Worth It [Riku/Sora, PG]

Aug 21, 2007 17:27

Title: Worth It
Pairing: Riku/Sora
Type: Fluuuff.
Written For: jojobeans_kh01 - yay third request!
Rating: PG - I'm so sorry! T_T it's totally fluffy and unsmutty. I will write you a dirtier Riku/Sora when I get home, I promise...

Tap. Tap. Tap. Sora rolled out of bed, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He looked out the window... what was making that noise?

He opened the window and a rock hit him in the face. "Ow!"


Sora looked down, and then the pain was forgotten. "Riku!!" His best friend was standing under his window in the predawn light, waving excitedly.

"Get down here, Sora! There's something I've got to show you!"

The little brunette moved as quietly as he could; he didn't want to wake his parents. He definitely wasn't supposed to be out of the house at this time! But none of that mattered when it came to Riku, of course.

"What is it?"

"Come with me."

He took Sora down to the beach, then ran out into the water. Sora stopped at the water's edge, looking uncertainly out. It was probably cold.

"Come on!" Riku looked back and held out a hand. "Don't worry about the cold. It's worth it!"

Sora believed him. The ocean water was freezing, and within seconds his teeth were chattering.

"Shh." Riku put an arm around him as they walked deeper and deeper, and it helped with the cold. "Swimming will warm you up."

They swam, farther than usual, and Riku was right - moving around helped him stay warm. He looked up at his friend and grinned. "Your lips are blue."

"Yours too," Riku said, smiling. "Here - right here. Just tread water for a while. You can lean on me if you need to." Riku was a stronger swimmer than Sora was, and he knew that his friend couldn't tread water for long. But it was almost here.

Sora tried to keep himself up, but the cold water cut into his muscles and made them weak. Finally, he gave up and wrapped his arms around Riku's chest. What was so worth it that Riku would -

But suddenly, over the edge of the ocean, the sun broke free of the horizon, and golden light spilled over the shining sea.

Sora watched, gaping, as the ocean began to sparkle in the sudden brightness, watched the line of the rising sun spread towards them across the expanse of gray. Warmth hit his face and he gasped, breathing in the fresh air.

Riku smiled. "Worth it?" He didn't admit that his own limbs were getting tired, he didn't know if he'd have the strength to swim to shore, or that he'd never been out here alone. He didn't even know if it would work at the time... he'd just been overtaken by the powerful urge to do something, anything, for his best friend.

Sora smiled at Riku, and he knew the answer to his own question. "Every second."

{ + }

Sora was asleep when he heard a strange tapping on his window. Frowning, he slid out of bed. Who...?

"Riku?" There he was, arms folded, grinning up at Sora's window. "Come on, Riku, the sun's not even up yet!"

"I want to show you something."

A memory tickled at the back of Sora's mind, but he couldn't put a finger on it. "Um, okay. Let me get my shoes on..."

"Don't bother - it's down at the beach." Riku grinned. "Let's just go."

"Okay..." Sora followed Riku, unable to shake the strong feeling of deja vu. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

The water was cold - colder than Sora ever thought it could be. "How far away is it?"

"Not far." Strange - the distance had seemed forever when they were children.

They treaded water, Sora on his own this time, and waited.



"We've been here before, haven't we?"

The sunrise broke over the water, and Riku smiled to himself. "...Yes."

"You brought me out here, didn't you... but then I fell asleep when we got home, and I thought I was dreaming." The orange glow of the rising sun made Sora's eyes dark and warm. "It wasn't a dream."

"No, it wasn't." Riku wasn't watching the sunrise.

"...You asked me if it was worth it."

"Is it?" Somehow, the question seemed oddly portentious.

Sora thought about this. "...Well, I'm with you," he said, smiling at his friend. "Isn't that always worth it?"

Riku blinked. "Sora..."

"What is it?"

Their lips met in the morning sunlight, and neither of them watched the glitter on the water, nor cared about the first light of the day... because they were together. It was worth it.

riku/sora, fanfiction

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