omg want to die now.

Jul 30, 2013 22:43

my world has crashed. i got into a fight with my gf because she knows my uncle raped me many times and still pulls me about and always touches me and stuff. she told me this guy had tried to force himself on her before but she never told me he actually got up her (for like 3 seconds before she pushed him off and legged it out the door). im ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

sapphire_kittum July 31 2013, 07:14:34 UTC
Maybe you need to remind her about not grabbing you? She might not realise how much it upsets you


xfattyxl July 31 2013, 09:53:00 UTC
I have countless times lol


flyawaychic December 2 2013, 05:44:03 UTC
Did you get help to deal with the rape trauma? I am also seeking help, even though the abuse was many years ago.


xfattyxl December 2 2013, 20:54:27 UTC
Hows your help going?


flyawaychic December 2 2013, 23:34:00 UTC
Well my counselor is helping a little bit. I am going to be calling the rape crisis centre for group/individual therapy.


xfattyxl December 3 2013, 22:09:06 UTC
Glad for you!


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