Challenge 32: Technical 20in20 (kinda)

Oct 01, 2014 19:59


Description We did this challenge here the last phase, and i really enjoyed it. This time i'm opening up to writing as well. You must complete all 20 to get the points, and you can either do 20 icons, 20 drabbles or a mix and match. You can also create larger graphics if you like, but each item will only be worth the 5 points.

You can pick your themes from the below options. You can do one in particular, or mix and match between the 3. While some lend themselves more to graphics or writing, all can be used for both. Use them as inspiration, I'm not going to question what you make.

A) Create 20 items based on skipping through your music player/the radio/etc much like this challenge here you will use the songs as the base of your item.

B) Use a different colour scheme from Design Seeds for your item. Each comes with a picture so it can be related not to the colours but that picture as well.

C) Use any of the six word stories or texts from last night as inspiration for your item.

Points 5 points per icon or 50 word drabble*, 100 points max.
*you can do larger graphics, or longer drabbles if you wish. if you do a slightly shorter drabble, please make up your word count in other drabbles so your total is no less than 1250 words.
Due Date Oct 31st, 11.59pm/midnight EDT/EST
Submitting Submit here, to this post with your entry or link to your entry (at a journal etc) . Include a tag banner if you wish. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread” below.
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