about it. ]

Do you require protection?


voice; private to be safe; backdated to the 29th sandrocker April 7 2011, 21:44:33 UTC
[a long pause, besides deep breathing.]


[hi, he wants to punch you. his memories might be fuzzy, but he remembers the utter coldness for leon's disappearance - no, he won't go down that path. this is business.]


voice; private to be safe; backdated to the 29th xnoble_reasonx April 7 2011, 23:44:28 UTC
[ Ah. This one. He has not yet forgotten him. Emotional. Irritating. Not one he cares to associate with often. ]



voice; private to be safe; backdated to the 29th sandrocker April 8 2011, 00:10:06 UTC
[you just mad you can't control him.]

My first name is Quatre.


voice; private to be safe; backdated to the 29th xnoble_reasonx April 8 2011, 00:15:18 UTC
[ He controls everything. He's the one who contacted Byakuya, after all. ]

What do you want? [ He is very busy. Boy. ]


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