i'm sure I've missed things out...

Jul 06, 2012 16:04

This week has been very strange and has contained meekle mixed with bloody awful in equal measure which is (in case you didn’t know) confusing as hell and enough to make my neurons dizzy.

- Necromantic things happened; my ghost is plotting things, damn him.

- Jehovah’s Witness came to the door; I tried to tell them the good news about Kee & Cher. (I thought turn about was fair play.) They got scared and almost left without giving me leaflets (damnit, the leaflets are the best bit!) In a pamphlet called ‘Awake!’ was an article asking, Can the Dead Help the Living? I immediately looked it up. It was more warning against ‘spiritistic’ practices and lots of quotes about how dead meant deader than a doornail. The best quote being Isiah 26:14 about how the deceased are ‘impotent in death’. I rather feel the need to write a letter.

Dear religious sirs etc,
The history of Egypt - an older source than Isiah - taught that whilst the dead are impotent (Osiris famously so) it’s very easy to fix, Isis managed it in a night and begot a son. After that Osiris was considered both a god of the dead and a god of fertility, so it seems obvious to me that scholarly research shows ghosts spirits and gods can get it up with the right sort of encouragement.
Whilst we’re on the subject, just how good a necromancer was Isiah? Or any of the sources you quote? For example, did Isiah ever try to shag a ghost?
Have any of you ever tried to shag a ghost?
Then what the hell do you know - stop making libelous accusations.


- Speaking of which, I was sent flowers. They are both fat and floofy (which is a very good thing in a flower) and they’re in a teapot because I don’t own a vase. There was a note with them which began ‘Hee hee!’ which is a rather good way for a gift tag to start I think =)

- I have been painting jackets. I rather hoped to get three painted before Friday, but that was a little over-ambitious on my behalf. Still, I’ve done two, and they look like this:

- I visited Ketch for the first time in ages and was wined and dined as we caught up on each other’s news. I am quite an awful corvid and frequently leave it far too long between visits to friends.

- Was fed curry and chatted with Matt.

- I watched far away fireworks and was told meekle things.

- My window box has an opium poppy in it =)

- Today has been a lesson in why corvids shouldn’t drink a bottle of cheap white wine. I think maybe I have an aristocratic liver. I should have travelled to the Oast but I’m not that much of a martyr.

hazard, jackety, necromancy

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