Fan Fiction - The Only Correct Answer - Jackson/Lydia (Teen Wolf) - 1/1

Oct 31, 2014 21:23

Title: The Only Correct Answer
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Jackson Whittemore & Lydia Martin
Pairing: Jackson/Lydia
Rating: G
Word count: 115
Warnings: None
A/N: Future fic. No spoilers. Written for the 20in20 challenge at gameofcards. Also on AO3. The table with all 20 stories can be found here.
Inspiration: Young and Beautiful-Lana Del Rey
Summary: Lydia frets over her grey hair.

Lydia stood in front of the bathroom mirror, examining her hair. Her grey roots were starting to show underneath her dyed strawberry-blonde locks.

“Jackson, remind me to make an appointment to get my hair dyed” she called down the hall to her husband.

“Why is it always my job to remind you about your appointments?” Jackson said, sticking his head in the bathroom. “I bet Stiles doesn’t have to remind Malia about all of her appointments.”

“Malia doesn’t dye her like I do. Would you rather I went grey like she did?”

“I’d love you no matter what color your hair was” said Jackson.

“That…is the only correct answer to my question” said Lydia, smiling.

character: jackson whittemore, fan fiction, tv show: teen wolf, challenges, community: gameofcards, character: lydia martin, relationship: jackson/lydia

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