Spreading the SPN love

Sep 21, 2010 03:49

Both of my younger brothers watch the show with me every week. I take credit for getting them hooked. It was all me. :D

My one great sadness in all this SPN joy was that my best friend, my sister, not only didn't watch the show but didn't even want to hear about it! She's been worried about how quickly I became obsessed, concerned that I was taking ( Read more... )

real life rambling, family

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Comments 33

raloria September 21 2010, 09:23:57 UTC
*squee* That's awesome!!!! A new convert is born! Hehheh. :D

I'm so excited for you! I hope everything works out and you two go to the Nashville Con. I will be so happy to have someone else to share Con memories with. :D



wynefred September 21 2010, 09:32:02 UTC
I know! I'm excited beyond words!

Thanks! And thanks for talking me into a con. I would never have had that conversation with my sister if I hadn't chatted with you the day before. I owe you BIG, chica! And it would be so cool to share a room with her and go to all the panels with her. She's my best friend for a reason!


Woohoo!! stjra September 21 2010, 10:26:20 UTC

Go you good thing!!!!

I mananged to convert my best friend but then she went and had a brand new baby so has had limited time to catch up with the rest (she got to the 1st episode of S4 before bub was born! I knew I should have worked on her harder earlier in the piece). We've tried a few times to set up catch up sessions but the poor bugger is damn tired by time we both have kids out the way we haven't managed yet! I can't wait until her little one is bigger and not waking her during the night so we can catch up!

It's so good to have someone in RL to squee with. The best part, she's a Dean!girl like me. Though she does have bibro tendancies, but I won't hold that against her. :P

Have fun squeeing with your sister, it's sounds like the trip in May will be lots of fun!


Re: Woohoo!! wynefred September 21 2010, 13:09:39 UTC
Yay! :D

Well, yeah, babies'll do that to a schedule. Congrats to the new mom, though! That's awesome. Maybe she'll be able to join you in a few months after the little one is older.

It's true, we need someone in real life to squee with. I used to have baby brother's girlfriend, but they broke up before the end of S5. It's kinda awkward for me to hang out with her now, so we gave up on that.

I can't wait for May! Funny thing is that before SPN I'd always said that I'd never attend a convention like that. SPN changed a lot of my preconceptions. Heh.


Re: Woohoo!! stjra September 21 2010, 21:52:00 UTC
Oh yeah, that would make it awkward with the brother's ex!

Good thing you are a recruiting machine!

Hee, hee, yeah I was the same about conventions, but I would be at a convention that Jensen was attending in a flash if it was close enough to home. The Australian conventions were still over 2,000km away from me so I just could afford the extra costs of travel and accommodation on top of the convention tickets, but man I would have loved to go.

I sure the May one will be a blast. Especially with a brand new fan in toe! :D


Re: Woohoo!! wynefred September 22 2010, 02:10:16 UTC
The May one is still up in the air... it now seems to be scheduled that last week of April thru May 1, which is a month earlier than I'd thought. Either they changed it in only a few days or I'm crazy and was reading it wrong. End of May would have worked perfectly; end of April, not so much. It's not out, just gonna take some thought.

She's already excited about the convention, and she's heard so little about it. I'm gonna introduce her to the con youtube clips after she's finished with the episodes. (especially these: http://wynefred.livejournal.com/34629.html)


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wynefred September 21 2010, 13:12:58 UTC
I know! My sister tried for a long time. She's very stubborn. Right now, her pride is keeping her from actually saying the words... from admitting that she likes the show. But she's upset that I only gave her the DVDs for S1 and she's stayed up way past her bedtime twice in a row to watch the show, so I know she's completely hooked.

And I'm so excited to have her on board! After I move into her house next month, I may even introduce her to the online fandom. Heh.


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wynefred September 21 2010, 14:46:22 UTC


ursalita September 21 2010, 13:02:40 UTC
That's awesome that you managed to convert her. None of my real life friends are fans of SPN or aware of how hooked I am on the show and fanfic. My husband is a fan of the show but he doesn't get into the fandom stuff. I'm lucky that he doesn't mind that I spend so much time with it.


wynefred September 21 2010, 13:16:33 UTC
Yeah, I completely understand. While my brothers watch the show with me, they aren't into the fandom stuff, and don't care about any of the behind the scenes stuff that I'm so fascinated with. One of my brothers did read a couple of fanfics, but only a couple. He thought they were "ok", even though he grabbed some I consider the best in fandom. Brothers. *sigh*

I'm hoping that, even though my sister is turning out to be a Samgirl, I'll still be able to discuss these things with her. After all, I like Sam too. He just can't compare to the awesomeness that is Dean (Jensen).


metallidean_grl September 21 2010, 13:47:41 UTC
Nobody can compare to the awesomeness that is Dean Winchester.

That is too exciting that your sister is now a Supernatural devotee. She has a lot of watching to do to catch up before Friday. I'm very excited for you that you can now squee with someone about the show in RL and not just over the internet. I got a friend to watch last year and she is now a fan, but she doesn't want to watch any of the spoilers or know anything about the upcoming season, so I haven't been able to talk to her about all the stuff that has been coming out. Which kind of defeats the purpose of having a friend that you can squee with about the show. But she is going to VanCon with me next year, so that will be fun. I hope you actually get to the Nashville Con. That will be cool.


wynefred September 21 2010, 14:02:59 UTC
Too true. :D

I know! And I'm so super excited about it. She won't be caught up by Friday. There's just no way. But I'll save the episodes and she'll catch up pretty quickly once she's seen the first 5 seasons. It'll probably take her a month or so.

Fortunately, my sis is an even bigger spoiler fiend than I am! She also loves all the background fan stuff that I love. She encouraged me to babble at her during the first 3 eps, giving her all the behind-the-scenes stuff I know. She soaked it up.

Glad you have a friend to take with you to Vancon. You purchased the tickets together so you can sit together? I plan to do that with my sister. We'll share a hotel room and purchase two separate gold tickets if we can get them before they sell out. Probably no photo ops, though. I don't think Sis will be ready for that, and I really don't want a pic of me with the boys just yet.


metallidean_grl September 21 2010, 15:40:23 UTC
Oooohhhhhhh! I love your new header pic. Love the boys together like that.

Your sis will catch up quickly. How fun for you. Yes, for VanCon we got our seats together, so excited. Only 339 days to go till the start of VanCon and 341 days until I get to see Jensen and Jared in the flesh.

So excited that you are going to go to a Con. Get tickets before they sell out. I saw that Jared is going, not Jensen. Let's hope that Jensen will sign on before the Con, you being a Dean girl and all, you just have to see Jensen. I can understand about no Photo Ops. In my current state, I wouldn't want a pic with them either. But I have 339 days to correct that. It can be done.

Too excited for you. That will be a fun trip for you.


wynefred September 21 2010, 23:26:51 UTC
Thanks! I chose that particular one because the boys look so good together. I also loved the textural backdrop of the salvage yard.

She's was already at Nightmare when I talked to her a few hours ago. She might finish the first season as early as tonight! I expect her to come over tomorrow and confiscate Seasons 2-4. She's also informed me that I'd better order S5 pronto. Heh.

Yeah, Val broke me down. She backed me into a corner and shattered all my excuses for not going. She's pretty mean cool that way. She says that Jensen usually signs on much later than Jared. If Jensen isn't able to come... well, I'll enjoy it, but I'd miss him. It would then be even more important that some of my favorite guests attend. I'm hoping for Richard Speight Jr., Fredric Lehne, Kurt Fuller (I think he's only attended one so far), and wouldn't it be great if Cindy Sampson (Lisa Braeden) attended?


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