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Comments 15

champagnesly January 6 2012, 06:46:53 UTC
First, Happy New Year ( ... )


xglass January 6 2012, 16:09:46 UTC
Happy New Year to you, too! :D I can't believe it's 2012. I kind of hate the fact that every time I think "2012" that annoying song plays in my head: we're gonna party like like it's the end of the world my ass.

I promise! I'd have to say my life is pretty awesome at the moment, but I am so looking forward to my future because I want to move abroad! <3 I'm glad to hear that drinking may lose it's appeal: I do love my HS friends, even if I don't particularly like them at the moment, and maybe they will come to their senses once they get out of their alcohol-induced haze. Of course I'm not counting on it, but it is a nice thought. And then I can be like, "so sorry, moving to Denmark at the moment" and snub them ohoho XD

AND YES BBC SHERLOCK REFERENCE. I love that show. Currently waiting for the first episode of the second season to load (er, 100% legally). I have lots of internet stuff to do today. Good thing I have all weekend to catch up. Welcome back parties? Nah. XD

There is also no such thing as writing too much! <3 I will ( ... )


fairywine January 6 2012, 06:50:57 UTC
Glad you had a good time during the holidays! I've never been to Universal (I'm a Disney girl through and through, plus the whole HARRY POTTER DEAD TO ME thing), so it was interesting to read your thoughts on it.

My thoughts on writing: it should be what comes naturally to you. If you try to force things, it's going to be a million times harder and show in the work. Just write what you feel like, and let it be what it is. ^^

Me being lazy: My HetaChallenge Advent Fill Thread. Dunno if anything I have up there will appeal to you, but it's everything I've done recently and in one place, so there it is.


xglass January 6 2012, 16:14:49 UTC
I prefer Universal to Disney myself :P Not the movies, but the amusement parks. Disney is great when you're little, but I think Universal caters better to adults. (Harry Potter is such a twisted love affair. I keep trying to let go and just can't!)

I am going to drop it. It's just not working. I've finally figured out how I want to cross Harry Potter and Hetalia (It just won't go away, that Harry Potter) so I'm planning to try that instead!

Advent fill thread is good! I will check it out. :D Thanks!


hoshiko_2000 January 6 2012, 17:11:34 UTC
Happy new year! And yeah, I had the experience of drifting away from my group of friends after high school as well :/. Sometimes it's for the best. It still sucks at the time though.


xglass January 6 2012, 18:05:40 UTC
Happy New Year to you, as well! :D I think it is for the best, it's just been weighing on me for awhile. The internet is a great place to whine about my first world problems :P


hoshiko_2000 January 7 2012, 14:41:55 UTC
Yeah, usually when friendships drift away like that it means that it's for the best. Like relationships, it best for friendships to end while your still on vaguely good terms, rather than it reaching the point where it ends because you have fallen out and loath each other. And if they were treating you like that, I really do think it was time to put an end to those friendships. I had a pretty similar experience after I finished high school :/. But I do think it was something that had been coming for quite a while, and in many ways I think I was happier after it ended.


nefelokokkygia January 7 2012, 00:40:45 UTC
congrats on your exams! I managed to scrape a 4.0 this semester too, all that time spent in my room studying (usually instead of doing much-needed socializing) was so worth it ( ... )


xglass January 7 2012, 14:18:09 UTC
CONGRATS ON YOUR GRADES!!! *cheering* We're obviously amazing geniuses. :D

(And you found my fill! You awesome thing you. I'm glad you liked it!)

I've actually driven to Florida a lot. It's about 10 hours, and it's not too bad if you've got movies and stuff. I passed a lot of people from Canada. *That* is too long for me. XD

Oh, and see I totally think Universal has better rides. You'd like the Men in Black one and the Simpsons one; they aren't extreme. I'd probably warn you away from the Mummy, as it's really fast. You have to make it back someday!

And I've been keeping up with your Svexfem!Fin story! :D I really like it! I'm... not sure how I'd end it, either. XD I have a gut feeling Fin needs to go back to being a man, but at the same time I'm not sure how that would happen or if it even needs too. IDK. *unhelpful*


nefelokokkygia January 10 2012, 23:53:21 UTC
obviously! and hopefully it continues until school is done! *genius high-five ( ... )


First: HIGH FIVES FOR THE SELF PROCLAIMED HUFFLEPUFF! katierox342 January 13 2012, 21:46:07 UTC
We are made of ALL the win ;D ( ... )


Re: First: HIGH FIVES FOR THE SELF PROCLAIMED HUFFLEPUFF! xglass January 23 2012, 15:54:41 UTC
YES I HAVE BEEN WATCHING SHERLOCK!!! I love that show. I'm super depressed the 3rd season won't happen for a whole year. *woe woe woe*

No, drinking is fine! Relax! It's not that I don't drink, it's that the whole atmosphere has changed for me. I used to be more of a partier and now I just don't get the same thrill, especially not when I'm trying to focus on my grades!



Better a 1 year wait katierox342 March 11 2012, 21:32:59 UTC
I'm not sure when you hopped onto the Sherlock wagon, but my friend got me into it...2 summers ago, so pretty early on into the fandom when they were only CONTEMPLATING a second season. Needless to say, I can watch the episodes again about a dozen more times before season 3 comes out. I can't wait to see how they pull it off XD I guess I should brush up on my literature when I have some time (what's that?) and guess at which stories they'll use next X3

I would not recommend a funky monkey or anything else involving banana liqueur. It kinda tastes like banana medicine. Chocotinis are good though XD I personally prefer my drinking to be more a social thing at dinner with friends anyway. Iiiiiiiiiiiii should work on my grades too...okay fine! I'll be a good student, grab my milk and read my text book :T

~Katie (has a rubber arm)


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