Title: Fallen Pairings: Jaemin, Yoosu Rating: R Summary: One of the meanings of fallen. Actions and consequences. Me being vague in the summary again... ^^ ch.1 || ch.2
OHMEHGUSH..JAE&CHUN ARE ANGELS!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ The other part of the punishment. There was Jaejoong, who would be destined to never find love. Yoochun himself would find love over and over, and each time, would lose that love.
That was the price of free will. but in the hands of x_voracity, JAEMIN and YOOSU find a huge, glaring loophole and they all live happily ever after. you know i'm right BD
SU + CHUN + MUSIC = ♥♥♥ JAE + MIN + CLUB = HOTMANSECKS ohmy, it works out so perfectly(;
YES FUTURE CLUBBING. We loves the boys in there. Man it is like 6:12AM, I gotta leave soon. I'll be writing when I get home. But it's raining oh noes that might mean depressing stuff... >D
I love this fic now, and...youaren'tgettingridofme! *Sits*
It's hard to find a well written story with a good plot. It's even harder to find all that and a writter who does their research. :D I love you! *tackle*
Thank you! It always bothers me when an author just writes something without knowing ANYTHING, I mean small mistakes are okay. So of course I had to read about it.
.... *searches high and low for yunnie* (okay, this is not the main point just one of my small prob^^;)
The other part of the punishment. There was Jaejoong, who would be destined to never find love. Yoochun himself would find love over and over, and each time, would lose that love.
That was the price of free will.
Something tells me that i will have to prepare tissues when the time comes T-T
and ahh, six wings? What a beautiful idea~ that's the highest an angel can go, yes? i love six-winged angels~~ ♥
Comments 30
The other part of the punishment. There was Jaejoong, who would be destined to never find love. Yoochun himself would find love over and over, and each time, would lose that love.
That was the price of free will.
but in the hands of x_voracity, JAEMIN and YOOSU find a huge, glaring loophole and they all live happily ever after.
you know i'm right BD
SU + CHUN + MUSIC = ♥♥♥
ohmy, it works out so perfectly(;
<3 tiffo
I don't even know where the loophole is yet... KEKE.
*Stalker!icons you*
<333333333 I'm about ready to fall off the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter~ I'm just like D: NOES. TWU LUV WILL FIND THEM ALL.
Because it will. OTHERWISE I WILL THROW A FIT AND DIE. :D Or weep like mad and favourite the fic anyway. XDDD
Oh dear. <333 You've gotten me all batshite and babbly. Is that future clubbing!joongshim I seeeeee? *Sparkle*
Man it is like 6:12AM, I gotta leave soon.
I'll be writing when I get home. But it's raining oh noes that might mean depressing stuff... >D
... It's 6.15PM. XD
Can I make my Min muse dance Hiyaya nekkid in front of you? :DDD That's definitely far from my list of depressing. 8D
Now I have to leave for school.
It's hard to find a well written story with a good plot. It's even harder to find all that and a writter who does their research. :D I love you! *tackle*
Thank you! It always bothers me when an author just writes something without knowing ANYTHING, I mean small mistakes are okay. So of course I had to read about it.
*searches high and low for yunnie*
(okay, this is not the main point just one of my small prob^^;)
The other part of the punishment. There was Jaejoong, who would be destined to never find love. Yoochun himself would find love over and over, and each time, would lose that love.
That was the price of free will.
Something tells me that i will have to prepare tissues when the time comes T-T
and ahh, six wings? What a beautiful idea~ that's the highest an angel can go, yes? i love six-winged angels~~ ♥
Maybe tissues... I never cry from my own writing, I talk to myself asking how I could write something like that ^^
Highest angel yes - according to that article on wiki anyway.
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