[SCENE] Coffee with Diego [GS4 spoilers]

Mar 02, 2008 19:41

[It must be noted here that in the RP, Phoenix hasn't gone to visit Drew Misham yet. (This is kinda my fault, because I didn't know the implications of the talk, which would *ahem* change a lot of things. >_>) So, since there's no actual date regarding the visit... it'll come later rather than sooner. It'll come eventually though, I promise!

Phoenix's visit comes a few days after Kristoph's (and yet both are before Miles' party!) and it's recommended that you read Gavin's visitation scene here.]

Wright: *steps off the bus at the stop closest to the penitentiary, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his hoodie as he covers the rest of the distance to the heavily secured building on foot. For a multitude of reasons, he's decided to wear his casual clothes today-- for one, the air is chilly, and the knitted hat on his head keeps him wonderfully warm till he gets indoors*

Wright: *inside the penitentiary, he places his keys and wallet on a tray and walks through the metal detector just by the doors. The detector beeps as he walks through, and the guard nearby-seeming none too concerned-runs a scanner wand over him. The scanner beeps on his hoodie, and with a bit of a nonchalant laugh, he apologises for forgetting about the metal button on it; the guard chuckles at the odd looking design of the button, and they exchange one or two more lines as Phoenix goes through a light patdown check and is finally admitted in*

Wright: *another guard comes to lead him towards the high security cell blocks, and he follows at his own pace, mostly looking straight ahead as he walks*

Gant: *glances up from making a few volume adjustments on his keyboard at the sound of footsteps, expecting nothing more than the usual guards making their rounds. Performs a snappy double-take as he zeroes in on the figure dressed in a slummy hoodie and jeans. Gant scrutinizes the form for a few moments, watching him carefully with an unreadable expression as Wright approaches his own cell*

Gant: *Breaks into a wide smile as he studies the man's gait. SOMETHING is familiar about him. Hollers and waves cheerfully, with a wink as Wright passes by* Hello, there, good fellow!

Wright: *looks up when Gant calls out, and recognises the former chief of police immediately--he straightens somewhat, and his eyes flash with recognition. Instead of speaking, though, he nods and gives a bit of a mock salute as he continues walking on--a little quicker this time*

Gant: *now suspicious, but his smile doesn't show it* Nice day, eh? *not that he knows, he's been in his cell all day! Adjusts his glasses and makes a show of putting the final finishing touches on his keyboard, this time LOWERING the volume so as to be loud enough to annoy, but quiet enough so he can hear conversation through the corridor*

Gant: *keeps an eye on the figure and an ear open for any interesting words as he goes about playing THE NICKEL SAMURAI theme*

Wellington: *is sleeping when Wright passes his cell, catching up from a noisy restless night of keyboard solos and one-sided conversations, and misses seeing the man*

Matt: *has spent the better part of the day singing along and humming THE NICKEL SAMURAI theme along with Gant's keyboard playing, but pauses as he sees the figure striding down the hall. Glancing at the man, he grins suddenly, very wide as he tilts his head upwards.* I was wondering when you'd show up, dude. We've all missed you.

Wright: *grins casually, and stops just for a moment in front of Matt's cell* Can't say I feel the same way, really.

Matt: *stops himself from chuckling and instead just continues smiling* How's your daughter? Trucy was it?

Wright: *his grin fades, and is replaced with a serious expression and a glare at Engarde--though his tone is still light* She's fine. And will continue to be, regardless of what you pull. *he turns to continue walking*

Matt: *calls after him, his voice very light and cheerful as he smiles sweetly in Wright's direction.* Tell her I say hi and can't wait for her next post! I just love knowing absolutely everything that is going on in both of your lives...

Wright: *stops again, his back facing Engarde* We'll be sure to enjoy everything you can't. Like... visiting that cat of yours! *waves a hand casually in farewell and continues on*

Wright: *finally comes to the right cell, and he glances in--at the individual there as well as the...unique decor of the room--as the as the guard unlocks the cell door and slides it open for him to step through. The barred door slides shut with a loud clank once he is through*

Diego: *looks up as Wright enters, grinning from ear to ear and gesturing to the extra chair he's had placed in the cell for the day. Is taken back by the appearance of the other man, but does his best not to let it show* Good afternoon, Trite. Want some coffee? *is already rising, assuming the answer before he hears it*

Wright: *grins a little at the name he's addressed as-it's not like he was expecting anything else, really* Afternoon, Mr. Armando. Uh-sure, whatever you're having.

Diego: *moves to retrieve a mug - as he already has his own - and pours coffee into it* Have a seat, Trite, you're making me nervous. *slams back the rest of his own mug before refilling it*

Wright: *heads over to and takes a seat on the chair set out for him, resting his elbows on his knees and slouching forward slightly, watching Diego fill up the mugs* I never pictured you as the kind of person to get nervous.

