Did I mention I like my doctor?

Jun 25, 2012 15:44

He took one look at me, frowned slightly and said, "Hmm. So tell me about the last couple of weeks - you haven't been doing so well, have you?" Which considering I was clean, wearing shoes, not twitching like a speed freak and not bleeding on the carpet was pretty perceptive, I thought ( Read more... )

head case, random

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Comments 22

Is this where official requests for pictures are made? thegael_arcayne June 25 2012, 14:58:52 UTC
Is there a form I have to fill out? Back in the day (which was a Wednesday, mind you) I used 'Manic Panic- After Midnight Blue'; it always came out around the sapphire area. Can't wait to see...


Re: Is this where official requests for pictures are made? wraithwitch June 25 2012, 16:28:32 UTC
Yes, this is where official requests for pictures are made.

There isn't a form - neurons can't cope with forms, they'd only turn them into paper aeroplanes or eat them or something.

See post above =)


Amazing feathers! thegael_arcayne June 25 2012, 17:49:30 UTC
You look resplendent... Hope all is well in your world and that there be a winning lottery ticket in the near future; that would be epicness of the highest level.


Re: Amazing feathers! wraithwitch June 25 2012, 19:20:16 UTC
*laughs* I don't think I've ever been called resplendent before, thank you.

And epicness is always to be approved of.

*pokes universe meaningfully*


colonel_maxim June 25 2012, 15:34:50 UTC
Happy Corvid Day, and many cheers for the cool doctor.


wraithwitch June 25 2012, 16:30:36 UTC
Thank you =)

My doctor is the most rocking doctor I've ever encountered - gods know what he's doing in shamblyland.


spacedmonkey June 25 2012, 16:41:46 UTC
Indigo feathers are very shiny!

My Darren and a few of my kids are on Lamotrigine (Lamitcal in my world) but for their epilepsy. No zombies, but they burn really easily in the sun, so perhaps a bit of vampirism.


wraithwitch June 25 2012, 17:42:32 UTC
Thank you - I rather like them too =)

Ah, meep, he said it was originally developed as an anti-convulsant for epilepsy. Heh, I have no problem with being a vampire.


annwfyn June 25 2012, 17:57:56 UTC
The blue looks good.


wraithwitch June 25 2012, 18:21:52 UTC
Thank you =)
I feel I ought to put on a long ragged white dress and hang about a graveyard talking to a worm...


bytepilot June 26 2012, 11:04:32 UTC
Is anything preventing you putting on a long ragged white dress and hanging about in a graveyard talking to a worm ?

Also, you are indeed mad as cheese.
But in the good way.



wraithwitch June 26 2012, 11:26:59 UTC
Erm... I don't have a long ragged white dress or a worm but I do have a lot of stuff I'm meant to be doing which doesn't include procrastinating in graveyards. OTHER than that, no, not a thing =)


slavelabour June 25 2012, 21:35:58 UTC
That's a good look for you, doll!


wraithwitch June 25 2012, 22:11:12 UTC
Heehee - thank you =)
Just as well - I have loads of the hairdye left so this could be a look I'm keeping for a while!


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