The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - AKA, Checklist Aaiiee.

Feb 01, 2013 18:37

I haven't typed anything in here for a long time. There has been Stuff, and Things, including New Year's, my nameday, and various adventures in meeting Kallian's relatives. (Who are noisy and mad, but rather shiny and don't seem to mind me - so that's all crispy.)

However today I'm mostly going to werble about lists and forms.

The whole US Visa thing fills me with mild woe. I have no idea if the UK version is as pokey as the US (it probably is), all the knowledge I have of UK forms is for basic tax, student loans, polling cards and the national census. They at least are in the habit of clearly stating what they demand you fill in. The visa forms here are sly and slippery as are the government websites: they don't tell you of at least two other forms you have to fill in if you don't want to immediately get rejected. Nor of the detailed cover letter you must provide. Not to mention they ask the same question multiple times (only once with utter clarity) and space their questions so everything sort of runs into itself and you're not entirely certain which sections apply to you.

Blah, say I. It's simply not cricket.

As if to allow neurons to prove they are actually capable of utilising facts, instructions and the english language all at once, I have been making lists.

There is the List of Bills I have to Pay.
The List of Jobs I Have to Do & Dull Things I Must Sort Before I Leave.
The List of Things to Show Kallian in London.
The List of Things I have to Buy and/or Make for Event of Doom.
The List of Keechers and Monsters I Have to See.
And, lastly, The Ever Growing List of Things I Have to Try to Find in My Nest and Fit in My Suitcase.


On an entirely different topic, did you know that palm trees aren't actually trees. They're giant single stalks of pinhead mold. Which explains why they're scaly and hairy and all out weird looking with their silly floof of leaves on the top.


doom, hazard, litchking

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