Fan Fiction - If Only - Erica (Teen Wolf) - 1/1

Oct 31, 2014 21:42

Title: If Only
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Erica Reyes
Pairing: Stiles/Erica (one-sided)
Rating: G
Word count: 115
Warnings: None
A/N: Takes place sometime before "Ice Pick." No spoilers. Written for the 20in20 challenge at gameofcards. Also on AO3. The table with all 20 stories can be found here.
Inspiration: Ghost-Little Boots
Summary: Erica longs to be noticed by Stiles.

Erica sat in science class, staring at Stiles out of the corner of her eye. She had wanted to be his partner for the lab today, but he chose to work with Scott McCall again.

Instead, Erica ended up paired with Isaac Lahey, the quiet kid (like Erica) who always sat in the back of the room (like Erica).

It wasn’t that Erica didn’t like Isaac-she didn’t know him well enough not to like him-but she’d had a crush on Stiles forever.

Too bad Stiles didn’t even know Erica existed. If only there was a way Erica could magically become as attractive as Lydia Martin overnight; then Stiles would have to notice her.

fan fiction, tv show: teen wolf, relationship: stiles/erica, character: erica reyes, challenges, community: gameofcards

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