Cognitive Dissonance and Procrastination.

Jul 09, 2012 13:11

- The Oast is big and airy and doesn't have bugs. On the other hand it's still not my nest ( Read more... )

oast, litchking, camarilla

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Comments 6

eniel July 9 2012, 12:41:46 UTC
At least you have a skillet! :)
Neurons are trying to convince me that it would be fun to go "all fractal" and only eat fratal food, have fractal decorations and listen to fractal noises. I'm trying to remind them that "work should not overtake your sanity", but they're not listening. *grumbles*


wraithwitch July 9 2012, 12:49:07 UTC
*neurons are intrigued*

how on earth do you get fractal food?!


eniel July 9 2012, 12:52:10 UTC
As far as I can tell, they're stuck on "weeeeeee Romanesco broccoli!" I don't think they've found another edible item so far. Another reason why we're having an argument.


spacedmonkey July 9 2012, 16:59:56 UTC
Meanwhile, my neurons have had a crappy day of crapness so am making pie and mash and courgettes with gravy and a glass of porter.


wraithwitch July 9 2012, 19:30:29 UTC
*wonders why lj did not inform her of this comment. stupid lj*

but you said the class wasn't as awful as you feared....?

pie and mash sounds rather tasty and very good neuron food.

is tomorrow more of the same, or different?


spacedmonkey July 10 2012, 04:49:15 UTC
New class were indeed less awful than feared. I think they were all a bit stunned at the concept of working and am slightly dismayed that the first part of next term will be spent teaching the basics like how to sign "me" and recognising their own photo but at least I know that now and not in september.

However, I had to fight to get the room I needed for meeting my new class, I lost my non-contact time, my throat is raw from combination of cold and screaming in my sleep, I was sop tired I fell asleep at 8pm and today is much the same as I still lack proper staff and still feel awful.


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