[Mod!Post] HetaChristmas Advent Lightning Challenge!

Dec 24, 2011 15:02

For the next few days at least, we're all going to be busy with holidays and with the Hetalia Christmas Event and as a way to pass the time I have come up with this challenge.

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mod!post, challenge: advent challenge

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fairywine December 27 2011, 23:19:46 UTC
what is this i don't even

Username: fairywine
Type of fanwork: Fanfic
Favorite characters: Nordics, Hungary, Austria, Lowland Siblings, but I'm open-minded and will at least try writing any character/pairing (including Nyotalia versions)
Things I will not draw/write: Angst, gore, dark-stuff in general, Hungary/Prussia because I just can't with that, cross-overs with series I'm not familiar with. I'd also prefer not to break up my Holy Pairings of SuFin and DenNor.
Highest rating: M. :D


sirvalkyrie December 27 2011, 23:23:53 UTC
Okay, I have to ask: What series are you familiar with?


fairywine December 27 2011, 23:28:44 UTC
A good number of anime and manga. I'm a lot weaker on western television and video games, which is mainly what that disclaimer was for. For literature, it would depend on the series. Did you have something particular in mind?


sirvalkyrie December 27 2011, 23:30:59 UTC
I always have things in mind!

Doctor Who? Star Trek? Madoka Magica? Pretty Cure? Hellsing? Vocaloid? Haruhi Suzumiya?


fairywine December 27 2011, 23:33:28 UTC
My sister is the Doctor Who fan in the family, not me. XP But I can definitely do Madoka or Haruhi! If we are using the 2009 movie as a base, I could do Star Trek too.


sirvalkyrie December 27 2011, 23:36:40 UTC
William Shatner is the only Captain Kirk in my heart (Star Trek TOS was my first fandom. And Kirk my first fandom crush.)

Prompt: Mistletoe
Characters: Kyubey/Nekotalia of your choice.


Kiss Me Deadly (Kyubey/Belarus!Neko) fairywine December 28 2011, 00:58:07 UTC
I'm starting to think that prompt was punishment for daring to bring up 2009 Star Trek...well, here it goes ( ... )


Re: Kiss Me Deadly (Kyubey/Belarus!Neko) sirvalkyrie December 28 2011, 01:07:28 UTC
Actually, it wasn't. I was considering Kyubey/any, Madoka/female nation of choice in magical girl AU, or Haruhi+America (cause imagine the trouble they could get into). I really enjoyed Belarus cat ripping into him. I liked reading the story and you really captured Kyubey well.


Re: Kiss Me Deadly (Kyubey/Belarus!Neko) fairywine December 28 2011, 01:10:59 UTC
If you say so. XD My brain just about shorted out at the thought of Kyubey and kissing via mistletoe, so I'm sorry if this falls short...orz

Madoka and a female magical girl Nation would have been pretty cool, though. She and Taiwan could be pink and ~magical~ together. XD


Re: Kiss Me Deadly (Kyubey/Belarus!Neko) sirvalkyrie December 28 2011, 01:12:52 UTC
Prompt: 1 Snow
Characters: Mami/Taiwan (you opened the door!)
Any other characters from either series is awesome.

BTW, you should totes join the magical girl fic/art swap!


Wishing Well (Mami/Taiwan) fairywine December 29 2011, 11:12:40 UTC
Wishing Well
It’s cold in Japan, this time of year. Snow falls down in thick flakes, and it only adds to Xiao Mei’s melancholy. Six months have passed since she moved from Taiwan, one necessitated by her diplomat brother’s appointment to the Chinese embassy. She had protested as much as Hong had, but in the end Yao had won. Family was a traditional value in their culture, her brother had insisted, and it was important they stick together.

It isn’t like she hadn’t tried to make it all work. She practices her Japanese often enough to get by in most situations, and there are a few girls at school she has a passing acquaintance with. But it’s not nearly enough. Xiao Mei misses Taiwan, misses the familiar sights and sounds, and that longing just grows every day that passes.

Whether she’s in a crowd, or by herself, or even with her family…she still feels so alone.

“BeiNg aLonE iS HaRd, iSn’T IT?”It is, Xiao Mei nods in agreement. Questioning where that strange, wavering voice is coming from does not cross her mind. Neither does the ( ... )


Wishing Well (Mami/Taiwan) fairywine December 29 2011, 11:13:47 UTC
Mami looks blankly at her, and Xiao Mei belatedly realizes she had given her thanks in Chinese. Repeating them in Japanese, Mami gives her a smile that has something warm glowing in her ( ... )


Re: Wishing Well (Mami/Taiwan) sirvalkyrie December 29 2011, 18:13:54 UTC
That was EPIC! And WOOT for Japan recognizing Taiwan as a country again and resuming official diplomatic relations! And both girls have a friend now... at least until one or both become witches.

I hope a lot more people request you so I can read more of your fic.

Oh, oh and magical girl Taiwan is so adorable! I love her witch form too. Part of the reason I requested this is because at the last con I went to I got a commission of Belarus, Taiwan and Haku Yowane as Madoka Magica style magical girls.


dontgochanging December 27 2011, 23:36:56 UTC
Hello! I've seen you in Sly's journal!

Prompt: #13 gifts
Characters: Denmark and Netherlands (as bros is cool)


You And I Could Have A Rad Bromance (Netherlands + Denmark) fairywine December 28 2011, 12:44:29 UTC
Hooo boy. Really, I'm not as crazy as my presence in Sly's journal would lead you to believe!

Denmark and Netherlands MANLY SIDEBURNS BROSHIP is the best. XD

Denmark and Netherlands have known each other a long time, and have gotten along well for much of their modern history. There’s something reassuring about always having someone to go to without the load of painful shared pasts, to crack open a beer and watch some football and not worry about any deeper meaning behind the action. It’s about a lack of pressure, something fairly rare when beings with lifespans as long as theirs tend to be are concerned.

It all starts with blackcurrants. Netherlands has always known in an offhand sort of way about Denmark’s farm in Roskilde, but it’s never really impacted him much. Not until Denmark apparently has an unusually bountiful year, and Netherlands find himself the recipient of a case of blackcurrant preserves and a note that reads ‘Heard you like these! -Danmark’. Netherlands has never been the sort to complain about receiving ( ... )


Re: You And I Could Have A Rad Bromance (Netherlands + Denmark) dontgochanging December 28 2011, 16:21:15 UTC
Hah. No judgement on my part regarding any craziness... I'm spending my days reading crackfic and porn involving Japanese manga characters so I have no room to throw stones. :D

Loving this story, starting with that awesome title. Neth and Den are totally the best manly sideburn bros that ever bro'd. I like all the little details in here too, like the coasters under the beers and Denmark being used to dealing w/ terse countries! Also, I had to look up kapsalon and damn, that looks tasty!


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