I'm Back! [/Terminator voice]

Jan 05, 2012 20:13

Goodness, has it really been like a month? Basically a month. Holy crap, time flies when you get old. ( 20 is sort of old. Not really, hmm.) I used to be a total spaz about Christmas when I was little--staying up all night trying to listen for Santa, etc. My sister and I did the reindeer chow thing and everything. We were hardcore.

So after I beasted my exams (YES I BEASTED. I GOT STRAIGHT A'S, YOU GUYS!!! BECAUSE I'M A BOSS. I HAVEN'T GOTTEN ALL A'S SINCE 10TH GRADE HAHAHA MY GPA IS BADASS NOW.) I had family come visit. And then more family came to visit. And then I went to go visit family. And then all of a sudden it was Christmas. Then I had a whole week to lounge about in which I leveled my WoW character from 70 to 82. (YEAH.) I think I wrote a kink meme fill, but I can't find it. So, um, it was about blind!Sweden and Finland's bad singing. Hopefully I'll find it later.

Then I went on vacation. Wait--whoa, no New Year's Eve Party?

Yeah, I know. I always (okay, "always" being since high school started) go to my friends' New Year's party! This year, though, I don't know, a different friend was hosting and I was just like, you live like 45 minutes away, nngh driving and then I found out my family was driving down to Florida to go to THEME PARKS and what day we were leaving? Why, New Year's day! So being hungover + driving all day was completely out of the question. It was kind of nice to get out of the party because I've kind of been growing away from my high school friends... IDK. It was kind of a relief not to have to see them. It's not like I'm an introvert, but I've been growing that direction. Too many people my age think socializing involves getting completely smashed constantly. I'm not an anti-drinker, but at the same time I'm trying to get away from that because it's so unhealthy. It's really, really bad for you. I've been trying to take better care of myself and yeah. So I feel like maybe I've become a bit of a prude (okay, a total one.) in my old age. (lol "old age.")

Anyway, I drove down to Florida. We left at 4:30 in the morning. I know. I slept all the way to Georgia lol. But Universal Studios was fun! :D My family was there for three days (we got back like, 2 hours ago. So the past three days. IT WAS COLD BOO FLORIDA.) Anyway, driving for that long sucks.

You know what else sucks? The Harry Potter ride.

"Whoa." You say. "Whoa, I've heard it's fantastic though!" Yeah, okay. Maybe it was kind of awesome.

The ride itself was pretty fantastic. However, the crowd. Oh. My. Gosh. It was crazy. We waited in line for 2 hours for this ride. I mean, it's really hard for any ride to be worth a two hour wait, you know? Not that it wasn't fun, because it was, but it was on Tuesday where the high was like 48 degrees F and the line was very poorly done. They had us wrapping way back into the fire lane area! It smelled like sewage. Yuck. The planning people did poorly--there's no way they expected such massive interest! The streets of Hogsmeade were packed. It. Was. Insanity. We crawled through that area for two days (yeah, Monday was a holiday. But Tuesday was just as busy!)

So my sister and mom did math in the line--they figured that, at the rate we were moving and the distance we traveled and how long we waited, that there were about 3000 people in line. The ride probably averaged about 1000 people per hour, judging by the wait time. It was never under 150 minutes. So the Harry Potter ride was fine, I was just a bit disappointed because it was so damn long of a wait. I would have loved to ride it twice, but there was not a chance with that line. There was a single rider lane, but we asked at the beginning and an employee told us there wasn't one and after an hour and a half's wait we found out there was... it was just very chaotic. The employees were doing the best they could, the area was just not build for that massive amount of people. The locker area was a madhouse! I ended up carrying our backpack under my green poofy coat. I hummed the teenage mutant ninja turtle song lol.