Diego: *takes his own seat, offering out the second mug to the other man while sipping from his own* In fairness I never pictured you as the kind of person to get disbarred, either.

Wright: *chuckles haltingly, accepting the mug* Granted.

Diego: *sips from his cup, mulling over his thoughts for a second* So, Wright, how should we go on? We can continue with the small talk for a bit or we can just start asking the question. I don't like beating around the bush, it's against one of my rules, but I can do it for you because I so rarely get visitors.

Wright: *shrugs a little, attempting a sip of the coffee--but the stuff's much too hot and he tries his best not to wince as his tongue is scalded* Well... how are you? Maya hasn't come to visit yet, has she?

Diego: *cocks an eyebrow behind his mask and just grins* Well, all right. No, she hasn't come to visit. I don't expect her to. Did have a different visitor day before yesterday, though. That was something ... special. *sips from his coffee again*

Wright: Oh? I think she will, eventually... it's just a question of whether or not she wants me or Pearls to come along as well. *glances down at his mug, blowing lightly at the liquid in an attempt to cool it down faster* Who else came to visit?

Diego: *waves his hand dismissively* It can wait. Tell me about yourself, Trite. Tell me about this daughter you mentioned.

Wright: *relaxes somewhat, lowering the mug to rest on a knee* Her name's Trucy. She's eight--*considers* almost nine actually. Nine years old this May. Wants to be a grand magician.

Diego: *just stares back*

Wright: *notices the silence, and glances back up at Diego*

Diego: *struggles with the idea that Wright honestly may not know the question implicit in the silence* ...Almost nine?

Wright: Yeah, she's adopted. ...You... didn't think I had her in my teens, did you?!

Diego: *settles back into his chair, doing his best to appear nonchalant* Well, Trite, you never know; taking every opportunity offered is one of my rules, after all. *turns and coughs into his free hand*

Wright: ... *it's his turn to stare*

Diego: *sips his coffee again, pondering whether or not to continue with this line of joking, and decides against it* Look, Wright, tell me about the disbarment. I've been out of the loop for a while and the papers don't say much.

Wright: If you dug back far enough I'm sure they do. I looked over a couple of them... "Phoenix Wright Trounced by Newcomer, Disbarred" "Ace Attorney Submits Forged Evidence," "Wright's Wrongs" ... *attempts another sip of the coffee, forcing down a small gulp*

Diego: *grunts, setting down the coffee and leaning forward, resting his forearms on his knees* You know that's not what I'm talking about. I know what the headlines say, what the reporters printed. What happened, Wright?

Wright: *shrugs again, shifting the cup in his hands and looking down at it* Like they said. I submitted a piece of evidence during the trial, something I'd only gotten that morning. It was a forgery. *frowns slightly* The prosecutor was ready for it, had a 'special witness' to confirm the fabrication...

Wright: ...I nearly got my client found guilty over it. *his voice shakes, though it's not clear whether it's in anger or some other emotion* Some innocent guy; I know he was innocent...

Diego: So you have suspicions about who might be responsible? For the forgery.

Wright: *hesitates for a long moment*

Diego: *picks up his coffee again and slams back the rest of it before it cools off any further, rising to refill it again* You have no reason to hide anything from me. There's no one I can tell.

Wright: Right... I know. And yeah, I do.

Diego: *returns with a refilled cup and pulls his chair closer to Phoenix's, leaning in close and speaking in hushed tones* Look, any suspicions you have...I dunno that I can help, but I can share what little I do know. Even if I can't help, I can still lend you an ear, right?

Wright: *looks up at the man carefully* ...You really can't just sit back, huh?

Diego: *stares at Phoenix, not realizing what he's talking about for the space of several seconds* You'll excuse me for being slightly paranoid, Trite. The old guy across the hall may sleep a lot, but they have audio monitors all over the place here, and you never know when the wrong person might hear you saying something. *sits back up and scoots his chair back, grinning wryly over his coffee and taking a long, loving sip of it, exhaling in a breath of hot air* But you don't have to assume our conversation is recorded, Trite; that's my rule, not yours.

Wright: *with a touch of amusement* ...I meant "sitting back" figuratively, Mr. Armando.

Diego: I... huh. *stares at Phoenix for a second, gulping down the coffee though it's so hot it hurts his mouth* It...look, Wright, it...it's harder in here. Stuck in here, I'm not even a spectator; my information is all second or third hand. Where I can help, I freely admit to being more than eager to do so, but being powerless will do that to you. *considers a moment* You know the feeling too. I know you do.

