Cognitive Dissonance and Procrastination.

Jul 09, 2012 13:11

- The Oast is big and airy and doesn't have bugs. On the other hand it's still not my nest.

- Werewolves are a bugger to draw. None the less I've drawn one, so neurons can feel slightly smug.

- I discovered one can buy laudanum (aka, Ipecacuanha & Morphine Mixture) on Amazon. Neurons have been told most sternly they can't have any. They are plotting for me to get pneumonia so I change my mind.

- I have bought a red raw silk evening gown and a vintage satin wedding dress from ebay costing me 40quid all told. They shall be attacked and cut and re-stitched and adjusted until they resemble something like a gown from the Other London - which is sort of 18th C Alice-in-Wonderland gone wrong. And that'll be my outfit for James's wedding all sorted.

- Today I do lots of accounting. Which is depressing me. Especially since I get to see all the bills my father paid for Zoe's wedding and freak myself out. Bleh.

- My father and a visiting business associate are having a Skype conversation at different ends of the Oast with two other associates in NY. I'm getting their conversation in echo-surround-sound. *Neurons throw small flid about wanting a place of their own with air and room and quiet and no bugs. Neurons start wailing and promptly get hit with a skillet and told to shut the hell up.*


- No more accounting today, that's quite enough thanks.

- I just spent two hours searching for a story fragment from the old Vampire chronicles. Found it (stuck at the end of KK3 for some reason.) It's not as good as I remember. Also, reading those stories now makes me kinda ill. Ergh. Just remember children, given the choice between the love of your unlife and Bedlam, choose Bedlam. Trust me on this.

- PotC soundtrack now and cider please, and can I stop feeling nauseous? Cheers.

oast, litchking, camarilla

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