Buuut I got a Hufflepuff scarf! <3 Please, what house did you expect me to be in? ;) My sister and I got our houses (she's Ravenclaw) and my dad was like, "hm, yellow would go with my black coat." So he picked Hufflepuff by default, but he's probably more of a Ravenclaw. When I started the books, I figured I'd be in Gryffindor. Not because of Harry or because it was the protagonist house, it just seemed right. I haven't done the Pottermore test, but I re-evaluated my house assignment on the way down to Florida. (I had pleeenty of time haha) I feel like Hufflepuff got the shaft in the books--the "catch all" house of useless people. And then I thought more about what the Hufflepuff house embodies: you know, the patience. I was like, "fuck I am the least patient person ever." But that's not exactly true--I'm pretty damn hard-working when it comes to school work. I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but I am damn persistent. Persistence is kind of like patience, right? I also ask for help constantly and don't mind working in groups, either. I think the competitive atmosphere of Slytherin would drive me crazy, and while I like to read I don't "quest for knowledge" or anything like that. I'm also a total wimp haha. So a Hufflepuff scarf it was. Besides, I look adorable. XD

This might be more personal, a little bit of reflection about my high school friends, but we all kind of had a falling out. Maybe more like a drifting apart? I'm sure it happens to everyone, but the thing is... I tried. I called. I texted. I Skyped. I attempted to set up little meetings when someone was in town. And no one else really even tried--or worse, they said "sure" and never, ever followed through. That fucking hurt. I don't like when people fuck with my feelings--I don't like being lied too, especially. I try not to "promise" to do anything because I inevitably feel guilty if/when I can't meet up to my expectations (like that advent drabble challenge. I was so gung-ho and then I had tons and tons of family and it all when to pot and I still feel guilty. Not even because I promised outloud, I just promised myself I'd try to do one a day and failed so badly.) I mean, there are a few kink meme prompts I said I'd fill and I still feel a bit bad for never getting there. I meant to, other stuff just came up! And this is just the internet. Who cares about being honest on here. (I do, apparently.)

Whole point is I'm justifying my self-appointed Hufflepuffness. Loyalty and all that shit FTW.

The Mummy ride is SUPER FUN. I did it like, four times. It was excellent. Men in Black is always fun--my high score was like 316,675 (not that I memorized it or anything.) The Simpsons Ride was fun too--I was a bit sad to see Back to the Future go, but the Simpsons was funny. It needed an update, and that was good. Spiderman was fun, too! I took pictures with Captain America. Heck yes. And the Jurassic Park river drop ride was fun! My dad and I went on it because my mother and sister hate that sort of thing. I'm amazed they did the Mummy--that thing was scary the first go 'round. By the fourth it was fun haha! <3 I did not go on any of the big fancy roller coasters because I am a wimp.

But yeah. The original Universal Studios was way more fun than the Islands of Adventure simply because the latter was so crowded!

I've also been trying to work on my CSI: Nordics story, but it is hard. [/whine] How do people write seriously? My writing degrades into silliness almost constantly, and while it's amusing I keep having to go back and edit which is not amusing at all. This kink meme fill is probably going to get the axe because I have not worked on any of my WIPs! *failure* (Okay, I have like 2, but still.) In Want of a Wife is like the slowest piece of slowness. I will finish it before I die. Unless I die in like a tragic accident or something, but I don't plan to (but no one ever plans on those sorts of things.)

Holy crap I'm tired. This rambling has gone on long enough! I changed my layout again... I kind of wanted a Sealand-themed one, but I can't find any Sealand icons I like so Moomin default icon will just have to do for now. Maybe I will change it to Lithuania and Poland. I don't know. I'm sooo changeable~

Anyway, I have a request for all my lovely people who have actually read this useless post (or are just reading it without my reading post, as I will not LJ-cut this section): I am super lazy, and I would looove it if you would post a link to your most recent/favorite work you've done if I haven't commented! (No comment from me typically means I haven't read it, as I am basically a comment whore.) I need to get back in the swing of things! :D

(I'll probably get around to combing through my friends page eventually, but if you post a link you're basically guaranteed a comment! Is this not a whole new level of laziness? <3) 


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