Wright: I guess I do. *rubs the back of his head with a free hand, looking at the person in front of him with evident sympathy* Yeah, I do. And I appreciate your offer, Mr. Armando. I just don't know how much I really... know, myself. *takes a sip of his coffee, contemplating*

Wright: I was pretty paranoid for a while... but now it almost seems like everything is stabilizing again. I've got my daughter; Iris and I are seeing each other again; I've got a job to make ends meet... *glances down, spinning the mug slowly in his hands, watching the coffee whirl as it cools down*

Diego: ...And you've retained your ability to dodge questions.

Wright: H-huh?

Diego: This is the third time I've asked you about your suspicions, Trite. I'm not going to ask you again without turning that mug into another hat for you.

Wright: *grimaces, putting a hand over his face just in case* Right, right. *in a low voice* I don't know how much you've read about the trial, but there was more than one person who stuck out. The key witness, who had quite a few reasons to want my client out of the way. *frowns* The prosecutor, Klavier Gavin, who knew I was going to present that page even before I did. I've looked into--I'm still looking into both of them. But it doesn't seem like either of them are responsible.

Diego: So where does that leave you?

Wright: *shrugs* Confused.

Diego: *sips his coffee* Fair enough. *looks out across the hall, into Yogi's cell, and keeps looking as he continues* Listen. That visitor I got? I imagine you know him.

Wright: *doubtfully* Edgeworth came for a talk?

Diego: Who? *glances back at Wright before looking out the cell again* No, I was visited by Kristoph Gavin.

Wright: *sits up at that* ... I didn't know you two were acquainted.

Diego: *grins ironically, turning back and sipping his coffee again* Might wanna work on that poker face a bit, Trite. But...yeah. He came by because he said there were things he could "learn" from me. Had a lot of questions. Big ones were about you.

Wright: "Learn" from you...? About me? *rubs his face with his free hand, and when he pulls it away, his features actually seem somewhat more unreadable*

Diego: That looks a lot better. *takes another sip, maybe out of habit of the motion because he doesn't get much coffee* Yeah, they were about you. They seemed odd, though. Questions about how far I would trust you. Not peculiar, Trite, considering your recent history, but this conversation was started because he became interested in old wounds I held towards you.

Wright: How far to trust me... *shuts his eyes, leaning back* He does have reason to ask that.

Diego: And what's that?

Wright: I'm working for him. And not many attorneys in this city would let me fifty feet near their offices, much less let me touch their cases.

Wright: *quietly* ...But it's not a coincidence you brought this up just now, huh. After getting me to tell you about my suspicions.

Diego: Sharp as a hammer, you are. Yeah. He asked me this question...the whole thing was off, Wright. It didn't make any sense. He was lying to me, but I'm not sure about what. I couldn't get it out of him. It felt like the questions he asked had answers he expected to hear.

Wright: Like he expected what?

Diego: I don't know. He couldn't have expected me to say I trusted you. I tried to lead him, and I bluffed my way through a lot of it, but... *shakes his head* Not much out of it. But he didn't react to the whole thing. His composure, thin as it was, never really wavered. He was very obviously trying to keep himself under control - something was wrong with him. I just can't say what.

Wright: *finally opens his eyes, squinting down at his coffee--which has pretty much turned lukewarm* I've noticed it too--his composure, I mean. *defensively* But... so he cares about appearances. That isn't saying anything. *a bit pointedly* And not everyone gets unnerved by your antics, Mr. Armando.

Diego: *snorts, shaking his head and gulping down the rest of his coffee* Unbelievable. Why are you rationalizing for behavior you recognize? You see the pattern as plainly as I do.

Wright: *glances to the side* .... Because I trust him.

Diego: Trust him? ...You're either an idiot or lying to me, Trite, and you're not an idiot. *tilts his head back and grins as he realizes something, though the grin is by no means warm* Wait. Are you holding out on me too, Wright? I know you - you're bound to have investigated the man who made the forged evidence. There's no rock you've left unturned. If you know something I don't, do enlighten me - I hate being in the dark.

Wright: *to his credit, his face is pretty unreadable when he glances back at Diego* I'm not holding back anything. ...I talked to the forger on the day of the trial, in the courtroom... he claimed that he didn't know who his client was, or what the paper was going to be used for.

Wright: I've looked into him, but I haven’t gone to talk to him yet; he's a pretty private person.

Diego: *his eyes narrow out of habit, but the part of his expression Phoenix can see doesn't change* That's a Hell of a lie, Wright. You expect me to believe that you left it at that? Come off it.

Wright: *this time, that flash of anger and sincerity shines through as he glares at the accusation* I'm not lying. I haven't gone yet. *scowls, glancing at his mug* You don't need to tell me that I should--I know that. Things came up. I've been busy.

