Survivor Island Response

Aug 05, 2006 15:01

If you need a refresher on the characters, their background stories are HERE and the original prompt for those characters is HERE. Apologies tot he Huckleberry Blue Bandits and the Gatsby Green Team for any mutilation of the characters they lovingly created. I did try to incorporate the back story and characters as much as possible!

"This is my response to the Survivor Island sixth challenge. If you like my story, respond. The player with the most responses will win this challenge."

A short tale in three perspectives

Viola rubbed her eyes blearily, still feeling the jet lag dragging her down. She sat uneasily and stared at the two other bus passengers across from her; after spending so much time in Africa, she felt very ill at ease back in the modern world. The man seemed to be trying to catch her eye, but she stubbornly stared at the space between him and the young boy. She wasn’t in any sort of mood to deal with him, even though, she mused, he might be kind of cute if he’d clean himself up - and remove that menacing scowl he was wearing. He couldn’t be more than half a dozen years older than herself and -

Suddenly, the bus jolted and she was hurling through the air. Her head cracked against something solid, and a blinding burst of pain washed over her. She dimly registered her body being tossed around then something clamped onto her and held her firm. Blackness claimed her, then smoke filled her lungs and she gagged and thrashed. She heard a man’s voice swearing sharply and she faded back into the comforting blackness. The next thing she registered was a bright, almost blinding light and a cool breeze. She struggled to open her eyes but lapsed back into unconsciousness.

* * * * *

Thomas stared glumly at the floor, kicking at it with the toe of a grubby sneaker. Music from his iPod blared into his ears, shutting out the outside world. He didn’t want to be on this bus, didn’t want to go to the stupid camp, didn’t want to do anything but lock himself in his room until the kids at school forgot about it and found someone else to tease. Stupid Sarah. He didn’t need her, anyway. He didn’t need any of them. He should just get off this bus and the next stop and go -

Suddenly he was thrown sideways, his arm hitting one of the metal poles with a sickening crack. He was too surprised to cry out in pain; then he was hurled backwards and his back smashed into a seat. He felt a flare of pain down his legs and then… nothing. His body went limp and he tumbled under a seat, clutching his throbbing arm and weeping softly. The smoke was starting to choke him when someone reached out and yanked him from under the seat, wrenching his arm in the process. He gave a scream of pain and blacked out.

* * * * *

Jason sat staring glumly at the girl opposite him. She was hot, but wouldn’t even look in his direction. Probably a right stuck-up bitch, he sneered to himself. Too good to give the likes of him the time of day. God, when did his life get so fucked up? Where had it all gone wrong? He touched the slight swelling of his cheek; not much physical damage, but the fact that Scott had swung at him like that at all was more than enough. There was a rift there now, one that may never be fixed. He blew out a breath in disgust. Who could blame Scott? Just look at what I’ve done to both our lives, he thought bitterly.

He focused on a black SUV in the window behind the girl’s head. It was swerving in the next lane over, and he craned him neck to follow it as it passed the bus. Suddenly he saw the bus driver stiffen and he instinctively grasped the pole nearest him and held on. The bus jolted and turned onto its side; he saw the girl’s head slam into one of the seat arms and suddenly she came hurdling towards him. Her body thudded into his and he wrapped an arm around her, holding her as the bus slid to a final crunch. He swore as he saw the thick black smoke come rolling down the bus. He heard a young boy sobbing softly and he dragged the girl towards the sound. Through the smoke he could see the boy wedged under a seat, coughing and crying. He gritted his teeth and yanked the boy out; the boy screamed once and fell silent. He dragged both of his unconscious burdens to the back of the bus and out the emergency exit before the rolling smoke finally overcame him and he, too, passed out.

type: prose, user: smeddley, type: prompt response

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