Title: Fallen Pairings: Jaemin, Yoosu Rating: R Summary: One of the meanings of fallen. Actions and consequences. Me being vague in the summary again... ^^ ch.1 || ch.2
why must my mind be twisted and imagine Yoochun as a chubby half nekkid cupid? >_<
oh, the image of Chunnie en Jae sitting in the moonlight with wings.. so beautiful T_T. I fear for what is to come. Chunnie can't be more emo than this. Don't make him even more sad, he'll die T_T.
Well it's a good thing my chapt's are relatively short ^^. (Once I tried to catch up on a fic of 10 chapters, and the author had chapters that were like 5 pages long each. GAH.)
Okay it is 4:30AM where I am right now, and I find this long comment. Thank you! I love Min with nerdiness&atheism. I actually just remembered Angel Sanctuary now that you mentioned it. I can't believe I ever forgot watching that. And it's funny you mentioned fanart too because I drew something like 2 days ago (but it's nothing fabulous because I have lost all my artistic talent from lack of practice). I love historical references. They add a backstory and the story can build on itself a little bit.
Comments 30
it gave me a really nice feeling 8D
Perhaps it was because Yoochun had been a relatively young angel when they left.
^ this makes me imagine a chibi yoochun angel playing around XDD
*stares at the punishment*
NOOOO ;___;
but it will must work out in the end 8DD
..*prepares tissues with luvkangta* ;___;
Maybe it'll work out... or not... haha I'm kidding.. or am I?
*buys tissue boxes after preparing snacks for lilfirefly*
oh, the image of Chunnie en Jae sitting in the moonlight with wings.. so beautiful T_T. I fear for what is to come. Chunnie can't be more emo than this. Don't make him even more sad, he'll die T_T.
*sends Angel Micky over to make you write more* Look! he got bribe!! 8D
Angel JaeJoong?! >_<
>.> okay I can't read the fic the same way again after seeing these pics.
I remember seeing those angel pics at in:com. Almost forgot about them. ||gasp||
But tomorrow's Brooklyn-Queens Day meaning I have no school - meaning I get time to write. :DD
i read them all (well.. three 8D) in one go and .. ;_;;;!!1
now i'm stuck ♥
guh.. poor yoochun ;_;
We love emochun.
(The comment has been removed)
I love Min with nerdiness&atheism.
I actually just remembered Angel Sanctuary now that you mentioned it. I can't believe I ever forgot watching that. And it's funny you mentioned fanart too because I drew something like 2 days ago (but it's nothing fabulous because I have lost all my artistic talent from lack of practice).
I love historical references. They add a backstory and the story can build on itself a little bit.
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