No Reaction [Marluxia/Riku, PG-13]

Aug 21, 2007 17:58

Title: No Reaction
Pairing: Marluxia/Riku (whut?) (Kurix, actually. I'm going by the idea that Riku was the thirteenth Nobody before Roxas... even though it totally screws up the time frame. To hell with the time frame.)
Type: erk. Kind of angst a bit.
Written For: capri_chan- okay, I have to say, I have NOT played Chain of Memories. My friend has, even though I bought the game, because I wanted to focus on reading some books first. So if Marly sucks I'M SORRY. And, hence the total disregard of canon. If you want a better one, I'll wait til I've played the damn game x-x.
Rating: PG-13

The new Nobody, the keyblade bearer, was quiet and elusive. That aggravated Marluxia, who was much too happy at the fact that he now had someone who he could boss around. Larxene didn't count. Bossing Larxene around was kind of like throwing yourself off a cliff - a horrible idea.

So he was rather surprised when he found Kurix in the last place he'd ever expect - his own rose garden, lying in the brambles. He still had that ridiculous blindfold on, he must had wandered there without knowing where he was going. Silly.

Marluxia plopped down next to the thirteenth Nobody - the thorns wouldn't hurt him - and just watched for a while.

He leaned closer. Damn, but that was pretty, pretty face. His eyes were probably just as pretty...

Riku caught the hand a millimeter away from his blindfold. "What are you doing," he muttered, his voice flat and lifeless.

Marluxia snorted. "This is my garden. I can do whatever the hell I want."

"Oh." He turned his face away. "All right then. Just leave the blindfold alone."

Another long minute passed, as Marluxia waited for Kurix to do something, anything. Experimentally, he reached out and toyed with the strings on his new coat.

No reaction.

His hand brushed along the younger Nobody's collarbone, then paused on the zipper.

No reaction.

He unzipped the coat slowly, and pressed his lips to the hollow in his throat.

No reaction.

Marluxia slid his hands up Number Thirteen's sides, vaguely annoyed. Did he have nerve endings? He slowly dragged his lips up his neck and nibbled on his ear, exploiting what he knew were sensitive spots.

"Any particular reason why you're doing this?"

What shocked him was not the words, nor their abuptness - it was the tone of voice, weary and old and utterly uncaring.

"J-just bored," Marly muttered, blushing. BLUSHING. What the hell.


Marluxia ghosted his lips over the other's skin for another second, then sighed and sat up. "Please leave," he whispered. "You're... crushing my roses."

"Okay." Riku stood up, turned his head - not that there was anything to see - and chose a direction at random.

Marluxia watched him go, feeling as if something was terribly wrong.

They never saw him again, and three days later, Xemnas proclaimed that Roxas was Number Thirteen.

Marluxia stared into the distance and wondered if he was dreaming.

fanfiction, marluxia/riku

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