If we happen to completely lose our minds [closed to non-bandmates]

Dec 19, 2009 03:22

Characters: Rin and Len Kagamine, open to the other Vocaloid members as well
Location: idk wherever they're holding the concert
Time: before the Vocaloids' Talent Day concert
Content: the twins set things up and cause mayhem
Format: idk first is easier?
Warnings: ... it's the Kagamine twins, there's like a automatic creepycestytwin warning here.

[Len sighed, dropping the outfits for their concert later on a already opened box. Then plopped down on the floor beside it. This was probably a bad idea to do, but the concert would do a lot for fixing him--it just took actually doing the concert to get that energy.]

Riiiin. Can we take a break now?

rin kagamine, len kagamine

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