Sixth Challenge Response

Aug 07, 2006 17:00

this is my response to the Survivor Island sixth challenge. we had to write a scene integrating all three of these characters if you like it, please, drop a note and say so (and, hell, if you have any critique, that'd be swank too)
the story with the most responses will be declared the winner when voting closes Wednesday (9/8) night. you can respond to as many stories as you like - you could even vote for all of 'em, if really wanted to

quick pre-note - checking out Smeddley's story will give a touch of grounding as i'm fanficing her time-line (¡luv' ya Smed!)


They were bickering again. It was regular as the lunch-bell - every time they came together, he would say something stupid and she would get angry and he would snap back and she would sigh and they’d both get huffy - it always made Thom want to smile.
       “The hell it does! It fucking proves you’re fucking wrong!”
       “I just don’t see it that way, Jason. It’s a miracle we’re even alive. It’s a sign -“
       “Yeah, it’s a sign from His ‘All Merciful Ass’ that He’s a punk-ass bitch!”
       Viola sighed and turned to look out the window. The bandages crisscrossing half her face were splotched with yellowish stains. Thom tried to turn his head to see out the window, but stiffened and sucked in his breath as a flash boil seethed across his back - it felt like his skin was being soldered. He squeezed his eyes shut and wished he could scream against the spasms and pain. Finally, the fire subsided. He panted shallowly for a few seconds then reopened his eyes. They were both looking at him.
       “You ok, Tommy? You want me to call the duty-nurse?” Viola’s voice was no louder than folded linen. Thom smiled, or would have if he could. He wanted to shake his head and tell them he was fine. Jason had figured out a system of blinks so he could tell them when he was hungry or had to go to the bathroom - but for whatever reason, they had never figured out, “I’m alright”.
       “He’s a fucking trooper, he’s fine. Aren’tcha, buddy?” Jason limped over to Thom’s bed, leaning heavily on a cane and holding his blue flower medical gown shut behind him. “We’re gonna have you up in no time, don’cha worry.” Though he couldn’t see it, Thom felt Jason squeeze his fingers, “These docs are all quacks - you’re not really all that banged up, it’ll be fine.” Thom knew Jason was full of crap, but it made him feel good anyway. “Yeah, we’re gonna have you back on the street being a skate-board creep in no time.” Thom blinked twice, felt Jason squeeze his hand in response, and then closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.
       “You know it doesn’t help to talk like that. Dr. Delallo said he has severe tissue trauma below C6 - that’s not something to joke about. It’s really unlikely -“
       “Jesus! Make up your mind! First it’s a miracle -“
       “Quiet down! He’s asleep!” Viola whispered harshly. Jason's hand left his. Thom listened for the shuffle-click of Jason walking away before peeking his eyes open to watch them through his eyelashes.
       Jason's voice was a vicious whisper, “Come on V - first it’s a miracle we’re alive, now it’s unlikely he’ll ever move again; you’ve got to make up your fucking mind! I heard what that idiot Doc said, but that doesn’t fucking mean I gotta kick the kid in the junk!” Jason looked angrily down on the half of Viola’s face uncovered by bandages.
       “I understand you want to help him, Jason, but I know the medicine and it’s just not there. He’s got to get used to the idea that he might be like this for the rest of his life. You’re not doing him any good hiding the truth. He’s got less than a ten percent-” Viola’s voice breezed to a low hush. Thom shut his eyes, he’d heard his chances of recovery before. It didn’t seem real when the doctor or his parents said it, but when she said it, it felt like knowing you're gonna get dumped next period. It felt like a crowbar.
       Thom suddenly realized the murmuring voices had stopped and he looked over at his friends. Jason was looking out the window, Viola was doing the same. Thom wished he could see what they were looking at.
       They didn’t always talk about God and him - Jason had these great stories about college and the pranks he would pull. Viola would talk about Africa and how the land bloomed in the morning, how all the animals would lounge on rocks through the hottest part of the day. He saw Viola shift and reach up to Jason’s hand, without turning around Jason took her fingers and squeezed them.
       “It’s just not - it’s just not fucking fair, V. What the hell does it mean when we're all in the same fucking car accident, and the fucking Peace Corps Doctor gets maimed, the 14 year old kid gets crippled, but my monkey-ass walks away with a broken foot and a singed t-shirt? I mean, that’s just not fucking right!”
       Viola sighed, and was quiet for a few seconds. Thom could see her scanning something outside the window. He face was strangely beautiful, even against the harsh bandages. “It’s - I don’t know. It’s what happens. Jason, I’ve worked in medical wards on three continents and I can tell you it never seems to make sense. People live and people die and sometimes it feels like nothing we do matters. But, then, I don’t know - sometimes it all works out and you go to sleep at night knowing the world would have been worse off if you hadn’t gotten out of bed in the morning. You know what I mean?”
       “I know you sound like a fucking HallMark card,” but he didn’t let go of her fingers. He just stood in profile looking out the window. Thom watched them for a while: Viola searching out the window, reaching up to Jason - Jason with his back to the room, holding tightly to Viola. Thom would have smiled, if he could. He shut his eyes and sleep lovingly curled around him.

type: prose, user: nyarhotep, type: prompt response

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