The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - AKA, Checklist Aaiiee.

Feb 01, 2013 18:37

I haven't typed anything in here for a long time. There has been Stuff, and Things, including New Year's, my nameday, and various adventures in meeting Kallian's relatives. (Who are noisy and mad, but rather shiny and don't seem to mind me - so that's all crispy ( Read more... )

doom, hazard, litchking

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Comments 4

anysbryd February 3 2013, 12:19:27 UTC
When are you back in the dennest? 8th or are you oasting first?


wraithwitch February 4 2013, 20:57:15 UTC
*neurons look at calendars and flowcharts and notes they wrote on other neurons*

Flight is on the 8th, I believe I shall arrive on the 9th. I'll be in the flat until the 15th, then there will be Oast stuff for about a week, then there will be shamblyland time again.


ketchgirl February 3 2013, 22:20:35 UTC
This keecher would like to be added to your to see list - will dates :)


wraithwitch February 4 2013, 20:58:30 UTC
You are on the list darlin' =)


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