Diego: *keeps grinning - until he sees that flash of anger, and then his jaw drops* A year. *sits straighter, grinding his teeth, the tendons on his hands standing out as he clasps his hand on his coffee mug* You've been letting the trail go cold for a year?

Wright: *his voice raising--if there was something for him to slam his hands on, he probably would have--but as it is he just clenches his fists and continues glaring* It hasn't been a year yet--and I've been looking into it--just not from this angle!

Wright: You try investigating when you have an eight year old, an office job and a relationship to take care of--when everything's gone stale and nothing has turned up on any other lead for months!

Diego: You tell me, Trite, how you can stand living with the uncertainty of not knowing who's out to get you when you have a little girl to take care of. How can you go home to her every night and look at her and bear to think "I love you, but I'm not doing everything I can to protect you because it's hard to make time"?

Wright: This doesn't... I don't even... *the color drains from his face, and he unconsciously tries to run a hand through his hair--all that ends up happening is that his palm skids over his hat, of course*

Wright: *quietly* Yeah. You're right.

Diego: *places his index finger against his visor, thoughtfully, forcing his voice to soften* Listen, Wright, I know you mean well, but a man has to take responsibility for himself and the people he cares about. You have so much more freedom to move and act right now... You have to make use of it.

Wright: *nods firmly* I've been slacking off... but I'll see to that.

Wright: *takes one last sip of his drink, and finishes it off. He stares at the empty mug for a long moment before offering it to Diego and standing up* That stuff was pretty bitter... but thanks for the coffee, Mr. Armando.

Diego: *takes it from him, and nods* Do what you can, Wright. In the end, it's all anyone can ask of you. *takes another sip of his own coffee* ...Err. Before you go.

Wright: Huh?

Diego: *wrestles with asking this question, wondering whether or not he should bother* How...how's Maya been? Since that whole... business?

Wright: She's been strong. There's still something there though... I think. She's surprisingly good at hiding it. *stuffs his hands into the pockets of his hoodie* ...You should talk to her.

Diego: *it's his turn to look into his mug, not looking up as he speaks* ...Please don't mention this to her, Wright. Phoenix. Please. I don't want her knowing that I was involved in your "investigation," no matter how far outside of it I am. I don't think I could face her again.

Wright: *looks on, startled and not sure if he fully understands the mindset of the man sitting in front of him. He nods* I won't tell her about it...

Wright: *smiling softly* but all the same, you should talk to her. If I'm going to face the truth... so should you.

Diego: *still not looking up* You're probably right, Trite. I know. I'll...if it comes up, I'll face it. I promise. *downs the rest of his coffee, and grins* Faced with the inferno, a man must know where to fill his bucket.

Wright: *the analogy is completely lost on him, but he chuckles in agreement* ...Yeah. *adjusts the hat on his head, and heads over to the doorway to signal the guard, who comes and unlocks the door. Before he steps through, he glances back at Diego* Thanks again.

Diego: Anytime, Wright. You need someone to talk to, you can come back.

Wright: *nods, taking a hand out of his pocket to wave as he heads down the hall, towards the penitentiary's exit*

Diego: *reciprocates the wave, and moves to wipe his hand down his face - stopping when he touches his visor, as if surprised by its being there. Rises from his chair and sets Wright's mug aside, refilling his own*

Redd: *wakes up from his nap to the sound of the door in the next cell being opened and closed. When he looks up, he sees a man in a hoodie and hat walking down the hall near his cell. Despite the hat covering the hair, Redd recognizes him as Wright. He decides to check if his suspicions are correct* You there, the one who looks like an idiot.

Wright: *at the voice, he glances over to Redd with a lazy stare*

Redd: *gets up to a sitting position on his bed* You're Mr. Wrong, aren't you?

Wright: Wright. ...Phoenix Wright. And you're Mr. Redd White.

Redd: *brightens up when Wright confims his thoughts..and when he says his name* Oh hoh hoh. So you remember my abso-posi-lutely self after all. I thought you would have forgotified me.

Wright: *shrugs casually* You've got too much of a pretty face to forget, wouldn't you say?

Redd: *Redd chuckles a bit* Sorry, Wrong. I don't swingulate that way. I appreciate the compliment, though. So what bringifies you here?

Wright: *looks past Redd to glance inside his cell, noting the... interesting decor, especially the large painting of the occupant of the room wrestling a... tiger. He raises an eyebrow and grins* Not to visit you. *he turns to leave* Ciao.

Redd: *leans towards the cell door in order to say something to Wright* That painting is basified on true events, Wrong. Just so you know.

Wright: *chuckles a little as he walks off, responding just with a wave of his hand as he leaves the maximum security block*

scene, matt engarde, damon gant, mishams, disbarment, richard wellington, kristoph gavin, redd white, diego armando, investigation, trucy

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